Chapter 12 – Divine Realm and Ship Purchase

After the transaction with Camille-san, we went out to sea and transferred to the luxury liner.

“Well, I’m off to church, so you can all go. Ines, Felicia, please take care of Rimu for me.”

“Wataru-san, I’m going to church too, so I’ll join you.”

I leave Rimu with Ines and Felicia and go to the church with Claretta-san.

“Wataru-san, have you decided what kind of luxury liner you are going to buy?”

“At the moment, I’m thinking of buying a small luxury liner. It’s a ship that focuses on the cuisine of my hometown, and I’d like Claretta-san to know about it.”

Because the Japanese food on the Castle was not what I expected. The ship I am thinking of buying has a restaurant that is mainly run by Japanese chefs, so it should be fine.

“Fufu, I’ll do my best to learn it.”

We arrived at the church after talking about the characteristics of Japanese cuisine and about the gods. It is difficult to tell the truth about the gods, so it is a little difficult to end the conversation with a cover-up so that there are no lies.

I entered the church and kneeled before the statues of the gods as I always do. When I open my eyes, I see the Creator God-sama. …I’ve gotten used to being called to the divine realm, haven’t I? It’s hard to get used to, and it doesn’t seem to do me any good. If it weren’t for the goddesses, I’d probably leave the church.

“Wataru-kun, what’s with your strange face?”

It’s not a strange face; it’s a desperate face.

“No, it’s nothing. It’s been a long time, Creator God-sama, God of Light-sama.”

“Yes, it’s been a long time. Is it okay if we make an appointment to play on a luxury liner next time?”

“Yes. I came to ask you since I can afford it. When would you like to go?”

“Yes, I’m fine right now, but God of Light, when would be good for you?”

“This time, the gods who couldn’t come last time also want to attend, so I would like to bring about 500 people. I’ve already made some selections, but I need some time. How about in five days?”


“Huh, five days is not a problem. I will prepare 500 tickets. The deadline is the same as last time, three days, right?”

“Yes, please take care of it.”

“Oh, wait a minute. I would like to have more days to play. Please, Wataru-kun.”

It’s not good. I’m having trouble even with three days, and more days will make it even more difficult.

“I’m sorry, Creator God-sama, but I’m very nervous about meeting the gods, so please make it three days.”

“Eh, you’re not that nervous, are you? Even though you looked like you were having a good time seeing the goddesses.”

It was fun. It was fun, but it was definitely nerve-wracking. The longer you stay, the more likely there will be trouble. I want you to give me a break.

“The goddesses were there to help me get through the three days. Creator God-sama knows that I have a weak mind, right? My mind can’t take it.”

“Hmm, is that so? Can’t you handle it for a while?”


“Creator God-sama, you can’t go on like this. If you are too selfish, he will refuse you if you want to visit the luxury liner. If that happens, you will have to take the complaints of the gods who are looking forward to it.”

“Huh… I understand. I’m sorry, Wataru-kun, three days will be enough, so please don’t refuse me.”

He immediately gave up. He received so many complaints. The reason he originally asked me to be active was because the God of War-sama and the others had complained about me.

“Three days will be enough. I’ll make sure to prepare well.”

When I told the God of Light-sama and the Creator God-sama that I would return soon, he brought up another topic.

“Hey, Wataru-kun, you’re going to buy a new luxury liner, right? I’m going to put the statues of the gods on it.”

“As long as the God of Light-sama doesn’t have a problem with it, I’m okay with it.”

I don’t really care if there is a sanctuary or not. If it’s discovered, I can just seal it off, and it won’t matter much.

Without sanctuaries, the gods can’t visit… which is easy, but it also creates the dilemma of not being able to see the God of Light-sama, the God of Gastronomy-sama, and the Goddess of the Forest-sama.

“I don’t like to add too many sanctuaries, but in the case of your ship, the sanctuary was allowed to be built at the strong request of the gods. I would like to ask a favor of you if you don’t mind.”

A strong request from the gods, you say, is that so popular? The God of Light-sama must have been told something strong because she looks a little worried.

“How is it? If it’s something difficult, it will be a problem for me.”

“It is not difficult. You just have to hide the fact that there is a sanctuary. It would be bad if word got out that there were more sanctuaries.”

“I originally planned to hide it, so if that’s the extent of the problem, there’s no problem.”

“Thank you very much. Since it is not usually possible to go down to the lower world casually, the gods look forward to it. The last time we went on a luxury liner, it was so well received that more and more people wanted to go…”

The God of Light-sama smiles in annoyance. I guess there is word of mouth even among the gods. It seems that the popularity has been ignited.

“I see. I’m happy if I can repay Creator God-sama a little since I originally received this ability from Creator God-sama.”

“That’s great! You are wonderful, aren’t you, Wataru-kun? The gods who benefit from me are always complaining, but you understand who gave you the power. I wish the gods would learn from you. Wataru-kun, why don’t you make a speech to the gods next time? All you have to do is tell them how you feel about me.”

I don’t think that Creator God-sama is the least bit aware that I am in trouble. When I give a lecture, I list all the things that are troubling me, but he seems to think that he’s going to be completely praised. If I agree to do it because I think it’s a joke, there’s a possibility that Creator God-sama will actually do it. I should say no.

“If I gave a lecture in front of the gods, I would be so scared that my heart would stop.

“Don’t worry. You will only be a soul, so your heart will not stop.

Creator God-sama, that’s not the point.

“Creator God-sama, even if Wataru-san gave a lecture, it would only transfer the evil deeds of Creator God-sama to Wataru-san.”

“Why? There are no evil deeds.”

“There are many gods who are in trouble just because Creator God-sama seems to think so. If Wataru-san gives a lecture praising Creator God-sama, they will try to wake him up and refute him by telling him what has happened so far. It is useless to do that because it will only make things worse.

Creator God-sama sulked as he mumbled something about how that wasn’t true. I’m impressed that he has the mentality to clearly say that there is no such thing as evil deeds, even though he created a demon king, from what I’ve heard.

“God of Light-sama, will you come to the new luxury liner that I’m going to buy?”

“No, it seems that there will be fewer opportunities to go on the ship that will be opened to the public in the future, so please go on the same ship as last time. I didn’t get a chance to enjoy everything on the Castle.”

Well, it was only for three days. You will still be able to enjoy the Castle. Even though I’m having a lot of fun, I’m not enjoying it at all.

I feel like I’m going to get into trouble just by being here. I’ll have to lift the sulking Creator God-sama’s mood and bring him back to normal. I feel a little uneasy about Creator God-sama, who revives easily when I praise him.

When I open my eyes, I see the statues of the gods in front of me. I’m back. I call Claretta-san, who is about to get up and start cleaning. I come back in an instant, so it doesn’t feel quite right, does it?

“Claretta-san, I’ve finished praying, so I’ll talk to you during dinner.

“I’ll let the other members know. Where would you like to eat?”

“Oh, well, I’d like to have pizza. If there is nothing else you would like to eat, please suggest a pizza place.”

“I understand.”

I left Claretta-san and went back to my room. Ines, Felicia, and Rimu haven’t come back yet. I guess I’m too early because I just came back right after going to church.

Since I have time, I should buy the luxury liner. Crystal Serenity is my first choice, but… I’ll look for other options.


Hmm, if I had to worry about it, I could just buy Asuka 2… or I could buy both ships, but I’d rather enjoy one of them and buy the next one anyway.

This time I’m going to buy the Crystal Serenity. I am interested in the luxury class. If I decide to buy one, I should buy it right away. If I give it some time, I’ll worry about it again.

I summon a savings ship and take out 350 platinum coins. One by one, I put the platinum coins into the slot. Now that I can meet Creator God-sama, should I ask him to change this annoying system?

No, I shouldn’t overdo it. God can be a little rough. …When I think about it, asking the God of Gastronomy-sama to give me a lap pillow is a bit foolhardy, isn’t it?

That went well because Creator God-sama was the one who initiated the conversation, but one wrong move and it could have been disastrous.

It was thanks to Creator God-sama that I was able to get the earwax on the lap of the Goddess of Gastronomy-sama and the Goddess of the Forest-sama. Next time, I’ll pray to him firmly. It’s no use telling him directly because that would cause a fuss.

I finish inserting the 350 platinum coins and press the buy button. Yes, it’s on the purchase page. Now all I have to do is choose a name.

…..I can’t think of a good name. I’m limited to “Chris” because of the name of the ship and “Lux” because of the luxury class. I think I’ll just go with Chris.

“Master, we’re back.”

“Oh, Ines, Felicia, Rimu, welcome back.”

I hugged Rimu, who jumped into my arms. He’s so cute.

“Rimu, ate.”

“Hmm. What did you eat?”


“You ate a donut. Was it good?”


“I see. That’s good. Did you thank Ines and Felicia?”

“I did.”

I asked in the heat of the moment, but Ines and Felicia didn’t understand Rimu’s intentions. I wonder what happened? I am a little curious.

“Can you show me how you thanked them?”


With that, Rimu bounced up and down, went over to Ines, and climbed onto her shoulder. He rubs Ines’ cheek. When he’s done, he goes over to Felicia and does the same. I see; that’s how he thanks them.

Ines and Felicia also heard me and were surprised that it was a thank you. I guess it can’t be helped. It just looked like he was playing with them.

But I think it’s a way of saying thank you because it heals me too. Ines and Felicia also smile and pat Rimu. After playing with Rimu for a while, Felicia calls out to me.

“Master, Claretta-san said we will meet at the pizza place for dinner.”

“Yes, I understand. Thank you.”

“So, what was Master doing?”

“Well, I bought a new luxury liner.”

“Ara, you already bought one. Which one did you buy?”

“I bought the smaller one with better service. We’ll talk about it over dinner at the pizza place, and the unveiling will be tomorrow.”

Was it a mistake to decide where to have dinner first? No. Maybe it was a good thing because if I had told them about the new luxury liner, they would have spent a lot of time asking me about the gods. I was probably too busy showing them around the ship.

We relaxed until dinner time, talking about the features of the new luxury liner, and then we went to the pizza place. When I walked in, everyone was sitting down. I guess I kept them waiting.

“Thank you for your patience. I’m sorry to keep you all waiting.”

“That’s okay. So, after you go to the church, you want to talk to us about something that has to do with the gods?”

“Yes, you’re right, Alessia-san. Well, let’s just eat, and then we’ll talk.”

Looking at Claretta-san, she seems to be one step ahead of all the excitement. There’s a chance we won’t have dinner until later.

She loves the gods so much, and I think it’s possible to get her to meet them if I ask the gods when they descend… I’m afraid that if I let her meet them, she’ll say she’ll serve the gods for the rest of her life or something like that. I can’t stand the thought of her beautiful chest being dedicated to the gods.

“Well, let’s eat before we talk.”

Alessia-san also smiled bitterly when she saw what I was about to say from the way I looked at her. We ordered a variety of pizzas and ate them, taking what we wanted.

It’s convenient that even when we order a large quantity, there’s never a surplus because of the gluttonous quartet. However, if we’re not careful, the food we want to eat gets flattened before we get a chance to eat it.

It’s not curry, but the gluttonous quartet makes pizza look like a drink.

Funds on hand: 32 gold coins, 69 silver coins, 78 copper coins

Guild account: 0 platinum, 70 gold

Savings ship: 739 platinum coins

Pepper ship: 0 ship

Charity expenses: 95 platinum, 70 gold coins