Su Fangfei and Fang rubing can't help but look at each other and realize everything!

Song Anqi and muyuanhao's wedding is a cover! This so-called grand wedding banquet, put clearly is a conspiracy!

A plan for Meng ran, please enter the urn!

Wan Zhibin and lane, who are expected to rush back to Jiangbei, prevent mu Yuanhao from marrying song Anqi.

That's why it took so much publicity to spread the engagement of song Anqi and mu Yuanhao to Meng ran in the south of the Yangtze River.

That is to say, behind the wedding banquet, Wan Zhibin and Ryan have arranged everything. As soon as Meng ran appears, they will be killed!



On the jade face of the second daughter, there are worries and anxieties. Now, the four of them are real sheep in the tiger's mouth!

Hundreds of vampires have now infiltrated every corner of the wedding hall!

Three women have no doubt, at this moment, their side, has been surrounded by vampires!

At this moment, Su Fangfei finally understood the meaning of Meng Ran's "drinking with a group of vampires" last night!

This is a vampire's nest!

"Just be at ease. Of course I won't let them hurt you." Meng ran gently hugged three women for a while, smiling and comforting.

"But..." What else did Su Fangfei want to say when she heard a burst of applause and cheers.

But wan Zhibin, Jiangzhou's richest man in a gray suit, finally appeared in the crowd!

"It's him! Wan Zhibin Fang such as ice Mou dew hate, for this dare to betray his teacher's son of a bitch, kill intention is full.

Wan Zhibin held a microphone in his hand and walked up to the high platform.

"You are welcome to take time out of your busy schedule to go to Jiangzhou for the wedding banquet of my son Yuanhao. On this auspicious day today, Wan has another piece of good news to share with you. That is, I, Wan Zhibin, have accepted mu Yuanhao as his son. Today, I, Wan Zhibin, will officiate for Yuanhao! "

When the voice dropped, there was an uproar on and off the stage.

"What!? Wan Zhibin accepted mu Yuanhao as his son? What makes him? "

"He used to be a dog of Ms. muyuan! After following Meng Xianshi, now even Mu family dare to step on their feet? "

Although the voices of discussion and doubt are endless.

However, Li Chunsheng, the richest man in Jiangbei, said nothing and even took the lead in clapping.

Under the leadership of Li Chunsheng, the hundreds of rich men infected with vampires applauded one after another.

After all, today is the day when muyuanhao and song Anqi are very happy. Even if some rich people have some doubts about Wan Zhibin, it is not good to attack on the spot.

Gradually, the whole wedding hall, applause thunderous, is Meng Ran is sneering and clapping.

"Good! Thank you for your appreciation. Next, let's invite the bride and groom to come out! "

Wan Zhibin clapped his hands with a smile.

Mu Yuanhao, dressed in a snow-white tuxedo, walks up to the stage with a white wedding dress in his arms.

Along with the bride and groom, there are Pei Jun and MS. muyuan.

But I don't know why, this man and a woman have an unnatural expression, and they are black and blue, as if they have been beaten severely.

Along the way, I was even more nervous, and there was no joy in my face as an elder.

"Sister Ling, don't you think it's wrong? Mu Yuanhao got married. As the head of the family, Mr. Mu didn't come, not even Mu Kun and Mu Mou. Moreover, Mu Qingya was mu Yuanhao's sister. Why didn't she come? "

Looking up, Chen Yu frowned and asked in a low voice.

Not only he, but all the guests in the reception hall smelled a bit of strange smell.

This wedding seems to have changed