Chapter 583 Miss Akilah

Chapter 583 Miss Akilah

Even though the war was ongoing with demons, the market was still bustling. After all, no matter the time, mages needed supplies to cultivate, recover from their injuries, restore their mana reserves etc. this was even more true in a war situation.

After asking around, Max found out there were several auction houses in the market, some were small sized, some were medium sized, and a few ones.

Since he wanted to sell his magic techniques for a good enough price and have no worry afterwards, he chose one of the big auction houses that had a comparatively better reputation.

Therefore, a while later, he arrived in front of Sterling Auction House. It was opened by Sterling merchant hall which apparently had their auction houses in several kingdoms, and was quite powerful.

Max was quite surprised to see that the people guarding the entrance were two beautiful females in tight fitting battle robes. With a longsword in hand, they looked combat ready.

Given how the females were slightly more numerous, and stronger than males because of their higher affinity with mana, this scene wasn't uncommon. But because this was Max's first time seeing female mages guard the entrance, he was slightly surprised. all new stories at n0ve/lbi/n(.)com

Seeing their beautiful faces, and well sculpted bodies that their tight-fitting robes accentuated even more, he secretly licked his lips, and put a handsome smile on his face, and walked towards them.

However, as he neared them, his smile faltered slightly because he felt a mounting pressure. Even though they were just standing there motionlessly, and weren't even looking at him, their aura fields were active, putting a substantial amount of pressure on anyone who neared the auction house' entrance.

What is this? A test? Max thought.

Just then, one of the female guards spoke, and confirmed his guess.

"Only those who can enter the gate while bearing this pressure are fit to be one of our customers."

Interesting... Max smiled.

He could tell that no one weaker than high-stage three-star level could ensure this pressure and wouldn't be able to enter.

It would seem this move was foolish since the auction house was losing many business opportunities, but as far as the Sterling Auction House was concerned, such small business opportunities could be easily neglected.

What they wanted was bigger businesses, that only higher level mages could provide. By denying the weaker experts entry, they were making the stronger experts look special, therby boosting their egoes. This would naturally made them want to come to this auction house to buy or auction their goods.

"Yeah, sorry, I was thinking about something else." He said, then changed the topic, and took out two scrolls, "I'm here to sell these. Tell me how many mid or high grade mana stones these worth."

The attendent took the scrolls and opened them one by one, taking a brief look at them each time.

Max was slightly disappointed seeing how calm she was. He had expected the spells from the system to be extraordinary, and earn him a good number of mana stone but it seemed...

Before he could complete this train of thought, the calm attendent suddenly let out a loud shout of disbelief, "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!"

Her shout not only badly startled Max, but also everyone else in the reception hall.

Some frowned in displeasure, but didn't say anything since seemed to be an employee of the Sterling Auction House, but a few older employees of the auction house and some guests who recognised her, were stunned.

"What can startle the manager so much?" An employee muttered and unable to suppress her curiosity, rushed over. Others who knew her to be The Manager of the auction house did the same.

The renowned manager of the Sterling Auction House in Green Leaf Kingdom, one of the most beautiful pearls in the Royal City, Miss Akilah, had a strange hobby. She loved to dress up like her employees and work between them. Of course, not many knew this and those who did, didn't dare to talk about it casually lest they invited her wrath.

She was, after all, one of the few people in the whole kingdom who even the Royal family didn't dare to offend causally. So, how could they dare to?

With Max hearing, and given the fact the employee's voice wasn't low, he clearly heard her and was naturally surprised.

'Sure enough, she isn't just an attendent.' He let a disappointed sigh. If she was just an attendent, it would've been easier to seduce... ahem, coax her into leaving the auction house and be with him.

Miss Akilah didn't seem to notice the commotion she caused or his disappointment. After taking a deep breath, she began saying in an excited voice, "Sir, normal grade three elemental magic spells can fetch a few hundred mid grade mana stone in an auction. However..."

"...these two aren't any grade three elemental magic spells, they are Realmbreaker spells. Even more extraordinarily, unlike other realmbreaker spells that can only give the user the power of one realm above their current realm, these two spells can give user power of two, and if I'm not wrong, a whole three realms above. You know what this means?"

She paused to take another breath before continuing in even more excited voice, "This means as long as a three-star mage masters them, has four-star, five-star, and king rank elemental mana with him, and can utilize that mana while casting them, he can exert the power of these higher realms. I... I can't believe not one, but two such spells exist in this world. It's incredible!!"

The spells Max gave her were Caladium Brachium, and Flame Barrier. He wasn't too surprised upon hearing her words because he could feel he could still use them after breaking through to the four-star realm.

So, while everyone was in shock, and Miss Akilah was in excited state, he took a step forward, grabbed her wrist and pulled her in his arms, tightly hugging her.

"Calm down, beauty, calm down! Don't be too excited."