Chapter 1153 United Under One Banner

Chapter 1153 United Under One Banner

Espoir Frieden...

King Azza glared at the beautiful Elf, who was smiling from ear to ear after hearing the news that Valerie and Aurelia were pregnant with her Grand Disciple's children.

Of course, Hereswith knew that the two Dragon Princesses were Lux's women. She even played a huge role in keeping their lovemaking a secret by erecting a barrier outside of her residence, preventing anyone from seeing or hearing anything.

Lady Augustina was currently talking with King Kazimir about their plans to launch an all-out counterattack toward the Abyssal Lords and leave their family members under his protection.

She also told him discreetly about Valerie's and Aurelia's current condition, which shocked the High-Elven King silly.

However, after finding out that the one who got the two Princesses pregnant was his daughter's Grand Disciple and that it happened right under his nose, he felt very embarrassed and promised that he would ensure that this secret would be kept under wraps.

The Noble Lady who had tried to use an aphrodisiac to humiliate his daughter was already in prison, making her regret ever doing what she did during the party.

Since he was partly at fault for what happened to Valerie and Aurelia, King Kazimir knew that if he didn't handle this properly, the two Dragon Kingdoms would become his enemies.

"I promise that I will keep the two of them safe here in my Domain," King Kazimir vowed. "Also, all the non-combatants of both of your Kingdoms will be allowed to migrate here to my kingdom. We will prepare their temporary residences and provide for them while all of you are away."

King Azza, who was paying attention to their discussion, nodded his head in approval. He could just simply move Karshvar Draconis to the location of Espoir Frieden, allowing his people to be protected by the Elves while their combatants were away.

Keoza could do the same for the territories of the Crystal Palace. Although they were currently based on land, he could easily make the Crystals, on which the cities were built, fly like floating islands in the sky.

On that same day, King Azza and Lady Augustina announced the migration of their domains towards Espoir Frieden.

Their people were surprised by the sudden declaration of their rulers, but they also supported their decision to finally put an end to the threat of the Abyssal Monsters, who had invaded their world.

Keoza took a deep breath before raising his hands.

The territory of the Crystal Palace was created from the Crystal Breaths of Ancient Crystal Dragons. Because of this, the King recognized by its people would be able to control them without too much effort.

One by one, the Crystal Cities rose and hovered in the sky, imitating the floating islands of Karshvar Draconis.

They then began to move in an orderly fashion, like a fleet of battleships that were ready for war.

Two days later, a fleet of floating islands could be seen in the distance, which represented the lands of Karshvar Draconis.

The two Kingdoms, which had been separated due to their beliefs, traveled side by side as they headed to the Ancient Kingdom of the High-Elves, where they would stay until the war was over.

The journey took a week to complete, but the moment they arrived in Espoir Frieden, they were greeted by the cheers and booming horns of the Elves, who had been waiting for their arrival.

The Divine Army of Light, as well as Memento Mori, began to move in the shadows.

Since this war was going to be a battle where all the forces of Elysium would unite under one banner, they temporarily set aside their differences and agreed on a silent truce with each other.

Now that the forces of the world were planning to gather for one massive counter-attack, the Agarthians surfaced from their underground Kingdom and informed the Alliance that they would also take part in the battle that would rid them of the Abyssal Monsters, who nearly destroyed their kingdom several days ago.