Chapter 1162 A Path Of Mayhem And Destruction

Chapter 1162 A Path Of Mayhem And Destruction

"Are you sure they'd be going this way?" An Abyssal Lord on the 105th Layer of the Abyss asked her comrade, who was standing at the portal in front of her with arms crossed over her chest.

"Yes," the red-haired Demoness replied. "According to those on the 109th Layer, the fugitives are trying to escape to the upper Layers. Just like us, they are mobilizing their forces to block their escape."

At that exact moment, the portal in front of them glowed brighter, which was a sign that someone was coming from the other side.

"Get ready," the Abyssal Lord shouted to her forces. "Prepare to fig—"

Before she could even complete her words, a Giant Skeleton King emerged from the portal and kicked her away.

Countless Undead Monsters surged forth like a tide, attacking the Abyssal Legion that waited for them at the entrance.

The ten-meter-tall Orion charged forward like a Juggernaut, sending everything in front of him flying. He was clearing a path so that the eight-legged horse behind him could run unhindered across the battlefield, charging straight toward the portal that would lead Lux and James to the 104th Floor.

Due to the commotion they had caused on the 111th Layer, all the Abyssal Lords on the upper layers had been alerted of the fugitives' escape route. Avernus swooped down from the sky and laughed like a madman. Countless Undead Dragons and Wyverns flew alongside him, unleashing their Dragon Breaths at the Abyssal Forces on the ground, destroying their formation and making them scream in pain, anger, and frustration.

Right beside Lux, a Black Coffin was flying.

Riding on top of it was none other than Leonidas, who had summoned countless shields to protect Sleipnir from the ranged attacks that were being launched in his direction.

Calypso hovered above the shields and unleashed countless golden beams of light, targeting the range attackers, who were attacking her Master.

The battlefield was quite chaotic, but the Undead didn't mind it one bit.

"""Corpse Explosion!"""

The Half-Elf's plan was not to fight his opponents in a death match but simply charge ahead using whatever means necessary.

As long as they were able to get to the Thirteenth Floor, their enemies would not be able to follow them, even if they tried. While all this mayhem and destruction was happening, something else was happening on the Thirteenth Floor, which was making even the Primordial Golem of Destruction, Antero, feel anxious.


"Take a deep breath, Your Majesty!" a purple-haired Succubus said as she dabbed the sweat on her Queen's forehead. "It will be fine."

Queen Rhiannon gritted her teeth as she felt the contractions happening inside of her body.

The baby was about to be born, and the Succubi who had experience in handling childbirth was inside her bedroom, helping her deliver the baby safely.

"I can see the head!" one of the Succubi said. "Just a little more push, Your Majesty. The baby is almost out!"

Although she was already feeling weak due to trying to deliver the baby for almost eighteen hours, she held strong because she knew that it would soon be over.

A moment later, the cry of a baby spread inside the room, making the Succubus Queen sigh in relief.

The Succubi all cheered and congratulated their Queen on a successful delivery.

"It's a healthy baby girl, Your Majesty." The purple-haired Succubus cleaned the baby before wrapping her into a clean blanket. "She's very beautiful."

Queen Rhiannon looked at the child, whose body was as white as cream and skin as smooth as silk.

She looked at her daughter lovingly as she held her close to her bosom.

Little did the Succubus Queen know that Dia's father was currently bulldozing his way toward the Thirteenth Layer of the Abyss, with a Pseudo-God hot on his heels.