Chapter 1195 The Three Troublemakers Of The Temple Of Ten Thousand Gods [Part 2]

Chapter 1195 The Three Troublemakers Of The Temple Of Ten Thousand Gods [Part 2]


"Do you wish to have a fighting chance against that Daniel guy?" Lily asked the Half-Elf with a smile on her face.

"Of course," Lux replied in a heartbeat. "If there's a way that I can defeat him, I will gladly do it."

"So you say, but what are you willing to pay to gain that knowledge?" Lily arched an eyebrow. "I practice the law of equivalent exchange. I also don't accept refunds. Once you agree to my conditions, you can not break the contract that you will sign."

Lux looked at the little red riding hood with a solemn expression on his face.

Eriol and Max had talked to him telepathically, and both informed him that the three individuals in front of him were actually Gods who had decided to offer their help to him, but not for free.

"Then, what must I do?" Lux asked. "As long as it doesn't fall below my bottom line, I am willing to pay any price."

Lily pondered a bit before walking around Lux in circles.

She eyed the Half-Elf from head to toe as if she were some kind of connoisseur checking the quality of the products that were on display in the store.

"The one who will decide the price for the knowledge you wish to obtain will not be me," Lily stated. "It's someone who has been treated unjustly by another God, who at this moment is doing his best to survive in a world despite the limitations placed on his body.

"His end game goal is to fight against Fate, as well as give his Father a beating he will never forget.

"Us Gods are paying close attention to this individual, and some of us are actively rooting for him from within the Temple of the Ten Thousand Gods. You are going to meet with this person, and he will decide whether he will help you or not."

Lux nodded his head in understanding. "I want to meet this person."

Lily smiled and nodded her head. "Wait here for a bit. I will ask my friends to help you. Cupid, you can stay here for a while. How about you, Dim Dim? Do you want to stay here and play?"

"Dim~ Dim~" the Dim Sum God nodded its head.

It had taken a liking to Eiko because she was like a kindred spirit to it.

"Right?" Maple nodded. "Neh~ Big Brother. Can we eat your hotdog?"

Lux and Lily almost coughed out blood after hearing what the two girls had to say.

Both of them even cursed their parents in their hearts for being bad influences on the two girls who just turned nine years old this year.

"B-Both of you are still young to eat hotdogs, so why don't you wait until you are a bit older?" Lux replied. "Or better yet, why don't you eat something else for the time being? There are many more delicious foods than hotdogs."

"But Mama always says that Papa's hotdog is delicious," Cinnamon countered.

"That's right!" Cinnamon commented. "She even said that no matter how many times she eats it, it doesn't run out of stock. Isn't that like eating in an all-you-can-eat buffet? Oh... I forgot. We are banned from going to buffets."

"Yes. Cinnamon finds this very vexing as well," Cinnamon replied. "How can they call it a buffet when we are not allowed to eat there?"

Lux coughed and glanced at Lily, who was also looking back at him. The two then nodded at the same time and came to an agreement.

Both of them decided to have a nice long talk with Maple's and Cinnamon's parents and tell them to be more careful when it came to teaching their children about things that they shouldn't know until they were older.

"Maple, Cinnamon, you don't have to worry about eating hotdogs right now," Lily stated. "I will buy you a lot of them later, okay? But first, this Big Brother needs your help."

"Okay," Maple nodded. "We're going to visit that Big Brother, right?"

"I like that Big Brother. He's very nice to Cinnamon," Cinnamon replied.

Lily smiled. "I won't be coming with you this time because that world's God is very strict. However, as long as you don't do anything out of place, you'll be safe... maybe."

Lux felt that Lily's words were ominous, but since he didn't have a choice in the matter, he just nodded his head and gritted his teeth.

Maple and Cinnamon held each other's hands before moving their free hand in a circular motion.

A moment later, a red portal appeared in front of them, which was emitting an oppressive aura.

"Let's go, Big Brother," Maple said. "Make sure to follow us closely. If you don't, you might get lost in time and space."

"Follow us closely, okay?" Cinnamon warned again before walking toward the red portal with her twin.

The Half-Elf took a deep breath before he, too, entered the portal with the two little girls, who had the power to travel to different worlds, in search of their own special someone who would love them just as much as their Papa loved their Mama.