Chapter 1216 The Guardian That Protects The Gates Of Heaven [Part 1]

Chapter 1216 The Guardian That Protects The Gates Of Heaven [Part 1]

As the Dark and Purple Flames were about to hit Lux's body, the Black Token that Antero had given him appeared in front of him.

Lux was too heartbroken to notice anything, so he didn't notice when his world descended into complete darkness.

Even Eiko, who was usually headstrong, was crying like the baby she was on top of her Papa's head.

Everyone and everything that they wished to protect had been destroyed by the Pseudo-God, who desired to ascend into Godhood.

Suddenly, a soft sigh reached their ears, pulling their eyes to the person who appeared before them within the darkness that was darker than black.

"Long time no see, Lux. You seem to be in a pinch right now."

The Half-Elf wiped the tears in his eyes because his vision was too blurry for him to see properly. Even so, he recognized the owner of the voice that called out to him.

A voice that he thought he would never hear again.

"Master," Lux said as he reached out towards Gaap, but his hand passed through his body.

Gaap didn't seem to mind and even took a step back, smiling at the Half-Elf whose face was stained by his tears, alongside Eiko's own tears as well.

"The one you are fighting against is someone who almost succeeded in becoming a God," Gaap stated as he closed his eyes. "Even I would not be able to win against him if I tried."

A brief silence passed between them before Gaap finished what he was trying to say. "But you are different, Lux. You have something that I don't."

Gaap then lightly tapped his chest, making the Half-Elf look at his own chest.

Grandma Annie, who was standing beside Randolph, also smiled, making Eiko, who was also very close to her, tear up once more.

"When I first saw you in Leaf Village, I thought I was just imagining things. Not once did we ever have a Foreigner come who wasn't a Dwarf, so I thought that you were a very special existence. "However, you were hardworking, courageous, and funny. This made me wonder why the Gods sent someone like you to our humble little Village. But as days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, I realized something...

"Our village had remained the same for centuries, and everyone seemed to have fallen into a monotonous lifestyle. But after you appeared, it was as if we were given a new lease of life, and things became a little more exciting."

Grandma Annie's smile widened as if she was a teenage girl who found something very new and exciting.

"I can still remember the day I saved you from the Dungeon Outbreak. You were too weak to defend yourself back then. But a few months later, it was you who saved our Village from the Monster Outbreak led by the Thunder Wolf King. For that, I am forever thankful. Thank you, Lux."

One by one, countless Souls appeared around the Half-Elf like golden glowing lights.

So many souls surrounded him that it illuminated the darkness where he was earlier.

"Back then, you were so weak," the Draconian Kobold, Cadmus, said. "So weak that I could have easily killed you if I wished for it. Now, I'm glad I didn't. Because if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here at World's End. This is something that our clan can brag to the other Kobold Clans for generations to come."

Beside Cadmus, Lux saw his friend, Keane, who had an unwavering look on his face. "You and Cai were my first true friends. If not for the two of you, I wouldn't have met Rose. Back then, I was looking for the true meaning of peace. Even now, I still haven't found it, but I believe that I will get to see it someday."

Beside Keane, a green-haired Half-Elf gaze raised his clenched fist and pointed it in Lux's direction.

"I planned to live this life of mine only for revenge," Gerhart stated. "I thought that after I finished avenging my mother, I could close myself off from the world and live like a hermit. But after meeting you and everyone else, I started to think that perhaps, there was more to life than revenge. "For the first time in my life, I had friends. Real friends whom I could count on during the tough times of my life. I'm glad that I was able to experience something like this at the end of my journey."

Suddenly, a burst of loud laughter reverberated in the surroundings, making Lux bite his lip because the bastard, Cethus, had decided to make his appearance at this time.

"Filthy Low Lander, you were blessed to have someone like me as your companion," Cethus declared. "Without me, you wouldn't have become as strong as you are now, so you should get on your knees and thank me properl—oi!"

The Drago Born wasn't even able to finish his speech because Gerhart, Keane, and Cadmus tackled him.

As if to make matters worse, Flamma joined in and pressed the pitiful Dragon Born down until he could do nothing, but lie on the ground.