Chapter 1221 The Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven’s Gate [FIN]

Chapter 1221 The Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven’s Gate [FIN]

The Pseudo-God flew past countless worlds and galaxies, almost at the speed of light.

Daniel didn't care where he ended up as long as the monster behind him wouldn't catch up to him.

Finally, in the distance, he saw a blue planet. A world that he knew very well.

A place where there was no magic and where only technology reigned supreme.

But when he was only thousands of miles away from Earth, he saw a Half-Elf holding a stop sign as if telling him to stop.

"This place is off-limits," the red-headed Half-Elf said. "Go back to where you came from."

"You can't stop me!" Daniel shouted as he clenched his fist to punch the bastard who dared to get in his way. He knew that he was unable to defeat Lux, but this Half-Elf in front of him was different from the one whom he was escaping from.

Although they were both handsome and had similar features, there was a distinctive difference between their appearance. The red-headed Half-Elf sighed and scratched his head.

"Oh, well. Don't say I didn't warn you," the Half-Elf then unceremoniously took out a chamber pot from who knows where and raised it like a tennis racket.

"Eat sh*t, Motherfucker," the Half-Elf said as the chamberpot in his hand grew as big as an entire mountain. With a casual slap from his chamberpot, Daniel was sent flying backward at the speed of light.

After what seemed like an eternity of pain, he finally came to a stop and clutched his chest.

It was at this moment that someone placed a hand over his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

"You couldn't live with your own failure," Lux said as if he was giving someone some life coaching. "Where did that bring you? Back to me."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Daniel shouted as if he was going crazy.

He tried to fly away once again, but this time, all his paths were blocked by countless Undead, who had formed an insurmountable wall in every direction, leaving him no place to go.

"It's useless," Lux said with a devilish smile on his face. "Get him guys!"










Countless baby slimes descended upon Daniel and body-slammed him with their squishy bodies.

Their attacks weren't enough to damage him physically, but when it came to emotional and spiritual damage, their simple attacks were like countless critical hits, making the Pseudo God scream in pain.

A moment later, all the Baby Slimes retreated, replaced by the Elysians and Solaians whom Daniel had killed.

All of them punched, kicked, slapped, smashed, and clapped him, forcing Daniel to fight back. He was literally drowning in souls, and no matter how many he sent flying, there would be others who would instantly take their place.

"Enough!" Daniel roared as his body glowed brilliantly, creating a shockwave that pushed the souls that were piling up on his body like zombies.

"What enough?" an annoyed voice asked. "Filthy Lowlander, you think that's enough? Eat My Fist!"

Cethus smacked the side of Daniel's face, making the latter take a few steps back.

Behind him, Flamma gave him a strong kick, sending the Pseudo-God's body forward.

Keane appeared and used the handle of his sword to unleash an uppercut that sent Daniel's body flying, but he was soon brought back down by a stomp by Cadmus who descended above him.

"Don't stop me. I'm going to smack this bastard silly," Cethus declared as he raised his fists and started to pummel Daniel's face while shouting "Ora! Ora! Ora! Ora!" like a madlad.

The others crossed their arms over their chest as they let their friend vent out his anger and frustration.

A baby slime then crawled near Cethus holding a signboard that said "Time's up" making the Dragon Born stop his punches.

Cethus clicked his tongue before picking up the baby slime, and muttered, "You cheeky little thing," before stepping away from the Pseudo-God.

"Stop... please," Daniel begged. "No more!"

"Stop?" Lux asked. "Not happening. Get him, boys!"

Countless Doomknight Bangers, as well as the Satyrs who had joined the war, gangbanged Daniel, making him experience something that he had never experienced before.

Cethus even covered the baby slime's eyes as if he wanted to prevent the little one from seeing such a barbaric thing.

Outside of Blackfire's body, several angels danced above Lux, including his battle angel, Seraphina, whose smile was as radiant as the sun.

"In the boundless expanse of time,

Eternity's song, a sweet rhyme,

No beginning, no final chime,

Endless, infinite, a wondrous climb,

Eternal moments, forever sublime."

Gathering the Five Pillars of Eternity, a golden stairway appeared in front of Lux, and the gates to the temple of the Ten Thousand Gods appeared before him.

The Half-Elf glanced at his wives, and they all nodded their heads in unison.

"Come back soon so that everyone can go home," Iris said softly as she hugged Lux.

"We still have a lot of things to talk about, including your baby that you hid from us," Cai said in a disapproving tone as she too hugged Lux. "You said that you would help me meet my sister, so come back soon, okay?" Aina cupped Lux's face and gave him a kiss on the lips. "That one is for me. This one... is for my sister."

The beautiful Dwarf gave Lux two kisses, making the other girls do the same.

"We'll be here waiting," Aurelia said after she finished kissing Lux. "Of course, our baby will wait for you as well."

The Dragon Princess lightly caressed her abdomen, which made the Half-Elf touch it too.

His free hand, however, was taken by Valerie and pressed on her own abdomen, while looking at Lux with a face filled with injustice.

"Unfair... I should have been the one to give birth to your first baby, but someone beat me to it," Valerie said with a pout. "I demand compensation!"

"What kind of compensation?" Lux asked with an amused look on his face.

"I'll tell you when you get back."


Ari then hugged Lux from behind and whispered seductively in his ears.

"Don't forget your promise, Papa," Ari said. "After Valerie gives birth, it will be my turn."

"Our turn." Ali corrected as she hugged Lux from the side, and kissed his cheek. "I want to have your baby too. Don't make me wait for too long, okay?"

"Okay," Lux replied as he kissed his two beautiful handmaidens, who made their intentions known to him.

The Half-Elf then glanced at Aurora, who was waiting for her turn.

She was once the Goddess of Solais, and now, she was a Transcendent Succubus. Her lives had many ups and downs, but after meeting Lux, she felt that all of those sufferings had finally borne fruit because she found someone who would love her till the end of time.

"Come with me, Aurora," Lux said as he extended his hand toward his lover, making her eyes widen in shock.

"I... I can't," Aurora replied. "I am no longer a Goddess."

"Trust me," Lux said with his hand still reaching out to her, waiting for her to take it. Aurora looked at Lux's outstretched hand before firmly shaking her head.

"I've been a God before, Lux," Aurora said as she held his hand with both of her hands. "That's why I can say this with confidence. I'd rather be in your bed, making love to you, than spend eternity managing the lives of mortals."

Lux's smile widened after hearing Aurora's reply. He then glanced at the top of the staircase and smirked.

"You heard her," Lux said. "My fiance wants to retire. The two of you should handle things from here on out."

Eriol and Max, who were standing at the gates of the Temple of the Ten Thousand Gods, glanced at each other before smiling bitterly.

They planned to make Lux handle everything so that the two of them could take a break!

They had been working hard for so long, and they wanted to take a vacation somewhere, so they could finally work on the anime called No Game No Waifu Season 2!

Lux laughed after seeing the two Gods' bitter faces.

He knew what they were planning to do, so he decided to decline their offer to become a God.

He would rather spend his days making love to his wives and taking care of his babies rather than become a God!

He also had no intention of becoming a God because he didn't want to be away from his lovers and be forced to simply watch over the affairs of mortal men.

Lux raised his staff and prepared to use his powers to make everyone who was waiting in Solais and Elysium happy. The Five Pillars of Eternity that had merged with the golden locket glowed brightly, making Lux shine within the darkness of the Void Battlefield as if he were a newborn star that was about to shine upon the world.

A few moments later, Cethus, Keane, Gerhart, Cadmus, Flamma, Keoza, King Azza, Lady Augustina, Lady Faustina, and the rest of those who had died in battle were all resurrected.

They didn't turn into undead but had undergone true resurrection due to the miraculous powers of the Pillars of Eternity that were capable of ascending someone into a God.

Looking at the faces of everyone who had been resurrected using his power, Lux held Aurora's and Iris' hands and took a step forward.

"Let's go home," Lux said. "To the place where we all belong."
