Chapter 1226 After Story: Fishing Trip With The In-Laws

Chapter 1226 After Story: Fishing Trip With The In-Laws

Eiko hummed as she, Fei Fei, and Dim Dim, held small fishing poles in their hands.

The three troublemakers were seated on Lux's right side, who also had a fishing pole in his hand.

it had been a month since their exploration on Earth, and the three of them had a great time.

Lux took them to amusement parks, watch movies, play some games, and did anything fun that they could think of.

Luna became their guide, and took them to the places where she had wanted to go in the past. however, she wasn't able to do it because of the heartache that she felt after losing her Grandparents, and sister, whom she loved very much.

Lux returned to Elysium every few days to ensure that no problem had occurred during his absence.

It was also at that time when King Azza found him, and invited him on a fishing trip, which he readily accepted. Sitting on the Half-Elf's left side was none other than King Azza, and Keoza sat beside the Dragon King.

Sitting beside Keoza was none other than Aina's father, King Victor.

They, too, were holding fishing poles in their hands.

All of them were seated on a cliff, overlooking the sea. Three hundred meters away from them, the ladies were seated on picnic blankets, and chatting with each other.

None of them were aware that the purpose of this fishing trip was to feed Lux to the fishes, so that he would disappear by accident.

At least, that was the original plan in the past.

This location was swarming with Empyrean-Ranked Sea Monsters, so it was very easy for a Low Ranker to become fish food in a heartbeat. But, the current Half-Elf, was no longer the weakling of the past. Empyrean-Ranked Monsters were now food to him, so he thought that this fishing trip was something that his father-in-laws had set up, so that they could form closer bonds with each other.

The two Dragon Kings had unreadable looks on their faces, while the Dwarf King was wondering why he was included on this fishing trip.

Only the three troublemakers seemed to be enjoying their first fishing trip together and were looking forward to catching something.

The Deimos, Argonaut, and Empyrean-Ranked Sea Monsters on the other hand, had all evacuated the area when they sensed the presence of the powerful beings, who had come to catch them.

Only the lower-ranked Monsters, who still couldn't measure the level of someone's strength, remained.

"Four is good," King Azza nodded. "Don't worry, I'll talk to her later."

"Thank you, Father." Lux nodded.

Keoza, who was listening from the side, decided to ask Lux a question.

"How about Aurelia?" Keoza asked. "Did she tell you how many children she wanted?"

Lux nodded. "Aurelia said that she wanted two children. Since I will have a lot of kids, she thinks that giving birth to more than that is not necessary."

"I see," Keoza replied. "I am also looking forward to seeing my first grandchild soon."

"I am just excited as you are, Father." Lux smiled.

He knew how much courage it took for Aurelia to take that next step in their relationship and give birth to his child.

Truth be told, the Half-Elf didn't know if she only said those things back then due to the effect of the aphrodisiac, or because she felt competitive with Valerie.

But, when he asked her for confirmation, she told him that she was still thinking properly even when she was influenced by the aphrodisiac. Although the aphrodisiac played its part, Aurelia was the one who decided to take the leap of faith, which caused her to end up pregnant.

Dragons didn't conceive easily.

They could go on for hundreds of years without giving birth, so when she found out that she was pregnant with Lux's child, it made her very happy.

That day, Lux, King Azza, Keoza, and King Victor didn't catch any fish, and only chatted with each other.

It was only Eiko, Fei Fei, and Dim Dim, who actually caught the fish that their group ate during their first fishing trip together.

Although it didn't end up like the Dragon Kings originally planned, they still found this trip worth their while.

Since their daughters were already carrying his children, the two Dragon Kings asked him when the wedding ceremony would be held.

Lux thought that it was also about time that he married his lovers, so he decided to consult the two Dragon Kings when the best day to hold the marriage would be.

Since it was going to be a big event, they decided to hold the wedding day in half a year, which would give them enough time to prepare the venue, as well as send invitations to all the important people in both Solais and Elysium.