Chapter 1234 After Story: Open Heaven’s Gate!

Chapter 1234 After Story: Open Heaven’s Gate!

Randolph paced back and forth, incredibly feeling anxious.

He had waited for this day to arrive all his life.

When he woke up a few hours ago, he thought that he was just dreaming. However, after confirming that this was all real, he wasn't able to calm down despite doing his best to not overthink things.

'What if she changed her mind?' Randolph thought as he continued to pace back and forth. 'What will I do then?'

Seeing him pacing back and forth, the Mayor of Leaf Town, Cedwyn, who was also Randolph's and Annie's close friend, sighed loudly.

"Get a grip, man," Cedwyn stated. "If you are getting cold feet, I don't mind swapping places with you today."

"F*ck off, Cedwyn!" Randolph broke out of his worry and glared at his friend. "I know you've been simping for Annie for the past century. You better stay away or I'll clobber you!"

"So what if I've been simping for her for the past century?" Cedwyn snapped. "She doesn't deserve a stupid guy like you. Even now, I don't see what she saw in you that I didn't have. Oh, right. Maybe she has a soft spot for idiots. The kind of hopeless fools who can't even tie their shoes properly."

"You, Simp! Get out of here!"

"Bastard! Stop calling me Simp!"

"You wanna fight?!"

"Who's afraid of who?! Let's go!"

Randolph and Cedwyn both didn't hold back and started to wrestle with each other.

The Dwarves who were watching from the side all raised their hands and cheered.




Complete pandemonium ensued as the groom and his best man duked it out in front of countless people.

"Aren't you going to stop them?" Gaap asked Lux, who was standing beside him as his own best man.

"Nah," Lux replied. "It's better this way."

Cethus, who was also wearing a suit, wasn't paying attention to anyone because, just like Randolph, he was also feeling very anxious.

Even before the battle against Daniel, he never felt this anxious in his life. But now, he felt as if he wanted to run away, never to be seen or heard from again.

If not for the fact that Gerhart, who was also wearing a suit and standing beside him, the Dragon Born would have done so already.

He didn't want the green-haired Half-Elf to have something to use against him in the future, so he simply stared at the ground, while waiting for this event to finally end.

Sid stood as straight as a sword, unmoved by what was happening around him. But, deep inside, he had the same feelings as Randolph and Cethus, who were very anxious about tying the knot with the people whom they would spend the rest of their life with. Alexander, who was also standing in front of the altar, was the most composed among the group.

For him, something like this wasn't a big deal. But, he had to admit that seeing the young men around him feeling anxious made him smile in his heart.

Suddenly, the orchestra that Lux hired started to play their instruments in the background.

The Half-Elf had invited a very popular singer from Earth to sing the song "Perfect" for the wedding, and he had to admit—this made the walk down the aisle for the brides more memorable.

Eiko, Fei Fei, Laura, and Livia were the four flower girls and were at the very front, scattering flower petals on the aisle.

Right behind them, Hereswith walked in her white wedding dress.

Gaap, who saw his bride-to-be, couldn't help but smile because he had loved Hereswith ever since he had laid his eyes on her.

"Mmm." William hummed. "At least, that is what is written in the letter."

The letters were signed, but the name of the sender remained anonymous.

The only thing that they did know was that, if they agreed to be part of the Sentinels, they would receive another letter with more details written in it.

Lastly, the letter was authentic because the Gods in the Temple of the Ten Thousand Gods knew who the sender of the letter was.

Lux and William already knew that the Gods themselves could not make a move, and only those who didn't step into the realm of Godhood—like the two Half-Elves—were capable of dealing with threats, as well as individuals, who had the power to destroy entire planets.

"So are you going to join?" William asked.

"Why not?" Lux shrugged. "How about you?"

"I'm in as well," William answered.

As soon as the two of them both agreed to join The Sentinels, an orb of light suddenly appeared in front of the two Half-Elves.

"Thank you for accepting the invitation to be part of The Sentinels," a voice that was impossible to tell whether it came from a boy or a girl spoke. "Before I tell you the details of the organization, do you have any questions to ask?"

Lux and William glanced at each other before the Necromancer of Heaven asked a question.

"Are there any other people that you have invited aside from us?" Lux inquired.

"I plan to invite two more people," the voice that was coming from the orb of light replied. "But they still haven't finished their own battles. The stories of their Epics are still not complete. Only when they have overcome their own battles, would they be allowed to join our Ranks."

"And who are these two people?" William asked.

He was very curious about the identity of the two other individuals who could potentially join them in the future.

"Are you fine with just their names and faces?" the voice asked.

"Yes," William replied.

A moment later, the orb of light shot out two projections, showing two young men.

The two Half-Elves were familiar with one of them, which made them react differently.

Lux had nothing but approval after seeing Thirteen's face on the projection because he approved of him joining their Ranks.

Even though he was weaker than them, he believed that having the young man around would be a very fun experience.

William, on the other hand, looked like he had eaten a fly. For him, Thirteen was an eyesore because one of his daughters was seriously pursuing the stand-offish young man, whom William wanted to pinch to death. After looking at Thirteen, their gaze shifted to the handsome young man with long blue hair, who was currently fighting against a giant. The two Half-Elves were very curious about who he was because they hadn't met this person even once.

"If these two people don't perish and are able to complete their Legendary Saga, then they too, will be joining the Ranks of The Sentinels," the voice declared. "Their names are...

"Zion Leventis and Ethan Gremory."

After hearing their names, the Necromancer of Heaven finished drinking his wine before standing up with a smile on his face.

"Done already?" William asked.

"Yes," Lux replied as he gazed at the young man, with short black hair, and green eyes, who was fighting a hard battle. "I plan to repay the favor to someone."

Without even waiting for a reply, Lux disappeared from where he stood and reappeared near the Bifrost Bridge.

His story might have ended, but with it, a new one was about to begin.

Lux raised his hand and grinned fearlessly towards the void.

"Open... Heaven's Gate!"
