Chapter 22: Nirvana Painting (5)

Name:Subdued Soul Chronicle Author:
Chapter 22: Nirvana Painting (5)

Seol Young set aside the plaque and ran to where he heard the scream.

The hallway was full of spirits.

Help Me! HELP ME!

The people were panicking, shouting, and running, but the spirits were blocking their paths.

Seol Young drew out his sword as he said,

Go that way if you dont want to be killed by those things.

There was no answer.

Instead, the golden spirit qi flashed in all directions with the sound of the spirits disappearing.

he seems happy.

People who have gone down the path of demons are like that. It was in their nature to constantly kill.

So, was there any need to stop him?

Seol Young continued to cut down the spirits.

He and Zaha had already fought near the tombs once before. So he was already familiar with what he could do.

When the ghosts attacked wildly, Zahas sword broke them apart.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

And when they attacked from unexpected directions, the Blue Rainbow Sword would wipe them out.

The two of them broke through the horde of spirits.

S-Save the people!

The people who were gathering in the room were trembling, and the outside was full of spirits, too, so going out wasnt an option either.

Seol Young and Zaha hurriedly took down the spirits first.

If you go back there, there is a guardian circle.

He pointed in the direction he wanted them to go. But one person in the crowd was going in the opposite direction.

My sibling didnt come out!

The two men let the child go and opened the door. There was a mess inside.


There were various illusions of spirits running around, howling, and dancing.

And in the middle, there was a six or seven-year-old girl. She appeared to be too terrified to even breathe.


Seol Young hurriedly ran and cut the spirits down.

He used the Blue Rainbow Sword to brighten up the place. Eventually, there were no longer spirits, just smoke.

Lets go!

Seol Young helped her stand up, but she fell to her knees. She didnt seem to have the energy to stand up.

I cannot

Her eyes seemed void.

She had just seen the worst thing a child could see, and she was afraid to move because she would have to see them if she did. She was drenched in fear.

The child was skinny and small, so it would be easy to carry her.

But I cannot do that.

Seol Young shook his head.

It would be difficult for him to carry her and fight the spirits and ghosts at the same time. The childs life would be in danger.

You cannot falter now.

Seol Young told the child.

Why do you think the ghosts look scary, make odd noises, and constantly try to scare people? That is because they cannot win against you. The dead can never defeat the living. Be strong in your heart and never collapse.

Zaha, who was pushing the ghosts to the side, glanced in their direction.

Are you trying to give her confidence or scare her? With that cold face

Then should I say it again with a smile?

You know how to smile?

As they were talking, they both went, Oh?

The child got up and began to walk on her own two feet.

See? She doesnt care what my face looks like.

A brave child.

Seol Young felt at ease now. He could get the child out, but then he remembered something.

What is your name?

Gwan Sol.

The child answered bluntly, and Zaha looked at him.

Seol Young asked, What is with that look? with his eyes.

You said if I wanted to be nice, I should ask their name first, right? That is what you said. I just didnt remember it sooner

They walked quickly.

Now that everyone is saved, shall we talk with the ghost?

Why do you seem so happy?

It should be obvious. Is the soul of the painter who drew such a thing still normal? Please, if you do something reckless and come into contact with an evil spirit or die going crazy

That wont happen, dont worry.

Seol Young pulled out the pouch he always carried on him.

Even if the opponent is an evil spirit, with these, I can block them for a while.

And what are those?


Seol Young made up his mind and trusted his intuition. He had already listened to the painter earlier.

Holding the pouch tightly, he summoned the soul, and at that moment, unknown emotions flooded him.


His consciousness was screaming at him.

At the same time, something passed before his eyes.


Seol Young removed his hand, surprised, and without saying anything, he turned and ran.

What is it? What did you see?

Zaha followed him.

There! Where they are going now!

He could see the Hwarangs ahead. They were walking in search of the gate while protecting the people.

But in the end

.there was no door.

Seol Young shouted,

Stop! Dont go!

Everyone looked back at him with faces that said he was crazy.

At that moment, an incredible force rose ahead.

Things that looked like they were part of the house vanished, and in their place was a huge wall.

A vivid picture appeared, shining brightly.

This shocked everyone.

The painting of paradise, which was thought to be immovable because the soul of the painter was tied to it, defied everyones expectations and appeared in front of them.

The hundred-year-old painting made by a genius came to life.

Flowers were blooming, and birds were flying. There were animals walking, and little kids were playing musical instruments and dancing around.

In the middle of it was a dazzling halo on the back of a head. Numerous hands spread gracefully along the light. The huge Buddha was engulfed in light.

No, it was the picture of Avalokiteshvara.

But it couldnt be.

A Buddha shouldnt smile like this.

Does the smile have to be very subtle and calm when people are being trampled on?

And with such a face, it stretches out its arms to the people?


Seol Young shouted.

But it was too late.

No one thought that this painting would come to life.


Its numerous arms grabbed the people and tried to put them in its mouth.


The Hwarangs tried to pull them out.

At the same time, several arms from the other side using long blades moved, but the Hwarangs failed to avoid them.


Blood splattered with a ghastly sound.

But it wasnt their blood.

Beom Hyun and Mo Cheon looked back in shock. The several arms of Avalokiteshvara holding the long blades were cut off.

Seol Young ran and cut them down.

He knew something bad would happen in advance, so he was on guard.

But he couldnt completely block every attack. He managed to cut down nine arms, but the last one slashed Seol Youngs left arm.

His white robe turned red.


Beom Hyun and Mo Cheon were too surprised to even scream.