Chapter 110: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (10)

Name:Subdued Soul Chronicle Author:
Chapter 110: Moon Palace Eight Ghosts Story (10)

As if relieved that the lid was opened, Princess Ara finally let out a breath.


Tears welled up in her huge eyes. She had the same face as her mother, the Queen.

Zaha reached into the jar and pulled the Princess out.

Princess! What happened?! What about Princess Ajin?

I dont know.

She shook her head.

I was in the arms of my nanny, and when I realized it, I was in here. I want to ask what happened.

Seol Young and Zaha looked at each other.

Well, everything is fine now.

He lifted up the Princess and hugged her.

We need to find Princess Ajin soon

Seol Young looked around, and at that time, they heard the scream of a child from behind.

It sounded like Princess Ajin.

We need to leave soon.

They held the Princess and rushed to the place where the sound came from.

Meanwhile, Seol Young unfolded the last scroll while running.

Eight. The backyard of the Old Palace.

It was the eighth ghost story.

There are twelve pagoda trees in the backyard. When passing this place, be sure to count the shadows of those trees. Twelve shadows are fine, and it is okay if there are more than twenty-four. However, if it is between twelve and twenty-four, then go find a superior right away. They will get you out of the palace.

The rules didnt end there.

Below is a piece of advice for the seniors. If the one who reports is still alive, get him out right away. If not, never leave his body and burn it to ashes.

When he finished reading the full text, they arrived in the backyard.

There were trees under the moonlight.

Seol Young threw the first talisman.


Two shadows rose in the blue light. The spirits of the children who were buried alive were now almost sealed.

There were just two left in this place.


The two spirits hit by the talisman bounced back. Zahas sword flew like the wind and attacked them.

So simple.

Unknowingly, Seol Young mumbled that.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

Of course, they were all powerful spirits. However, after dealing with twelve, two seemed like a small number.


A blue aura formed in the shape of a whip and struck the two spirits one after the other. And, unable to hold out any longer, they collapsed.

Your history has already been revealed. You were the twelve children who were buried alive and died to cure the disease of a royal family member.

Seol Young lowered his sword as he said that.

With this, all eight stories were revealed. The two souls that had lost their powers were sucked into the spirit-sealing plaque.

Then two dolls fell from the trees.

Then they saw a little girl lying on her stomach beyond that.


Princess Ara wanted to run to her.

Put me down!

Wait, it is not safe.

Zaha held the Princess tightly with one arm and raised his spiritual energy. A golden light shone, forming a glittering path that stretched into the Old Palace.

Seol Young nodded to him.

Now was the time.

Put me down.

Princess Ara said that again.

The air shook.


The mantra began to ring.

Princess Aras body, which was being held by Zaha, suddenly vanished and appeared in front of Princess Ajin. The spirit raised a powerful force with both hands and slammed it down Ajins back.


A black thunderstorm erupted. It was such a powerful force that it lit up the entire dark space.


Something unexpected happened. The mighty power that was about to attack the soul of Princess Ajin missed her and spread all over the place.

Therefore, the body of Princess Ara, which was in front, was hit by the attack.


The evil spirits were startled and fled.

Because they were quick, they were able to avoid being hit. However, its aftermath was too much even for their spirit bodies. They felt paralyzed.


Princess Aras eyes went wide. Her mouth was stunned, unable to move, but her mouth seemed to be saying something.

Why, why


Seol Young said coldly.

As planned, the eight stories were broken, and Princess Ajin was about to receive a surprise attack. But why didnt it work?

Princess Aras body trembled. With her eyes wide open, she glared at Seol Young, but she couldnt speak.

You should have done the math right.

Zaha clicked his tongue and said,

Count correctly again. How many dolls do you have now?

One, two twelve.

There were twelve dolls around Princess Ajins body.


In an instant, Princess Aras face turned pale.

They were too excited to notice.

But they werent just twelve dolls.

Do you get it now?

Zaha asked.

Twelve children. Among them, since you are inside the body of Princess Ara, only eleven souls should be there in the dolls, right?


Isnt that troublesome? If we werent here, you would have had time to check which was the right doll. However, since we are here and you have to fight us, you couldnt afford to do that.


Why are there still twelve?

Princess Aras eyes were burning in anger, and her eyes were fixed on one doll.


The evil spirit tried to speak.

Who are you?

Who is it?

Seol Young recalled with a smile,

You must have forgotten because you were busy paying attention to your friends. There was a little soul that hid to avoid being noticed by the eleven spirits. You wouldnt have cared about what or where the kid was. That was your mistake. A very huge one.

Who are you?

The spirit yelled, but the twelfth doll just stood still.

Seol Young said at the end,

The play is over. You can speak.

The doll cheerfully said,

It is me!

The voice was clear and confident.

The owner of the voice was Princess Ajin.