Chapter 223: Mita (24)

Name:Subdued Soul Chronicle Author:
Chapter 223: Mita (24)

Hyo Wol asked with red eyes.

What does it say?

I need to look.

Seol Young opened the first page, but there was nothing.

On the outside, it clearly held his name.

But unlike the others, there was nothing left behind. It was just the same on every page.

I think that the keepsake is the robe he gave me. And theres no will either

Still, he wished something had been written. Perhaps the High Governor didnt have enough time to write to everyone individually.

Seol Young looked down at the book and closed it.

Various Hwarangs were coming in through the wide-open door, receiving the books and going through them. They were crying and laughing as they looked through them.

It seems like making fools of all of us for eight years wasnt enough. He had to make us cry like this.

Jin Rim sighed for a long time.The source of this content no/v(el)bi((n))

I dont know how to deal with this overwhelming feeling. It should have been something I had shouldered as the Governor but I was stupid and didnt even notice it. If we had known the truth, none of us would have stayed silent But perhaps he didnt want us to act like that, knowing us so well.

And then he shook his head.

Even though we want to honor the will of the High Governor, we just think that we dont know his heart and intentions. Still, at least Seol Young-rang is here. It would be nice if Seol Young-rang took care of matters not mentioned in the will.

Yes. I will do that.

Seol Young bowed his head and responded.

Everyone was taking their respective books and reminiscing about the past.

The absence left by the departed was too vast to handle yet, but they believed that by reminiscing, they would eventually reach a point where they could accept it.

And there was nothing more to do for him.

Seol Young left behind the people lost in memories.

And he moved to the Sun and Moon Troops basement.

He went in and took out the ring, which he kept in his pocket. As it was activated by magic, the small baby dragon appeared.

Senior should also leave.

But Oni looked strange.

He tried to open his eyes, but his eyelids kept drooping. His head kept bowing down. He seemed overwhelmed by drowsiness and didnt know what to do.

Senior, wake up.

Seol Young put his hand on Onis head, and that was when he realized it.

Oni was a being powered by the qi of the Sun and Moon Troops. When Zaha was around, he handled all of this, but Seol Young lacked proficiency in it, so Oni was falling into hibernation.

This cannot happen.

If left alone, Oni would disappear.

Seol Young changed his mind and put the ring back on his finger. He wanted to make sure Oni would turn back to normal.

Senior Oni will also allow this.

After looking around once more, he went out and locked the door. There would probably be no reason to come here again.

Seol Young left the Hwarangs Hall.

Didnt I tell you not to wear that?! Take those clothes off!

As he walked, he heard the sharp cries of children and turned around. In the distance, he could see the Queen, the two princesses, and the Great Heavenly Pavilion Head. Seeing the Hwarang in mourning clothes, the two princesses burst into tears.

No one died! No one died!

The Queen didnt try to calm her daughters, and put her hands together in the direction of Seol Young.

Seol Young bowed his head to them and left the Moon Palace.

The winter sun was blinding his eyes. Before entering the golden-roofed mansion, Seol Young looked at the gate.

The view of this house riding high in the sky among the clouds.

He didnt realize it until now, but it was a nice sight.

The gate opened without a sound.

Did he just see the memories left in this house?

Have you ever been happy?

Tears ran down his cheeks, and once they started to flow, they didnt stop.

As expected, I just cant do it. Even if everyone is having a hard time now, they will accept this one day, but not me.

Seol Young mumbled.

You wanted to live. I know you didnt want to die this time. So that is why I was trying to

His voice was low in the empty room.

You said you wanted to live by your own rules when everything was done? You said you wanted to live freely and play Go in your free time or wanted to travel to India. Why did you do that then?

His eyes blurred, unable to see anything. Still, tears didnt stop. No matter how many times he saved and helped him, Seol Young never greeted him with a smile.

I did wrong

Tears fell down so much that his heart hurt.

Then, suddenly, there was a sound of hands being clapped.

Seol Young-rang, calm down.

A clear voice that made him jerk his head back in surprise.

He wiped his tears and looked around, but there was no one there.

The chair was still empty. The place was empty. Even the painting there that shone brightly didnt even cast a shadow.

Not a single person was around.

But it was clear that someone was there.

He heard the voice clearly. Even for a moment, the smell of wood incense passed through his nose.

High Governor?

Seol Young asked.

Are you in here?

The sound of running footsteps echoed around. He could hear someone laughing, so he looked back.

But there was nothing other than the slightly open door. The moment he turned his head lightly, a light flashed in front of his eyes.

[I think I found the reason why the first time failed. The real reason.]

A clear voice again.

[You were right. One shouldnt hold hatred or anger within his heart. Otherwise, flaws will inevitably arise. Then, they will sneak out unnoticed. Everything is essentially emptyno sense, no thought, no action, no remorse. Only in a state of no thought can we enter the world of complete Nirvana. Even though I knew that, I couldnt practice it.]

Seol Young finally realized what was happening. He was reading the clear thoughts left behind in this house. As if the house were being projected.

[It is different this time. Complete Nirvana. The end. I will drag it into that and finish it with my sword.]

Seol Young said,

Then you too will be hit by the Dead Slayer Sword and perish forever.

[Which is why I need to be careful and stab it.]

The voice came back.

[You said the goal is to live? If one dies, then it doesnt count as a win.]

But is there a way not to die?

[Of course, I will cease to exist. Because it is inevitable. But if I finally win, even if I fight thousands of times with the demonic qi which swallowed my body]


[Whether it is the middle scale, the three thousand worlds, or the lotus field world, Ill find my way back from anywhere.]

Is that even possible?

He could hear laughter.

It was only then that Seol Young knew what happened. The qi of the Sun and Moon Troops.

The silver qi remaining in this space was headed toward one point.

The Go board. Seol Young quickly approached and turned the board over, and he saw glittering letters there.

Should we make a bet?