Chapter 76: Parent Observation Class Preparation (2)

Name:Subscriber of the Gods Author:
Chapter 76: Parent Observation Class Preparation (2)

You all did great. Thanks to you, I was able to smoothly conduct the class.

Oh, dont mention it. But your atmosphere was completely different.

Yerica recalled Ethans demeanor during the class.

The sharp and icy atmosphere he exuded made it difficult to approach or deal with him casually. He was the very embodiment of a teacher whom one should treat with respect when addressing him.

When you do something, you should do it properly. If you underestimate these students, theyll just end up looking down on you.

That does seem to be the case.

Yerica observed Ivecars students quite closely. They were all quite advanced, to the point where it was hard to believe they were just students.

They had exceptional potential and intelligent minds to comprehend things, to the extent that if a teacher was even slightly lazy or inadequate, they would notice.

As Ethan had mentioned, there was no room for complacency.

It was truly exciting, Young Master. This is the first time Ive had an experience like this.

Schudlen shared his impression.

However, there was something strange in his gaze.

Is this how the senior knights felt when I, the youngest, joined the Order of Knights?

It seems a bit different.

Yerica gestured to Schudlen that his gaze seemed unusual.

Anyway, I felt the same way as Yerica. You are indeed Young Master.

In no time, Schudlens gaze of reverence returned, as if he was back to his usual state.

But is it okay to teach the students your unique skills, Ethan?

During this class, Yerica had realized that Ethan was teaching the students more than she initially thought. Even though this was an academy, teachers didnt often share their core skills, as that was the essence of their strength.

What Im teaching isnt all that impressive. Its quite fundamental. Besides, even if I teach them exactly, not all of them will be able to follow. Its not easy.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders.

And it was meaningful for Ethan himself to teach.

And when the students become stronger, it benefits me. Their evaluations will improve.

So, the more he invested in teaching, the more he would get in return. It was a kind of investment.

Ethans ultimate goal was to become a Master.

Once he became a Master, he could move on to the next step.

But these are basic things?

Basic for me, at least.

Because the data I gather from teaching the students accumulates within me.

It wasnt just about teaching.

Im still lacking. Theres a lot more to teach.

Looking at Ethans expression, Yerica thought of the students.

75 students.

They were struggling to properly digest even the fundamental concepts Ethan was explaining.

In this situation, if Ethan were to teach them something more challenging, it would be a mixture of enthusiasm and screams.

But on second thought, this was a teaching method that other teachers couldnt possibly provide.

Its unfortunate.

About what?

Theyve tasted Ethans class. Now, how dull will other classes feel?

At Yericas words, Ethan chuckled lightly.

Then they should only take my class. Even if theyve had something tasteless, they can eat something delicious, but the reverse doesnt work.

* * *

Teacher Claudie, isnt this getting out of hand? A newly hired teacher is blatantly disregarding the academys basic rules. Moreover, isnt Teacher Claudie a senior in the Swordsmanship Department? Instead of visiting separately, hes ignoring you to the point of not even acknowledging your presence!Fịndd new updates at

Claudies office.

Except for the newly hired teachers, all the instructors had their own offices. The size varied according to seniority, and Claudies office was already comparable in size to a department heads office.

One teacher had come to his office.

It was Martynas Lane, a mid-level instructor in the Swordsmanship Department and Claudies junior by a year.

As a member of the Lane family, he was a veteran teacher who had been working at the academy for several years.

Keep it down. This isnt a neighborhood gossip session. Even if silence magic was cast on this room, a teachers voice would still be audible.

No, Teacher Claudie. Doesnt he seem too audacious?

What in the world is wrong with you?

Hes ignoring the rules! Isnt he being too cocky?


So, there was only one answer.

It had to be Ethan Whiskers idea.

A voice cut through her thoughts.

Were coming in!

With those words, her subordinate, along with the mages, entered the room.

She paused her thoughts for a moment. It was a time to be fully dedicated to this lightweight workshop project.

If I cant make this a success Ethan Whiskers will never work with our David Merchant Guild again.

In that case, the project would be handed over to another Merchant Guild.

That was simply not an option.

This opportunity had to be seized definitively.


Just then, a face shed rather not see before the mages entered walked in.

As soon as he walked in, the mages and Ettings subordinates who had come with him went back out.

Welcome, Mr. Kimmel. You must be busy, what brings you here?

Our money-savvy Etting is starting a new venture, so I came to visit. You have the best nose for money in our Merchant Guild, dont you? But I heard your nose was wrong this time. Is that true?

Kimmel said with a sneer.

He was one of the three officers in the David Merchant Guild.

Well, you spent a hefty sum on what seems to be a worthless business.

Your words are quite harsh, Mr. Kimmel.

Ms. Etting. Do you really think this business will succeed? This pitiful venture?

Kimmel was well-known even within the guild for being a parachute hire. (+)[1]TLN: Getting hired with the help of relatives (Nepotism)

Although he wasnt without skill, he had a reputation for undermining promising merchants within the guild and taking credit for their achievements. This made him quite unpopular.

Etting had also lost several businesses to him and had many public arguments.

But eventually, she had no choice but to submit.

Although both were officers, Kimmel was her superior, and she was just an officer of a subsidiary.

Whats the problem, Mr. Kimmel?

The problem lies in your judgment. The mighty David Merchant Guild, contracting business with a minor noble family in a rural area? How disgraceful.

Is it a matter of disgrace? Mr. Kimmel.

Thats ancient history, Etting. How long are you going to live like that, like in the past? Youll live crazily for money. Now David is one of the most respected Merchant Guilds even in the central region. Its a well-known name across the continent. So, you shouldnt be pursuing only money anymore.

Kimmels words infuriated Etting.

For a merchant, the most important thing was to make money.

That was everything. Nothing else was worth considering.

The moment you prioritized something other than money, it was hard to call yourself a merchant.

Do you want to run a Merchant Guild, or do you hope to become something else?

Kimmel replied to Ettings words as if he had been waiting.

This trash-like venture. If it fails, Im asking you to leave David Merchant Guild, Etting.

Kimmel stroked his mustache.

Does Mr. Kimmel have the authority to do that?

Just because we both are officers of the guild doesnt mean were in the same position, Etting.

Kimmel spoke with a stern expression. It was certainly true.

They both might be officers but the relationship between them was strained.

Furthermore, on their side, there was not only the officers position but also the position of overseeing external businesses.

This project was also an externally sourced business.

Even if they were both officers, their ranks were different.

Making a business contract with some local nobility named Ethan something. Ugh, really. Even if you lack insight, you shouldnt lack it to this extent. You need some integrity.

Watching Kimmel leave with an arrogant demeanor, Ettings subordinate, along with the mages, quickly entered the room.

Heard everything?


Since its come to this, if it fails, its over.

Well keep that in mind.

Etting said with determination in her eyes.

We must succeed no matter what.

1. TLN: Getting hired with the help of relatives (Nepotism) Author's Thoughts

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