Chapter 136 - Dear readers,

Since there's been a lot of complaints about Lily's behavior lately, I thought I'd explain a little.

So since I'm learning a lot about psychology and human behavior in my university studies, I thought I'd incorporate the knowledge to make the story more realistic.

It always strikes me when reading this rebirth and second chance novels that the character suddenly goes from being a person who has been mistreated her whole life to a badass character who spanks everyone.

Especially people who are very anxious and shy. For example, in cases of domestic violence, most victims never find the courage to defend themselves against the perpetrator or to seek professional help because they are so emotionally stressed, they are too afraid of being overwhelmed by the perpetrator that they are almost paralyzed in their actions and prefer to do nothing rather than defending themselves. This is a rather extreme example, but perhaps it makes my way of thinking clearer.

I always felt that the behavior of most characters, with a background of abuse and then a sudden rebirth and second chance in life, was very irrational in most novels. Because this kind of behavior is actually very abnormal from a psychological perspective.

Since a person has a very hard time changing their old ways of behavior. Some behaviors are carried along for life, even if one has often fallen on one's face with it. (I am speaking from my own experience (⊙△⊙✿). And although I have known this for a long time and even know the professional methods for changing, I am too lazy to change ( ̄ω ̄;) And this is total human behavior. Sad but true!)

I don't mean to say that there is no learning process for Lily in the future, but since Lily is a very anxious character, her change takes time. So I'm asking for a little patience. Besides, she's only been in this whole mess for three months. She needs time to change.

Besides, what should I write about, if Lily would not go through any inner conflicts and everything would always be solved immediately. Then all tension would be out of the story immediately. In an interview with an author I read that the main character should never get what he longs for and the antagonist should be smarter than the MC and always one step ahead.

Second, why doesn't Lily recognize her antagonist?

An example (It's a bit over the top, but most vivid):

Serial killers, for example, are not immediately recognizable, because they are very low-key and live a normal life, as a cover to avoid being recognized. They have a regular life, sometimes they live in a family units in a quiet neighborhood, so they are totally normal and inconspicuous. That's why most serial killers never actually get caught. (According to prognosis 20 serial killers are supposed to run free in Germany alone, I think there are about 30-40 active in America (I can also be wrong about the USA numbers, I'm not sure anymore)) So with the quote of a serial killer coming to the point: "We serial killers walk beside you." So if I meet a psychopathic serial killer, I wouldn't know what he has planned to do with me until it's too late.

Besides, Melinda is an agent trained to be inconspicuous and to slip into every role perfectly. I mean, not even Alexandre could recognize her, even though she was his fiancé. So how should Lily, who has never met Danielle before in her life, know that she is dressing up as her bodyguard to get her out of the way. And how could Lily even know that she is being threatened by this person unknown to her, because Melinda never once appeared in my loyal hubby. So Lily has no knowledge of Melinda or her plans. She can only take action when she realizes something.

With Melinda's character, I got a little bit inspired by reports of CIA agents who described their training at the farm and those people are excellent at not being exposed as agents. Really creepy!!!

I know that sometimes it's hard to bear the way Lily is, but I think she doesn't have to be perfect because I wanted to write about someone who would rather run away from his problems than face them. But if she has to stand up for someone, then she faces up to danger (so to protect Adrien ♥‿♥). A slightly different protagonist, but very human.

I hope I don't disappoint anyone here and you keep reading my novel.

So my explanation has become a bit long, but these are all factors that contribute to my writing process. I hope I've given you a little insight into my way of thinking.

In any case, I wish you a lot of fun while reading and in everything you do.♥

I hope we read each other again soon. (๑・ω-)~♥"

Best regards

Saya (*≧▽≦)