Chapter 188

Frankly speaking, if both Marta and atalante were summoned in the form of regular followers instead of being subjected to madness, they would not have been broken so simply.

Not to mention that Marta was just riding on talask to fight, and he did not end up in person from the beginning to the end, we can say that atalante, also because of the relationship of madness, has not been used.

If these two riders can fight rationally, maybe Luo Zhen's ambush plan will even be a problem.

Of course, in that case, Luo Zhen would change his strategy and deal with Marta and atalante in a different way.

In any case, both Marta and atalante were knocked down without giving full play.

Dion was left alone in the camp.

You don't have to think about it. In the face of five riders, Dion has no chance of winning.

The next battle is just the end.

Just when everyone thinks so

"Don't be careless! Lord

Amadeus, who was playing Requiem, gave a loud reminder.

"The other side is the guardian of the French royal family, the Dragon Knight of the secret Bureau. Even if he is crazy, it is not so easy to be captured!"

Amadeus reminded me in this way.

Unfortunately, this reminder is a little late.


Dion, who had been wrestling with Matthew, suddenly shook his Western sword. Instead of aiming at Matthew in front of him, the sword flowers fell on the ground.


The ground exploded and was hit by the fierce sword dance, raising a large area of dust.


Matthew was startled and caught in the dust, and his whole vision was lost.

In this case, Matthew's body stopped, allowing Dion to withdraw.

The dragon knight took advantage of this time to run in the direction of the woods.

"Run away?"

Seeing this scene with his own eyes, Luo couldn't help but be surprised.

In Luo Zhen's plan, he didn't expect that the followers of the enemy would escape.

It's not that Luo Zhen is too naive to think of this, but Luo Zhen thinks that since all the followers of the enemy are crazy and lose their senses, they will fight to the end even if they face a dead end.

In this way, Luo was really surprised by Dean's running.

I don't know what I think

"That's a spy who can wear women's clothes in order to complete the mission and make every effort to survive. Even if they are crazy, this mode of action still exists."

Amadeus told Luo Zhen this.

That's what Dion is all about.

In order to successfully meet and become close friends with Elizabeth I of Russia, Dion once sneaked into the country as a lady and used all kinds of means to promote the alliance between France and Russia and made great contributions to France.

After returning to China, Dion was appointed captain of the United team of dragoons by virtue of his martial arts skills. However, because he knew too much state secrets, Louis XV made great efforts to get rid of him.

This kind of Dion could not take into account the threat of state secrets to Louis XV to ensure safety, but after years of intriguing struggle, Louis XV made a compromise and agreed to let himself retire and stay in England, leading a poor and ridiculed life until he was eighty-one.

"If it is to protect the French royal family, the Dragon Knight will not mind dying in battle, but in the rest of the time, for the sake of the mission, he can use all means, escape is nothing at all."

Amadeus's explanation told Luo Zhen what was going on.

And a crowd of followers responded.

"Wait Wait

"Don't run!"

Elizabeth and Qingji chase in the direction of the woods.

"Miss Joan of arc!"

"Well! We'll chase you too

Matthew and Joan of arc are catching up.

Only Luo Zhen and Amadeus remained in place.

"The Dragon Knight guarding the French royal family?"

Luo Zhen murmured.

"No wonder she didn't come out..."

Luo really so murmured, in exchange for Amadeus chuckle.

They looked at the direction of the woods, as if they knew what was going to happen next.


"Sand and sand..."

With the swaying of the trees and the dancing of the leaves, the knight Dion shuttled through the woods at the speed of the wind, heading for Orleans.

On his face, there is no humiliation of defeat, only consistent calm.

"Mission failed. Go back and report."

Dion was just mechanically thinking about things like this.Even if the mission fails, we have to find a way to make up for it or do something for the next operation. This is the style of Knight Dion.

Even if it is crazed, this mode of action is not lost.

Because it's almost instinctive.

Dion went back to the woods.

Just then

"- -- ah --"

a moving high pitched voice resounded.

It was quite different from Elizabeth's magic sound. It was very beautiful.

With the sound of this sound, the sound wave turned into magic, and the magic condensed into a shell, which flew from the front and fell on Dion.


Dion was slightly surprised. He suddenly stopped and jumped away to avoid the incoming magic bullet.

The magic bullet passed silently and disappeared at the other end of the forest.

"Who is it?"

Dion's face was full of vigilance and he made a voice in front of him.

At this time, Dion did not think that he could hear the voice that he had never forgotten before he was alive or even after he died.

"Sorry, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I can't help but do some pranks."

In such an equally moving laugh, the queen, who had been hiding behind her back, appeared here.

"You Are you...! "

Even if Dione was maddening, he was still calm and cold, and finally appeared the greatest degree of astonishment and wavering.

"Long time no see, my best knight."

Mary appeared as if she were walking in the garden, smiling as usual and greeting Dion.

"Mary Your highness...! "

Dion stepped back involuntarily.

Mary was very happy about it.

"Do you remember me? That's a pleasure

Mary's heartfelt laughter deeply stimulated Dion's heart.

No matter who he is facing, Dion can point his sword at each other.

And if necessary, Dion was also able to thrust his sword into anyone's body.

There is only one exception.

That's the object of the oath of allegiance.

“…… Get out of the way. "

Dion fixed his eyes on Mary and whispered.

"I don't want to wave my sword at you."

That's the only bit of reason left for Dion.

He is endowed with the attribute of madness, which makes the noble Dragon Knight degenerate into a ruthless murderer. Even the innocent ordinary people, he can rise and fall the sword and cut off the other party's head.

But in the face of Mary, Dion's only reason was to overpower his mania and let him get back the last bit of persistence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!