Chapter 705

"Hoo Hoo --"

this is the sound aroused by the strong agitation of the wings of the iron and steel dragon in the air.

The magic dragon with a body length of nearly 10 meters appeared in the sky above the night meeting. It stirred up four wings and flew there. While looking down at the battlefield below, the dragon's eyes revealed some complexity, but there was also the same cold as the host.

Although the figure, posture and performance are far from what they usually do, Luo Zhen can still be sure that it is Sigmund.

In some automatic figures, there are also types of body shape change by magic or by the mechanism carried by itself. For example, the angel series of Loki's intelligent angel is such that it can be deformed and transformed by mechanical structure, which is very convenient.

It's no surprise that Sigmund has been an automatic puppet for hundreds of years, with similar performance, and can change his body shape.

There is only one strange thing.

That is...

"... Why are you?"

Luo Zhen made such a question from the heart.

No matter what, Luo Zhen didn't expect that in the end, the opponent who appeared in front of him was Sigmund.

What's more, I didn't expect that the enemy who was sent by Alice to snipe at her enemy was Charlotte.

Even if the friendship between the two sides is not deep, Xia Lu should have no reason to be the enemy.

"What happened?"

Luo Zhen has only such questions.

Unfortunately, the other side did not mean to answer at all.

"Beam gun!"

Standing on Sigmund's head, Charlotte stifled all her feelings and uttered such a command.


Sigmund immediately opened the dragon's mouth, and all the magic gathered in his mouth turned into a shining light.

"Night and night!"

Luo Zhen looks heavy, and gives orders to every night without thinking.


Although the night is still a little shaken, but the 100% trust in Luo Zhen still makes her overcome her heart and choose to obey Luo Zhen's orders.

Therefore, night and night started the magic circuit of "Vajra power", and the slender limbs broke out strong power, which made night and night trample on the floor under their feet, jumped and jumped.

Almost at the same time, the light in Sigmund's mouth bloomed.

It was a brilliant beam of light.

The beam is bright and dazzling. It is just like a glow rising in the night, illuminating the whole battle field of the night meeting.

However, such a dazzling beam is fatal.

The beam sweeps over where it was before night.


With the sound of acid teeth, the ground swept by the light beam actually melted like cream. A huge gully was swept out of the raw, and the pungent burning smell and burning air rose.

Seeing this scene, all the students who watched the war felt cold in their hearts and cold in their limbs.

Even Luo Zhen realized it.

"She's serious."

What are you serious about?

"Seriously want to solve every night."

Want to know, be hit by such a beam of light, even if it is again strong automatic puppet, will completely turn into fly ash.

Even if it's "Vajra power" every night, it's the same.


Luo Zhen is still thinking about this problem.

But the opponent is not going to be lenient.

"Light cannon!"

Charlotte did not waver to continue to give instructions, so that Sigmund's mouth once again compressed the rich glory.

Seeing this, Luo really knows that it is not the time for him to think about the East and the West.

As for Sigmund's magic circuit, Luo Zhen is not so unclear.

Although Charlotte has never revealed Sigmund's magic circuit, anyone who knows something about it will know its reputation.

Sigmund, as a magic dragon tamed by the first generation of bilao and served bilao's family for 120 years, his magic has already been heard all over the UK and even the whole magic world.

It is the magic that can refine a kind of power called exterminating element in the body, and emit it, which can reverse the existing form of matter and change it from being to nothing.

The beam emitted by Sigmund is such a thing, which can forcibly turn all the matter in the world into nothing. No matter what kind of defense can be eliminated, no matter what kind of individual can be dissolved.

This is the power of the magic dragon possessed by the bilao family, Sigmund's magic circuit, a secret method related to the truth of the universe -- "magic sword.".

The reputation of bilao's "dragon of magic sword" is famous all over the world. Naturally, Luo Zhen can't be unaware of it.It is because of this that Luo Zhen needs to move a little bit.

"If the night's" Vajra power "is not assisted by my heart eye, I'm afraid it will also be penetrated by the magic sword."

Therefore, if you have any doubts, you can only ask after suppressing Xia Lu.

Luo Zhen took a deep breath.

"Every night."

With Luo Zhen spit out calm words, a magic like water into the body of the night.

This magic is neither huge nor surging. If it is only about quantity, it can only be said that it is very insignificant.

However, such a small amount of magic, under the control of Luo Zhen, is just like a torrent of life. The moment it pours into the body of night and night, it seems to be alive at once. It flows through the whole body of every night at an amazing speed, passing by one mysterious and incomparable path.

The "Vajra power" in every night's body was driven by this magic power, and suddenly it was operated unprecedentedly.

In the past, Luo Zhen injected magic into the magic circuit of Vajra power, then activated it and used it again.

In this way, the more magic Luo Zhen injects, the better his manipulation skills are, and the better the effect of "Vajra power" will be.

Now, Luo Zhen is no longer just to manipulate the magic circuit of "Vajra power". Instead, he follows a principle that no one can peep at. He makes a small amount of magic in his body at night, such as traction, so that the magic circuit of "Vajra force" can be actively induced, started and displayed the maximum performance.

This is absolutely no one has ever used means, no matter which puppet envoy can not imitate.

Thus, the night burst out of unprecedented strength, the whole body released a terrible momentum.

"Pound --!"

The light in Sigmund's mouth burst and turned into innumerable firecrackers. Like raindrops, it fell from the sky and covered the whole battle field of the night meeting.

In the face of this deadly shelling like a rainstorm, Luo Zhen's choice is like this.

"Fly them!"

Luo Zhen gave such an order.


This time, it was Xia Lu's turn to be surprised.

Every night, without even a slightest hesitation, they trampled on the ground directly and aroused their strength. Like a rocket, they soared into the sky to meet the incoming artillery attack.

The girl of the moon and the firecracker rain of light are in contact with each other in the air.

"Ha ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Every night, the sound of Jiao Jiao was full of momentum, and the slender hands turned into countless fist shadows, and they met the light guns falling from the sky.


In the muffled explosion, a light gun was blasted off every night.

"BAM, BAM, BAM...!"

In the continuous dull explosion, all the light guns that touch the night are blasted away by innumerable fist shadows.

Can destroy all the material light, so by a young girl with physical birth, all fly.

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