Chapter 929

————"There's still time.".

Such a simple sentence, but let the air become like a moment with weight, pressure in everyone's heart.

Luo Zhen let the fist hand more and more tight, and finally released it.

No way.

"It's going to be Matthew's day sooner or later. You should know that."

Roman then strangled all the emotional voice line said, let Luo Zhen silence.

Matthew Gillette.

Luo Zhen really knows this girl very well.

Matthew, for example, was the subject of experiment No. 6 in Chaldea in order to become a follower.

Generally speaking, human beings call on the spirits by using the holy relics that are related to the spirits as the catalyst to make the call successful.

However, in order to obtain the power of absolute obedience to the spirit, the Chaldeans used to use the children of human beings as the catalyst to summon the spirits to the children of human beings, so as to integrate the human beings with the spirits, thus promoting the birth of the existence called subordination.

Matthew is the product of this experiment, which is used to summon the children of spiritual fusion.

However, even if we can successfully summon the spirits, how can we make human beings become one?

If it is so simple that human beings can get the power of the spirit, then the call of souls will not be such a rare and rare miracle.

At least, the object of integration should have the qualifications that match the spirit.

For example, have a magic circuit corresponding to the spirit that is ready to merge and so on.

However, everyone's magic circuit is unique. How can we just have the magic circuit corresponding to the heroes who once existed in history and myth?

Even if there is, in the vast sea of people, how to find such existence?

What a difficult thing it is.

And since you can't find it, you have to create it yourself.

Matthew, it's just that.

"In order to integrate with the spirit of the spirit, the design type test tube baby was bred by artificial fertilization..."

this is the real origin of Matthew.

It was bred by artificial insemination, and after special adjustment and design, it was finally made to have a magic circuit corresponding to the spirit, and then the spirit and the spirit were integrated into an existence, so that the spirit was called as "human" and cultivated into a subordinate experimental object.

So Matthew had no father and no mother.

As a result, Matthew has been living in Chaldea so far and has never been outside.

It was born 16 years ago.

No, since this year is already 2019, it is 17 years ago.

In 2002, Matthew was born in Chaldea and lived in a sterile room for ten years.

The knowledge that came directly into her mind was the result of calculation.

Her cognition is given by limited books, instruments and learning machines.

It wasn't until 2012, when Matthew was 10, that the subordinator experiment began.

The Chaldeans then put Matthew into the fusion ceremony, and summoned the spirits in Matthew's body.

The spirit of Chaldeans tried to be number two, giving power to the followers who disappeared after Matthew.

Of course, the calling ceremony was successful, but the fusion ceremony ended in failure.

Because the hero who was called into Matthew's body was a very noble spirit. He denied the inhumane experiment and behavior of Galatians. Even if the call was successful, he refused to merge with Matthew, but he did not dare to leave without authorization. As a result, Matthew lost his life in the failed ceremony, so he fell asleep in Matthew's body all the time On the day of Renli's burning, in that big fire, he gave his strength to Matthew and returned to the throne.

It was for this reason that the experiment of subordinator was declared a failure, and Matthew was put into the sterile room and was not allowed to go out.

Later, when the former director died, Olga Marie took over her father's post and became the director of Chaldea. Romance also kept on running for Matthew's sake, and finally asked for permission to let Matthew work as a staff member of Chaldea, and could freely move in Chaldea.

That's why two years ago... No, it should be said that three years ago, Luo Zhen and Matthew met in Chaldea.

That is to say, before that, Matthew had been living in a sterile room. Luo Zhen was the first person he met in his life.

Moreover, Matthew could only move in the middle of Chaldea, and could not leave Chaldea and go outside.

This is not only a relationship that is not allowed, but also because Matthew's body is too spotless. She can't adapt to the outside environment when she grew up in the sterile room, so she can only become like this.

Moreover, as a specially designed test tube baby, Matthew's life is quite fragile.

You know, most of the test tube babies produced by Chaldea failed. Matthew is one of the few survival cases, but her cell degradation rate is also very fast.In a word, Matthew's life was very short.

Very short.

According to the records, the maximum activity is 18 years old.

Now Matthew is seventeen.

She has less than a year left.

It doesn't seem strange that Matthew would suddenly fall.

"This is clearly the case, but we still need to force ourselves to throw ourselves into the battle. It will inevitably become this way."

Leonardo da Vinci told such things in a purely factual tone.

Luo Zhen turned and looked at Matthew in the aseptic room, his eyes were strangely dim.

"I should have found out..."

Luo Zhen just said that in a low voice.

Rowe is very clear about Matthew's situation.

However, even so, Luo Zhen still let her throw herself into the battle. If this is not a crime, what is the sin?

Not to mention, Luo Zhen also has the power to reach the divine realm. He can even detect the fluctuation of human heart rate and the electrical signals released by cells. According to the principle, it should have been found that Matthew's body was abnormal.

As a result, Luo Zhen didn't notice anything, so he let Matthew fight all the time...

"I thought that after becoming a subordinate, Matthew's physique should be improved."

This is a fact.

As a subordinate, Matthew got the power of the follower and a strong body, so that he didn't need to stay in Chaldea and sterile room to completely isolate external pollution.

Therefore, Luo Zhen always believed that Matthew's body had recovered.

But the reality is that he slapped Luo Zhen in the face.

"Even if you become a submissive and get a strong body, the life span of Mathew cells is the same. The body is only strengthened by strength, not improved."

Roman seems to be a little bit reluctant to speak in general.

"Matthew's life is still less than a year left, which is an unchangeable fact."


A fact that cannot be changed.

Not even the Holy Grail?

After all, the so-called Holy Grail, even if it is hailed as a wishing machine, is actually just an endless magic crystal.

If the wish can be realized by magic, the Holy Grail will respond.

On the contrary, if the magic can not achieve the wish, then the Holy Grail is totally powerless.

As has been said before, although the so-called Holy Grail is powerful, its power is limited.

Universal wish machine?

This is really only a question mark.

"To be able to bring the dead back to life and to live forever is a miracle of the magic level. Matthew's condition is very close to this, and the Holy Grail alone may not be able to save her."

Da Vinci came to the conclusion.

"What's more, the Holy Grail that we're recycling is all made by Solomon. We don't know what mechanism it is. It's not recommended to use it directly. You don't know whether it will cause any bad effects when you make a wish with the Holy Grail in the special point. If you take this opportunity and are cursed by Solomon with magic, the problem will be great."

Roman spoke in the same deep voice.


"if you want to complain, blame me."

Olga Marie finally spoke.

Moreover, it is extremely self mocking.

"All this was caused by the former ruler of the Chaldeans, and that was my father."

Olga said it in a trembling voice.

Obviously, the girl didn't mind.

His father has been conducting inhumane experiments. In the past, Chaldea was also carrying out magic research under the banner of saving humanity. This is a real fact.

"That's why you hate Chaldea so much and me so much, don't you?"

Olga Marie turned to Luo Zhen as if she had abandoned herself.

"So, if you want to complain, blame me."

As soon as the words came out, the air became heavier. , the fastest update of the webnovel!