Chapter 2037

Generally speaking, when incantations with the same coefficient collide with each other, the result is often not counteracting each other, but the stronger one absorbs the less powerful one, which not only disintegrates the other's spell, but also enhances its own charm, leading to absolute superiority.

For example, when the "fire world mantra" and "fire world mantra" collide with each other, the stronger side will absorb the less powerful one.

Even if it's not the same spell, as long as it belongs to the same coefficient, the result will be triggered.

For example, the fire world mantra is called the big mantra of the immovable Ming king. It collides with the small mantra of the immovable Ming king. Naturally, the former absorbs the latter and collides with the middle mantra of the immovable Ming king. Even if it collides with the immovable golden binding, this result will be triggered.

Because "immovable golden binding" is also a mantra of the immovable Ming king system. It belongs to the same system as the fire Kingdom mantra. The confrontation between the two sides will lead to the absorption and absorption of the same nature of power. Unless there is a small difference in strength, there will be a deadlock.

In the first battle, Luo Zhen and jinglinglu used the fire curse at the same time, which led to a stalemate between the two mantras. That's why.

But now, Luo Zhen's spiritual power is much stronger than that at that time, and his spell attainments have been greatly improved. How can he still stand still with jingling road?

Even in this year and a half, the strength of Jingling road seems to have improved. Compared with Luo Zhen, this improvement is insignificant.

In the case of the two mantras, we can not imagine how the two mantras come out at the same time.

Luo Zhen's huojie mantra absorbed the power of Jingling Lu's huojie mantra neatly, and turned into a more surging fire wave and rushed to jingling road.

Although jingling Lu had expected this result, he was still a little annoyed.

It is a trial of Jingling road to use the fire mantra to touch each other directly as he did at the beginning.

Jinglinglu wants to know what changes have taken place between himself and Luo Zhen after one and a half years.

The reality tells jingling Lu that Luo Zhen's strength is stronger than him after all.

"- - moo --"

jinglinglu immediately sang the true words of King jundaliming, a symbol of fighting off foreign enemies, and recited the words with very strong repelling effect.


Zhongzi Zhenyan turns the magic power of Jingling road into thunder and lightning to repel the threat, which explodes completely.

The waves of fire were blocked by thunder and lightning, and surged to both sides as if split.

In the fire, jinglinglu, regardless of the scalding heat on the skin, clapped his hands and sang aloud new mantras.

That is the mantra used by jinglinglu, which is regarded as one of the strongest mantras of Buddha Ding Zunsheng among the numerous mantras today.

As a result, the surging incantation force weaves into a raging wave, which roars and vibrates, blows away the fire wave, and turns into an avalanche, rushing out to Luo Zhen.

Where it passed, on the road, whether it was vehicles or traffic lights, all seemed to have been washed away by the flood and crushed.

In this regard, Luo Zhen did not change his face. He actually sang a kind of truth like jingling Lu.

"Amitabha" -- "

this is a kind of true words of King Dawei Deming, who can frustrate the inner troubles and repel the external enemies.

The power of the word "Zhong" turned into the impact of the curse force, just like the jingling road just now, and scattered the raging waves.

However, the result of Luo Zhen is different from that of Jingling road again. Instead of splitting up the attacking incantations and letting them rush to both sides by rubbing their bodies, Luo Zhen completely dispels the storm, and makes the flood like raging waves overturn, explode and disappear without trace.

This is to tell others about the gap between Luo Zhen and jingling Lu.


Jinglinglu was furious, and the blue veins that had been bursting out were wriggling on his temples and forehead, which showed how fierce his inner anger was.

It was not only because he felt humiliated, but also because of the obvious gap that made him unwilling and rebellious.

Originally, jinglinglu is the type of one who wins with spiritual power. Although he has also made great efforts in incantation, his magic power will be very powerful due to his great power.

In this respect, it has always been the advantage of Jingling road. Except for Miyagi Panfu, jinglinglu has admitted that he will not lose to any one of the national first-class yin-yang masters of the twelve divine generals.

But now, his advantage is gone, and he is crushed by his opponent in the most direct way.

Looking at Luo Zhen's playful eyes, jinglinglu can guess what he will say without thinking.

"What? Is it gone? "

Luo's words as like as two peas in the mirror.At this moment, Luo Zhen seems to have not exerted all his strength, deliberately teasing him.

"Don't look at me tearing it up!"

Jinglinglu cried out, no longer winning with brute force, and suddenly retreated.

During the period of violent retreat, jinglinglu also played one seal character after another.

That's the formula.

Moreover, it is the original formula.

"Shishen generation!"

Jinglinglu created the type God, which made its original man-made style appear on the battlefield.

It was like a specimen of a beast's skeleton, without a trace of flesh and blood. It was just a body formed by skeletons. It was an original God like the dead.

Jingling road produced twelve such type gods, and let them run out one by one, like wolves in hunting, surrounded Luo Zhen.

"Shishen generation!"

In the face of Jingling Lu's attack, Luo Zhen actually imitates the other side. He also generates twelve type gods, and the symbols that are made by him spread out in the air and turn into Cat ropes one by one and pounce on each other.

The type gods of both sides began to fight each other, making the battlefield a mess.

As for Luo Zhen and jingling Road, they have not stopped.

"Urgent as order!"

Jingling road played a spell to make the flame burn and expand.

This guy started using runes.

"Urgent as order!"

Luo Zhen once again treated him with his own way, and his charm was shining.

However, what Luo Zhen played was not the fire line rune, but the water line rune, so that the surging torrent appeared, a surge, to meet the incoming flame.

"Fire gives birth to soil!"

Jingling road tied up a fingerprint, so that the surging flames, a seal character also flash light.

Jinglinglu hides a mantra in the fire generated by the fire rune, so that it can play a role now.

What is hidden is the earth rune.

Fire makes the earth, so that the surging flame is absorbed by the earth rune, and then it makes the earthquake tremble, suddenly cracks, separates the surging torrents, and even makes them flow into the cracks and disappear without trace.

Unfortunately, jinglinglu doesn't know that his concealment is too immature for Luo Zhen, who owns "insight".

"Water gives birth to wood!"

Luo Zhen has already played a water rune, let it swept into the cracks in the ground.

The next moment, the strong wood gas produced. , the fastest update of the webnovel!