Chapter 2127

Next, the lively atmosphere in the college began to decline slightly.

Because, for several days in a row, the night meeting did not start a war.

In addition to Luo Zhen, Xia Lu, rocky, Frey and Veron, all the glove holders have implemented the right of not appearing at the night meeting these days, and none of them appeared.

Many people can guess this situation.

Including the general audience.

"Because it's no use playing."

"I don't want to see what kind of people are on the court now."

"Except for the multiple roar, all the others are puppet ambassadors at the level of" thirteen people ". Even in" multiple roar ", there are several more automatic puppets, which must have become stronger. How can fifty or so glove holders fight with them?"

"That's it."

The audience guessed that, and it was not surprising that glove holders didn't show up.

In the presence of Luo Zhen and others, those glove holders simply have no chance of winning. Even if they play, they are just going to send them off. Of course, they don't want to appear.

There must be a lot of glove holders who have such ideas, so when the high ranking glove holders don't appear, the glove holders who are next in the rankings do not appear at all, just like the evaporation of the human world. As a result, there is no fight in the night meeting these days.

Veron had been staring at Luo Zhen. The hostility in his eyes became more and more intense. His face became more and more impatient and irritable. As soon as he saw it, he knew that he wanted to fight Luo Zhen, but because of the relationship between Charlotte, rocky and Frey, he couldn't do anything.

As for Luo Zhen, Xia Lu, Luo Ji and Fu Lei, they did not fight each other from the beginning to the end. Every night, the fighting ground in the arena was like a rest square for friendship. Except for Veron, there was no sense of tension. Only Luo Zhen and his party kept talking and fighting. People who didn't know thought they were here to play What about it.

Having said that, when the standby duty is over, the public will be very decisive and direct exit. They will not stay at all, let alone act together.

No, Charlotte and Frey are acting together.

Maybe it's because they are already familiar with each other, or because they have been getting along with each other these nights, their relationship has become much better recently. They often go in and out together. Even outside the night meeting, they will make an appointment to train, study and even have dinner together. In addition, Anli, the three girls in a row seem to have completely become girlfriends, very friendly.

Thanks to this, rocky seems to have been abandoned by Frey, but I seem to think it's better. She has been acting alone.

Luo Zhen's "insight" has a clear grasp of Loki's whereabouts. Through "sight", we can see that Loki has been training in the forest all the time outside the night meeting, or he has visited the dexterous Technology Department frequently.

Aware of this, Luo Zhen knew that rocky must be trying to solve the problem of insufficient performance of the automatic puppet.

After all, dexterous technology is a discipline that specializes in the production technology of automatic dolls. Rocky's frequent visits there should be an attempt to improve the performance of smart angels, or even to replace them.

However, Loki didn't ask Luo Zhen for help. He should not only stop accepting Luo Zhen's love, but also want to solve his own problems through his own efforts?

"That's a dead brain."

Luo Zhen gave such evaluation, but did not say much.

These days, because of these conditions, I have been very calm and nothing happened.

Of course, although nothing has happened, it is not that there is no exception.

In the college, there is still an abnormal place, which has not been found.

Luo Zhen has found this, but he still doesn't say anything and let it go.

Because, compared with this anomaly, the one that happened to him is more worthy of Luo Zhen's meditation.

This is not the first time that the abnormality has appeared in Luo Zhen.

In the past, Luo Zhen has found that his vitality seems to be lost for unknown reasons, flowing to an unexpected place.

Now it's happening again.

Luo Zhen's vitality is constantly losing in the present progressive tense, and the loss speed is even enough to cause problems in the body of ordinary people.

Change to the former Luo Zhen, vitality loss like this, I'm afraid it will soon become the same as ever, poor physique, fragile body like a balloon, a prick will break.

Fortunately, after the arrival of foreign magic, Luo Zhen's concept of existence has been constantly sublimated. While the magic power continues to grow at an amazing speed, his vitality has become more and more vigorous. Today, in terms of vitality, he is not inferior to Dayuan's, and the loss of this level of vitality is just a drizzle.

If it is Luo Zhen now, even if it is not a vampire, he needs to consume huge vitality to summon the beast, then his life will not be affected at all.Because, Luo Zhen's vitality is extremely huge, which is no worse than the vampire with infinite vitality, and the speed of recovery is amazing. He can exercise the power of the beast in the human body without any other conditions.

That is to say, but the loss of vitality for no reason is still very serious.

However, Luo Zhen still did not say anything. He felt where he had gone after the loss of his vitality, while he pretended that he did not know how to continue his life.

Now Luo Zhen no longer needs to practice as hard as in the past. All the knowledge of demon guides in his mind has been integrated by him, and all aspects of strength and realm have been promoted to a perfect level. Even magic can operate and generate itself, and there is no need to practice at all. Therefore, unless there is a sudden whim, there is something to develop new skills or improvements The inspiration of the existing strength, otherwise, Luo Zhen could eat, sleep, and live a leisurely life, which would become stronger and stronger.

Then, when the sublimation of foreign magic is over, Luo Zhen can condense foreign magic, transform at one stroke, and usher in the opportunity of soaring strength again.

Luo Zhen is waiting for that day to come, and during this period, enjoying the peaceful and quiet campus life.

Until a week later, at the night meeting, a surprising development appeared.

Luo Zhen heard such news on the way to the arena.

"All the puppets on the list of" thirteen people "have appeared

This news, not only let the calm for a long time of College up a little waves, but also let the students one by one for it.

Soon, many people began to rush to the arena, ready to explore.

Luo Zhen, who took the three men of iluli, yeyeye and Xiaozi, had the same eyebrow.

In illuli, night, small purple surprised performance, Luo Zhen smile.

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