Chapter 2314

For two weeks since the fall of the abyss, neither shallot nor Kishu has come back.

Although the school has announced the suspension of classes is a very important reason, but the more important reason seems to be that the two people have been busy with the management of the community on the artificial island, so they have never come back, and they seldom return home.

Considering that both of them have a deep relationship with the man-made island management commune, it seems reasonable that they will become so in today's situation.

Luo Zhen and others also tried to contact shallot and Kishu. They would also answer the phone and reply to the messages sent by people from time to time. However, when people mentioned that they wanted to see them, they all flatly refused.

"Now it's a mess here. I don't have time to reminisce with you or take care of you."

"Anyway, just wait for us at home."

Shallot and base tree said that every time, so many people complained about it.

Luo Zhen is not unable to understand.

After all, in that month, she was too busy to see anyone. Even astarudi was always with her. The number of times she met in the past two weeks was no more than five times, which proved that the man-made island management commune was really busy now, and it was the time when people were in urgent need.

It's said that many demons and civil demonists in service have been invited by the man-made island management commune, and they are currently carrying out various tasks to revitalize Xianshen island. Luo Zhen is also a demon attack master with formal license. If he had not held the disaster relief activities related to the life and death of XianShen Island, would he have been invited?

In this case, a gifted computer girl like shallot and a family member who manages the commune with his back on the artificial island will be so busy that he can foresee it.

The problem is that...

"I always think that the attitude of those two guys is not right."

That's what Luo thinks.

You know, in ordinary times, even if you are busy, shallot will be busy, complain about a lot of things with Luo Zhen on the phone, and complain well. My personality is not serious enough to change the style because Xianshen island has been reduced to such a field. Therefore, it is quite unusual for shallot to become so "silent".

Kei Shu, not to mention, is basically a lousy master. Even if he will work hard, it would be too abnormal to work so hard that there is almost no news.

Coupled with the fact that the local government has been reluctant to send disaster relief, this matter is certainly not so simple.

"Do you want to sneak into the man-made island to manage the commune and see what's going on?"

Luo Zhen has not never raised such an idea.

If Luo really wants to, in fact, he has a lot of means to find out all this.

Recently, however, Luo Zhen has been doing one thing and has not explored it in depth.

Thinking of that, Luo Zhen turned his head and looked in the direction of the ancient city.

"Speaking of the ancient city, you still can't get in touch with the God in your body?"

That's what Luo really said.


During this time, Luo Zhen has been trying to wake up Cain, the God of blame, and talk to Cain through the ancient city.

In order to find out the most essential mystery of "Shengjian", Luo Zhen intends to start directly from the culprit.

As long as we can understand the secret of the most important "holy fighter", then all these problems will be solved easily.

Therefore, during this period, Luo Zhen tried to talk with Cain, the God of blame, while carrying out disaster relief activities. He also taught the ancient city some methods of communicating with God and channeling spirits, and asked the ancient city to help him accomplish this task.

It's a pity...

"no, that guy seems to be trying to get rid of everything in the world, and he has been reluctant to respond to me."

The ancient city is quite puzzled.

"I also tried to psyche in the way you taught me, but I could only feel his emotion vaguely, not his will at all."

There is no alternative.

Who makes the ancient city not a God or a witch at all?

He is just an ordinary man. It is a miracle that he can be attached to gods. It is impossible to communicate with gods.

"People have also helped the ancient city king to communicate with the spirit, but they can't work. It's not that our voice can't convey the past, but that the other party doesn't want to respond to us."

She puffed up her cheeks.

In the past, she not only successfully channeled with Aguilar, but also with the original fourth true ancestor, which led to her body being taken away. Now she can't even wake up to a sleeping God. I can't be forgiven.

"Channeling is not my area of expertise, and I can't help. I'm sorry."

The same as a witch, but better at fighting, snow vegetables feel guilty and bow his head.

"I... I can't help it."Even Xia Yin is in a low mood.

As the heir of the royal family of aldighian Kingdom, Xia Yin has the psychic qualification even higher than the snow vegetables and sand, but she doesn't know how to use the power. In addition, she prefers to communicate with the elves. As a result, although she wants to help, she can't do anything about it.

"If you want to... Or I will wake up the blame God!"

Aguilar raised her courage and yelled, but her hands were shaking.

According to the girl's words, Cain, the God of blame, should hate to kill her fourth true ancestor. In this case, if she sends out magic power and introduces it into the ancient city, it may stimulate Cain, the God of blame, to wake him up.

However, in this way, Cain, who was stimulated to wake up, would not give up on Aguilar, which might lead to the manipulation of the body of the ancient city and kill Aguilar himself.


"don't mention it again." Luo Zhen rolled a white eye, did not have the good spirit way: "obviously are afraid to die, but also bravado."

That is to say, to this point, Luo Zhen is basically out of the way.

If we take some tough measures, Luo Zhen can still achieve his goal.

However, in that case, Cain, the God of blame, may become angry and do something about the body of the ancient city.

In view of this, Luo Zhencai did not take strong measures.

"As a result, I can only persevere in communicating with his will and constantly trying to wake him up." Luo Zhen said to the ancient city: "don't worry. Since this God has not done anything to you, it proves that, at least, at present, he has no hostility to you, and he has no malice. Maybe he just doesn't want to be disturbed. Try more. He will always respond."

God is a kind of moody and capricious existence, perhaps a good mood, the other party will wake up.

"When it comes to the last resort, I will not be polite." Luo Zhen chuckled and said, "anyway, I have collected eleven animals from the fourth Zhenzu. In terms of conditions, it should be possible for me to stimulate him."

As soon as this word came out, the public did not have any response. Agulora on one side raised her eyes and looked at Luo Zhen, looking at him with an expression of desire and silence.

"What's the matter? Is there anything you want to say? "

Luo Zhen was aware of this and asked in a strange way.

Aguilar hesitated for a while, then bit his teeth and looked directly at Luo Zhen.

"The last beast is in me now."

Aguilar pressed her chest in a complicated tone.

"You, will you try to seize it?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!