Chapter 1363: : Already dead

After Qian Nana made up her mind, she didn't feel so scared. Holding Lin Tian's arm, she only felt that her body and heart were warm.

Qian Nana is definitely a big beauty, especially young and lovely. Any man will have an impulse to read her posture and words, and Lin Tian is no exception.

However, Lin Tian's affection for Qian Nana was actually caused by Qian Yun's overwhelming experience. It was Aiwu and Wu. Who made Qian Nana look like the most perfect sister Qian Yun in his memory?

"Damn! You really are a slut, death is coming, and finally revealing your nature!"

What Huang Jin watched from the side was burning with jealousy. He endured the humiliation and pursued Qian Nana for more than three months. It was not until today that he touched his little hand.

But this **** **** was so poor and disgusted by others, even Qian Nana didn't have a good face to him before.

But now, now Qian Nana actually took the initiative to give her arms, and also hinted that she could have further intimate contact with this guy! ! !

Oh shit! ! !

Huang Jin felt that his lungs were about to explode, and he wished to rush up and chop Lin Tian with his own hands, and then pressed Qian Nana under her body, torment her fiercely to dispel her hatred!

But he also knew himself well, knowing that he alone was not Lin Tian's opponent at all.

"You are not qualified to talk about me! You despicable and shameless fellow, I thought you were my true love and sincere to me. You not only wanted to torture me, but also pushed me to others in danger!"

"And you are a beast! Even my mother and aunt want to get involved! You are not qualified to scold me!"

Qian Nana's face flushed with anger, pointed at Huang Jin and cursed loudly.

Huang Jin snorted coldly, his face didn't blush, and he didn't think of Qian Nana as his own woman, but it was a tool he wanted to vent. No matter how he treats him, he will not feel distressed. Up.

"You fucking...well, what do you want to do, don't come here, fuck! Get out of me!"

Huang Jin wanted to continue to insult Qian Nana, but saw Lin Tian's eyes cold, let go of Qian Nana, and walked towards him, suddenly scared him back again and again.

"Help me! Uncle Wu! Get someone on, kill him!" Huang Jin shouted anxiously.

"Fuck! What are you waiting for!! Come on!! Catch Lao Tzu alive, Lao Tzu will cut him alive by himself!!!"

At this time, Boss Zhang, whose arms were scrapped, collapsed on the ground, shouted with a hideous face.

Of course he didn't want to save Huang Jin, but after waiting for a long time, he almost died of pain. These people are still carrying guns, and he can't wait for revenge! !

It was also at this time that everyone discovered that all the dozen bodyguards guarding the door were still standing there. From Lin Tian's appearance until now, no one came to help!

"Damn!! What are you guys doing in a daze!!"

"Give me everything!! What do you do to raise you!!! Get me catch that bastard!!!"

Wu Haoran pointed to the group of inaction bodyguards and scolded loudly, only thinking that today was really bad luck and hurt the distinguished guests. After returning, he still didn't know how the eldest prince would blame it.

At this critical moment, these bodyguards are so warm and start to lose their chains! !

But with his reprimands and orders, none of the tall and vicious bodyguards stood up, still standing straight, staring straight ahead.

"Damn! What the **** is going on!"

At this time, the people in the room found that something was wrong. These bodyguards hadn't moved for a long time since the past. After Lin Tian appeared, it was quiet and unusual.

And now, I don’t listen to orders, is it...

The faces of Wu Haoran and others changed completely, thinking of the most terrifying possibility.

"Don't come here!! Get away, stay away from me!!"

Lin Tian still pressed on Huang Jin step by step, Huang Jin stepped back again and again, behind him, stood the rich second generation and the beauties who came with him. Seeing Huang Jin and Lin Tian came, naturally she was scared. Have to back again and again.


At this time, one of the rich second generations retreated to the door in a panic and happened to ran into a bodyguard who was hit by him and immediately fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

"Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!! Bang!!!..."

As the bodyguard fell, it was like a butterfly effect, and the rest of the bodyguards also fell to the ground one by one, motionless, with straight eyes.

"Oh my God!! He...they are already dead!!"

A rich second-generation courageously probed one of them, and immediately let out an exclamation with a pale face.

Everyone changed their faces for this, and suddenly a cold breath filled the entire private room, and everyone felt a horror.

These bodyguards could not see a trace of wounds or blood on their bodies, but they were all dead!

There is no need to think about it at all, everyone knows that all this must be Lin Tian's doing! !

This young Chinese man, not only was able to touch in unconsciously, he was also able to silently kill all these bodyguards who had experienced battles! !

All of this has exceeded everyone's understanding and common sense. For a time, everyone was truly afraid, and the whole body was cold. Looking at Lin Tian as if seeing a ghost, his eyes were full of fear.

Only Qian Nana was also shocked by it, but her spirit was lifted, and her heart burst into ecstasy. The stronger Lin Tian, ​​the greater her hope of returning alive!

"Don't come here!! Don't come here!!!"

"Help!! Come and save me!!!"

"Please!! Don't kill me!! Please!!!"

In the blink of an eye, the bodyguards that he still relied on were all corpses. Huang Jin was scared at this time and tripped over the fallen corpse, crawling backwards with both hands and feet.

Until he couldn't retreat, he kept coming to the door. The door was blocked by those corpses. He couldn't open it at all, so he could only slam the door desperately and cried loudly.

At this time, Lin Tian had already come behind him and gently pressed his hand on his head.

Huang Jin turned his head in fear and looked up at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian turned his torso face to him and pinched his chin with his fingers, forcing him to open his mouth wide, condescendingly, looking at him coldly, without any emotion in his voice:

"It's full of nonsense, I think this tongue is useless if you ask for it!"


Huang Jin noticed something and let out a scream, but this was the last word he left in the world.

Huang Jin clutched his **** mouth and rolled around in pain, while Lin Tian grabbed his **** tongue and turned around.

"who is the next?"

Lin Tian glanced across everyone's faces like ice skates, and said word by word.

In the end, his eyes stayed on Wu Haoran.

(End of this chapter)