Chapter 2055: : We all believe it!

After scanning for a few times, he found that there was no trace of anyone in the entire room, and Lin Tian let go of his heart.

It seems that the previously palpitating sense of danger really comes from a clone of Dr. Long.

As for the clone named Dragon Baby, the danger at this moment was also lifted, and it seemed that it was just a false alarm.

Now that it was confirmed, Lin Tian walked out and came to the two women.

"Let's go, let's go out, there are still a bunch of people waiting for us on it." Lin Tian greeted the two women. He said, naturally, the innocent people who were saved by them.

When Lin Tian mentioned those people, Tang Yueling forcibly pretended to be relaxed, and became solemn again.

"Then what to do here? What about these weird-looking equipment? I think they can be recycled and researched, maybe they can be reused."

While talking, Zhou Qian walked to an instrument at random and touched several buttons with her hand.

"Swish swish!!"

Several laser beams were violently launched from the instrument, and they hit Zhou Qian's gate!

"Be careful!"

Lin Tian reminded him, before his voice fell, people had stepped forward and pulled Zhou Qian away.

The laser drew past Zhou Qian dangerously and dangerously. No one saw it, but only a little bit of the edge of the clothes. The clothes that had been pierced directly broke smoothly and floated to the ground.

"..." Zhou Qian was undecided, watching the corners of the clothes on the ground, and she was cautiously jumping around.

Such a sharp laser almost hit her just now, if that were the case, she would be dead now!

"In my opinion, everything here should be destroyed!" Lin Tian let go of Zhou Qian and glared at her as a warning.

They don't even know what these instruments are used for, and touching them indiscriminately is very dangerous.

"Yeah! I agree!!" Zhou Qian nodded fiercely, raised both hands in agreement, not mentioning the use of waste.

"You go first, I'll be there later." Lin Tian instructed the two women.

The two women left obediently and walked back along the same path, while Lin Tian carefully wandered around the laboratory a few times.

After searching carefully, Lin Tian didn't find anything of value, so he had to walk out.

"Burning the world!!"

After going out, Lin Tian waved his hand and shot out a burning world. The fire dragon roared and swept past, burning the laboratory to the ground!

Lin Tian went all the way and shot out Fen Tianxia, ​​and burned the two corridors of the room clean, leaving nothing usable.

Only the ashes left after being burned silently proved what had happened here.

Soon, Lin Tian caught up with the two daughters of Tang Yueling.

The closer Tang Yueling gets to the top, the heavier Tang Yueling's steps will become. In the end, she needs Zhou Qian's support to walk.

Although she didn't know anything about it, it can be said that she was also one of the victims, but the perpetrator was after all her father.

It was said that the father's debt was repaid, the evil results that Tang Tianbao planted, and the lives that died for this, Tang Yueling felt that she had an inescapable responsibility.

"Let's go, don't be afraid, I am here!"

Lin Tian stepped forward, patted Tang Yueling on the shoulder, and said softly.

Lin Tian still sympathizes with her. She is a woman who has been exhausted from managing a large company. Today, she has suffered the biggest change in her life.

The most respected and respected father, who is regarded as the spiritual pillar in his heart, not only becomes a murderer, but also wants to kill his own daughter.

This kind of blow can't be borne by anyone. Tang Yueling didn't have a mental breakdown as a result, which can be said to be very remarkable.

The three of them got on the elevator silently, and slowly moved up in the rising sea of ​​fire.

When they think of how to deal with the innocent people outside, their hearts are heavy.

The elevator door opened, and the eyes were greeted with anticipation in panic.

I saw the children rescued by Lin Tian all crowding in front of the elevator.

Seeing the elevator door opened, they subconsciously stepped back and held their breath, because they didn't know what would be coming up at the moment.

The older brothers who were as powerful as the legendary gods before, or those clones like **** ghosts!

After seeing Lin Tian and the others in the elevator, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief, put down the boulder in their hearts, and rushed towards Lin Tian with tears.

"Big brother, are you okay?"

"Big brother, are you hurt?"

"Brother, are you hungry? I have a little bit to eat here!"


The children surrounded Lin Tian in the middle, scrambling to talk, caring for Lin Tian completely out of instinct.

Lin Tian was their savior. They knew that he had just gone down to find the culprit, so since he got down, they have been worried about his safety. All they can do is wait here silently.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the children, Lin Tian didn't know what to say, so he could only touch their heads one by one with his hands.

He did save them, but Lin Tian was not happy at all.

If he can find here sooner and kill those things that are inferior to the beasts, he can save more people.

"Is it only you, what about the others?" Lin Tian asked.

"They... They all said that my brother hasn't come out for so long since he went in, maybe he has already..."

"So they all gathered at the door and said they wanted to find a way to get out." The children rushed to say.

"But we all believe that if you are so powerful, big brother, you can definitely defeat those bad guys!" a child hurriedly said.

"Yeah! We all believe it!" The children nodded sharply, looking at Lin Tian's admiration.

Lin Tian was silent and could only smile back at them and said to them:

"Don't worry, the main messenger behind the scenes is dead, and your hatred is revenge."

Hearing the news that Tang Tianbao had died, the children cheered, everyone's face showed a happy expression, and many children cried excitedly on the spot.

Seeing the children's reaction, Tang Yueling felt even more uncomfortable. If it weren't for Zhou Qian's support, she had fallen to the ground.

"Let's go, let's find them and take you out immediately!" Lin Tian said to the children.

"Great! I'll see Mom and Dad again soon!"

"I can see my brother!"

"Hum hum ...... my brother he has been ...... if he was still more than good!"

"I haven't seen you for so long, Mom and Dad should be anxious, I'm really useless, it's all my fault..."


The children talked and talked, some were crying and some were laughing, but without exception, they all felt very yearning and happy for the coming freedom.