Chapter 98: The Hidden Paradise Underground

Name:Super Brain Telekinesis Author:
Chapter 98: The Hidden Paradise Underground

After noticing a faint light ahead, Wu Hao continued to move slowly. After a while, he discovered the source of the light. It turned out that these lights were not coming from the core area deep within the cave, as he had initially imagined, but rather from the rocky walls surrounding the passage.

The walls emitting this faint light were made of a very special kind of stone. While the light from these stones was dim, there were many of them, allowing him to see everything clearly in the entire cave passage with his naked eye.

However, Wu Hao didn't pay too much attention to these glowing stones. His curiosity was focused on what lay ahead in the unknown passage.

With the appearance of the glowing passage, Wu Hao continued to follow the winding path. After about ten more minutes of walking, his field of vision gradually expanded. At the same time, the light, which was initially sparse, became brighter. Upon noticing this, Wu Hao immediately slowed down and continued forward.

In no time, Wu Hao finally saw the scene in front of him. "I didn't expect to find such a place at the end of this passage, like a paradise," Wu Hao exclaimed in astonishment.

Wu Hao was truly surprised because the sight before him was quite astonishing. The underground space at the end of this passage was not only enormous and well-lit, but it was also adorned with numerous vines and plants. In addition to these vines and plants, Wu Hao naturally noticed several figures that resembled the ape-like creatures he had seen earlier.

However, there was no path ahead in the passage where Wu Hao stood. Instead, there was a cliff that dropped to a depth of nearly a hundred meters. Yet, at the edge of the cliff at the end of the passage, there were many vines, which were likely the means by which these ape-like creatures climbed in and out of the passage.

However, while Wu Hao was observing the cave, the ape-like creatures below also instantly noticed his presence. Immediately, these creatures began to panic and gather together, emitting frantic howls.

As the ape-like creatures below gradually gathered, Wu Hao, through visual estimation, roughly understood their situation. There were approximately 50 of these creatures, varying in size, and the underground space had an irregular circular shape with a height of about 200 meters and a width of nearly two kilometers at its widest point.

Seeing this situation, Wu Hao felt somewhat puzzled. So, he tentatively spoke, "Can you understand what I'm saying?" Although Wu Hao didn't hold much hope for this, seeing these ape-like creatures suddenly become so excited, he asked with a try-it-and-see attitude.

"Wu... Wu..." Unexpectedly, among this group of ape-like creatures, an elderly-looking one stepped forward upon hearing Wu Hao's words. It bowed to him and emitted soft howls.

"You understand what I'm saying?" Wu Hao found this rather astonishing. He had casually spoken, but among these ape-like creatures below, there was indeed one that seemed to understand his words. However, it appeared that this ape-like creature, despite understanding him, couldn't speak like humans.

While making sounds, this ape-like creature, with yellowed fur all over its body, also nodded toward Wu Hao. Seeing the performance of this seemingly aged creature, Wu Hao was convinced that it could understand him.

With this in mind, Wu Hao briefly explained his purpose, "I accidentally discovered your people gathering food in the valley outside. Out of curiosity, I followed you in here. Don't worry, I won't reveal your situation to the outside world. You don't need to worry about being disturbed by outsiders from now on."

Upon hearing Wu Hao's words, the creatures below immediately gestured and then bowed deeply. Subsequently, this particular ape-like creature emitted several more howls, and the surrounding creatures also bowed to Wu Hao.

"Could it be that these creatures have taken me as a descendant of some deity they worship? Otherwise, their attitude wouldn't have changed so quickly after seeing that I can fly." Wu Hao watched the behavior of these creatures in front of him and secretly speculated. In fact, the situation was just as Wu Hao had guessed.

These creatures had indeed recognized him as a descendant of a deity their ancestors had worshiped. In reality, these ape-like creatures had thrived in this underground cave for thousands of years. However, due to the limited size of this underground space and their adherence to a certain ancestral decree that forbade them from leaving freely, their numbers had always been kept within a certain range.

Nevertheless, Wu Hao was unaware of these details. So, as he saw these creatures displaying such obedience towards him, he began to form a plan in his mind.