
In the hall, there are also treasures similar to the mirror of heaven and earth observing the battlefield of Yong'an City.

When the crowd saw the towering beam of light, everyone was stunned and stunned. Even the five elders almost forgot to breathe.

Originally, they were still worried that Ling Chen would be cheated by the clever words of the evil sword fairy and cooperate with the evil sword fairy.

But now the situation is scaring them all.

Even the five of them could not do the awe inspiring righteousness contained in the golden light. Only the legendary sages could do it.

Da Chang opened his mouth, and finally sighed: "this son has amazing determination and can not move like the earth. He can even say that the evil sword immortal is speechless. His means are also terrible. He has a noble and righteous spirit. I'm afraid his future achievements are beyond the capacity of this world."


The other elders nodded.

All the people in Shushan are looking at Ling Chen on the battlefield of Yong'an City.

Their eyes seem to be stuck by glue, for fear that if they move away for a moment, they will miss a very important picture.

A disciple of Shushan sighed: "he is like a God."

Demon world.

The devil is also shocked.

He frowned and looked at the God ring around him, just like the figure of God. He was very puzzled.

"Who the hell is he?"

"Why can we have the vast evil Qi which is comparable to me, and now we can have the noble and righteous Qi which only saints have?"

"How can he coexist with evil Qi?"

The devil can't think of it. He can't think of it very well.

So far, the same thing has happened to human beings.

Yong'an City.

The evil sword fairy was shocked and looked at Ling Chen who was not far away. She frowned and asked, "aren't you seriously injured by me? Why are you ok now?"

"And where does this power come from?"

He frowned.

Because he can feel, this power can be said to be completely different from before, standing in front of himself as if not just that a weak Ling dust.

So he was surprised and said, "Why are you so powerful?"

"Since you have such a powerful power, why didn't you use it just now?"

Lingchen looked at the evil sword fairy indifferently and replied, "you have no love in your heart. How can you understand the real power?"

Of course, he doesn't say that he became like this because he charged money.


The evil sword fairy suddenly laughed and said, "what's the use of this thing. How many people who could have been famous for ages have died in this word. "

He looked at Lingchen and said, "even if you have a strong power now, but you can't kill me if you lose the demon sword. Give up. I'll cross six circles and never die."

When the people on the mountain of Shu heard this, they all fell silent.

Indeed, without the Zhenyao sword, Lingchen could not kill the evil sword immortal even though it was powerful.

Unless we find the demon sword again.

But now, the town demon sword has been thrown to where by the evil sword fairy.

"Damn it."

Some of the disciples of Shushan are not willing to die. Can this evil sword immortal really not be killed?

The evil sword fairy looked at Ye Feng, and his surprise in his eyes gradually disappeared. Although Lingchen is powerful now, it is not strong enough for him. So he is not afraid. He smiles and says, "you have this power. I can forget the past and cooperate with you once more to unify the six realms."