"It's good on TV. Men really don't have a good thing."

The ringtone hummed, but there was a shy smile on her pretty face.

Lin Lengshuang's pretty face is also difficult to a red.

"Don't be kidding," she said

Then Lin Lengshuang looked at Ling Chen and asked, "will it be dangerous to take us to another world? We are too weak."

"I have a world that suits you."

Lingchen had planned to let Lin Lengshuang enter the active copy from the beginning.

Because the system told him that this activity copy is suitable for people who have just contacted the practice. If Lin Lengshuang enters, something different will fall from the copy, including some experience and martial arts skills.

Lingchen asked the system at that time, why did he just drop moon cakes when he went in?

The system's answer is, you're too strong to ask for those tips.

Lingchen was choked by the system and couldn't speak. She decided to let Lin Lengshuang enter the active copy. Moreover, the active copy is the simplest copy in history.

"You are just beginning to practice, so I will send you to a special world."

Ling Chen and Lin Lengshuang explain the existence of this activity copy.

"I want to shoot a rabbit."

When the ring tone heard this, the rabbit was so cute.

Ling dust indifferently said: "this rabbit turns the devil, is more powerful than the mad dog, if you hold it, the first time bite your neck."

"Forget it." Ring tone neck shrunk, so said.

"Will you lose some experience?" Lin Lengshuang is thinking about what Lingchen said to her just now, "I won't die, but it's interesting."

She nodded, "OK, I'll go to the world."

"I forgot to say it."

Lingchen took out the rest of the small moon cake, put it in the pot, and said, "beat those crazy rabbits, and you may get such moon cakes."

He picked up one and handed it to Lin Lengshuang, saying, "try it."

Lin Lengshuang took it, took a small bite, and then his eyes brightened.

She looked at the moon cake in her hand and said, "this should be the elixir."

"I can feel that the moon cake contains a lot of spiritual power, which is good for cultivation."

Ring tone picked up a moon cake, and then said: "the original master, you still have ah, give me back my previous moved."

Lin Lengshuang finished eating the moon cakes in his hand, and then asked, "how can you send us to a different world?"


Ling dust stretched out his hand and held Lin Lengshuang's jade hand. At the same time, he contacted the system in his heart and said, "give her the right of anger of the activity copy."

The system said, "please pay 1000 diamonds."

Lingchen did not hesitate to pay the money.

"In the process of authorization testing, name: Lin Lengshuang, gender: female, age: 21 years old, single, only have a high degree of favor for members, trust members, three circumference:..."

"OK." Ling Chen quickly interrupted the system.

"After testing, Lin Lengshuang meets the requirements and can enter the copy."

The system echoed: "has given Lin Lengshuang the right to enter the copy."

And now.

Lin Lengshuang was suddenly held by Ling dust, and her heart suddenly jumped. She even felt a little nervous. At the same time, she felt her pretty face hot.

But in the next moment, her heart suddenly moved, feeling that she could enter another world for a period of time.

Her eyes fell on Ling Chen, and she saw him nodding.

Lin Lengshuang did not speak much. After Ling Chen let go, she thought, and a door slowly appeared in front of her.