Two minutes later.

The result of the vote came out.

Li Jianshi 51 votes, brilliance rain 48 votes.

When this result appeared, all the people present were nervous.

Although watching Li Jianshi more than Huachen rain three votes.

However, according to the rules of the contest, there are still three votes in inna's hand.

Bright morning rain frowned, some unhappy.

But the people who are watching the live broadcast are also in a state of mind.

"Is there a problem? These representatives are only three percent different? We should start with ten votes. I'm afraid it's not collusion. "

"Any fool can see that Ying is defending Hua Chenyu. If Li Jianshi can't be promoted, he will be hanged at the gate of the stadium tomorrow."

The host also came up.

"At present, the difference of three votes is in sister Ying's envelope. Is it reversed or widened? The final result is in her hands. Please send her the envelope."

As the host's voice dropped.

Yingna stepped onto the stage with a smile on her face and handed the envelope to the host.

"Thank you, sister Ying."

"Now brilliance rain 48 votes, Li Jianshi 51 votes, Li Jianshi leads by three votes."

The host opened his mouth and then opened the envelope. All the people held their breath and felt nervous.

Now don't say they're nervous.

Now even the ring tone is getting nervous.

Also only Ling Chen, also very calm.

When the host saw the score in the envelope, his expression was slightly stunned, and then he gradually said in a loud voice: "the final score of sister Ying to Wang Yuchen is..."

"Three points!"

Li Jianshi scored 51 points, and brilliance rain scored 51 points.

So Draw.

At the moment, fans on the scene were stunned.

People watching the live broadcast in front of the computer are also dumbfounded.

A barrage of bullets drifted past.

"There's a black curtain here."

"My day, is Yingna old and has a problem with her ears. Is this score scored with her feet?"

"I don't accept it."

Ring tone is even more puzzled, looking at the stage, how can this happen?

Wen Fangshan glared at Yingjin angrily, his face was black, and then the scene that made the scene more explosive happened.

He even slapped the microphone on the judges' table, snorted coldly and turned away.

Although he didn't say a word, everyone could see that Wen Fangshan was angry.

Because of the draw, at the same time, the judge Wen Fangshan is not full of Yingna's indignant departure, leading to the program into an embarrassing situation.

In the face of this sudden situation, the organizers were at a loss, thinking that there was going to be a big trouble. This live broadcast was approved only after they had plucked up the courage to follow the people above.

They know Wen Fangshan's temper, so when preparing for this program, they first thought of Wen Fangshan.

The public says it's a dark curtain. Wenfangshan has become a judge. Do you still think there is a black curtain?

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, he has been exposed through many programs, and has long been a thorn in the hearts of some organizers.

Dare not use them.

But now, Wen Fangshan has been angry, which does not mean that there is a black curtain in this competition?

But when the organizers feel that the ratings are going to drop.

They were surprised to find that the ratings did not drop but increased, reaching the first place!

At this moment, they decided to continue the game.

Can't stop!

The game continues.

But at this time, the netizens who have already had an atmosphere have searched out. Hua Chenyu and yingthat are relatives.

In a flash, people suddenly realized.

No wonder Ying is so partial to Hua Chenyu!