"Of course." An Yunlan said with a smile, "this is the best hotel in the whole Tiancheng base. Even the ordinary powers can't afford it."

After that. An Yunlan's eyes can not help but flash a shrewd look.

"Go in. It's my treat Chu Xuan naturally heard the meaning of an Yunlan's words and said with a smile.

In his identity bracelet. There are also tens of thousands of energy points, no matter how high the hotel consumption is, Chu Xuan can not even afford a meal.

"Tut Tut, the local tyrant has invited me. This time, I want to have a good meal." An Yunlan smile way, and then took Chu Xuan's hand then walked in the past.

Yi and rhubarb see the situation, also quickly follow up.

"Welcome to drink!" It's coming. Said several young ladies respectfully.

"First time, sir?" Xu is to see Chu Xuan eyes a little curious look, one of the most beautiful girl asked.

"That's right." Chu Xuan nodded his head, a light response.

Listen to your speech. The girl nodded and said with a smile, "in this case, please follow me."

And then. Under the guidance of the girl, Chu Xuan and they went in.

Far away. There is a young man whose age seems to be no different from that of Chu Xuan. He also walks towards this place, his eyes are black and blue. A look of excessive indulgence.

Behind the youth. There are also several level 5 powers.

The young man looked just an ordinary man. However, if you can use the fifth level power as a guard, your identity will certainly be extraordinary.

"What a fat rhubarb dog, and a rare beauty!"

The young man just saw the scene of Chu Xuan entering the Yongye tower, and his eyes suddenly brightened. Said he, licking his lips.

Hearing this, he stepped forward with a powerful man behind the boy. Rather respectfully asked, "Lin Shao, do you want to wait for them to come out, and then I will help you catch the yellow dog back?"

The young man, called Lin Shao, had a wicked smile on his mouth, narrowed his eyes and said, "yongyelou, I'm a little hungry. I'll go there to have a meal, and catch the beauty and the yellow dog by the way."

Hearing this, a look of hesitation appeared on the face of the strong and powerful power: "Lin Shao, the background of the Yongye building is extraordinary. Is it bad for us to make trouble there?"

Hearing this, Lin Shao immediately turned his lips and said with some disdain: "ha ha, how can he dare to take me?"

Lin Shao did have the strength to say this, because he was the only son of an army commander, who was the one who cooperated with the God envoy.

That is to say, behind Lin Shao, there are two great backers of tianshenjiao and the army.

"The master has told us that we should not offend Yongye tower." At this point, another fifth level power in the rear interrupts.

Although these powers are Lin Shao's guards, they are also loyal to his father in the army. They have only the duty of protecting Lin Shao.

When Lin Shao wants to do something reckless, they will naturally admonish him.

"It's just a small hotel. Can it be more powerful than the army?" Hearing this, Lin Shao's face could not help but appear a look of impatience.

"Go After that, Lin Shaoyi waved his hand and walked forward.

Seeing this, these five level powers looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, but they still followed quickly.