At noon, Lingxiao called on Chu Xuan, Ling shirou and others, and arrived at the entrance of Lushang base.

After coming here. Chu Xuancai discovered it. It turns out that the other four families have been waiting here.

These people saw the arrival of Chu Xuan and a group of Ling family's powers, although they didn't know what they thought. But on the surface it's all flattering.

Joke, previously they also felt the powerful breath that Ling Xiao sent out. Naturally, they knew that his strength was further. What would they wait for if they didn't fawn on him at this time.

What's more, Chu Xuan can really cure Ling Xiao's injury, which makes them extremely shocked.

The most important thing is that they still can't feel the real strength of Chu Xuan, which adds a touch of mystery to him.

Chu Xuan looked around. Suddenly, I saw a bald head in the crowd.

That bald head also saw Chu Xuan, eyes also can't help but stare slightly big, now is a little surprised.

That's right. This bald head is the Feng Bu language that Chu Xuan left first.

Ignoring these powers, Chu Xuan came to Feng Buyu and patted him on the shoulder. He said with a smile: "laofeng, it happened. See you again

Lao Feng

Hearing Chu Xuan's words to his Cheng Hu, he couldn't help but draw.

However, he asked curiously, "Chu Xuan, you are not in Tiancheng base. Why are you here? "

That's the question. But Feng Buyu's heart has guessed something.

"To go to Atlantis, of course." Chuxuan replied with a smile.

The answer was not unexpected. Feng Buyu nodded lightly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this time we Ling family will lead you to the entrance to Atlantis." At this time, Ling Xiaoshen said.

"I've heard that going to Atlantis takes a lot of sea going through, and the power of those mutant sea beasts in the sea is terrifying. I'm afraid we can't make it without the escort of the legendary strong. " Ling shirou whispered to Chu Xuan. It was an answer to his doubts.

After that, the fourteen war gods are ready for the war.

In addition to the few people Chu Xuan knew, naturally, there were a number of new faces.

At this time, Chu Xuan discovered that the fifteen people did not look very old.

"Surprised?" Feng Buyu said with a smile.

Chu Xuan nodded and asked, "Why are these people not very old?"

"Because the entrance to Atlantis has a very special restriction that only people under 30 can pass through." Feng Buyu explained.

After hearing the speech, Chu Xuan was more curious about the mysterious Atlantis.

"Good! Let's go Lingxiao said, and several Lingjia God of war to rise in the air, toward the front of the plunder.

Ling batian was also among them. When he was flying into the air, he looked at Chu Xuan with inexplicable deep meaning in his eyes.

In this regard, Chu Xuan's mouth can not help but appear a sneer.

Ha ha, Ling batian. If you dare to find something again, I don't mind giving you a ride. Chu Xuan thought of it in his heart.

Later, Chu Xuan and the other 14 gods of war also soared up in the air and followed Lingxiao.

Chu Xuan looked back and saw that the Lushang base was getting smaller and smaller. He could not help but feel a sense of pride in his heart.

Atlantis! Light snow! I'm coming.