Direct skin contact seems to have a larger contact area than acupuncture, and the range that can be taken care of is greater and the speed is faster. when
However, it is much simpler to remove the old cockroaches than to remove the scars. As long as the epidermis is re-growth, unlike the scars, the newly grown cells must be used to fill the pits left by the connective tissue.
After the last test on Chu Fei, Guo Tailai consciously strengthened the exercise of synthetic vision, these days are almost open every day. When giving acupuncture to those patients, Guo Tailai did not forget to observe with a synthetic field of view. After more than a month of exercise, the time that can be persisted is getting longer and longer, and the energy consumption is getting smaller and smaller. help
When Chu Fei went to the scar, Guo Tailai had to rest for almost half an hour every hour. Now, to help the teacher go to the old man, Guo Tailai can even hold two and a half hours to rest for half an hour. In fact, two and a half hours, basically enough Guo Tai to clear out one of the sister's hands.
Speaking to the teacher, Guo Tailai quickly entered deep sleep. Look
Guo Tailai, who was asleep, looked at himself as a smooth and tender left hand before he was enlisted. Zhao Wei suddenly felt that he had never felt peace of mind and happiness. He also took Guo Tailai and slowly closed his eyes. half
After an hour, Guo Tailai woke up on time, looking at the same sister who also entered the dream, could not bear to wake her up, just want to carefully hold her right hand and continue to remove the old man in her right hand. military
The vigilance cultivated in the team is really different. Guo Tailai didn't want to wake up the sister, but when his hand held Zhao's hand, Zhao Wei opened his eyes.
The first thing that didn't rush was to urge Guo Tailai to remove his old man's hand. Zhao Wei directly hooked Guo Tailai's neck and kissed him. As a result, Tianlei slammed the fire and it was intimate.
Regardless of the greasy body, the two were tired again. This time, Zhao Wei was really a little weak. Originally, she thought that she could still gain the upper hand with the strength of her special warrior. As a result, Guo Tailai’s film was not easily left, and the whole body’s cells were shuddering for a long time. After that, I fell into extreme exhaustion, and it seemed to be difficult to move my little finger.
The small hand was tightly grasped by Guo Tailai and could not break free. Of course, Zhao Wei never thought about breaking free, lying in the arms of Guo Tailai, letting Guo Tailai act.
This time, Guo Tailai completely removed Zhao Wei’s right hand, and Zhao’s hands were no longer the hands of a pair of special warriors after special training, and once again changed back to the female student’s slim hand in the university laboratory.
"Let's sleep again, I will help you to eliminate the small scratches on your face." Guo Tailai glared at Zhao Wei, and once again entered a deep sleep. Do not
Can you tell me that the training of the soldiers is indeed hard, and it is not a matter of a little scratch on the face. There are countless such scars on Zhao Wei’s body, but her resilience is very good. Some small scratches and small scratches have been long and can’t be seen. But after all, there are still some injuries in the training, leaving obvious scars, these are what Guo Tailai wants to solve.
Until noon the next day, Guo Tailai and Zhao Wei basically did not come out in the bedroom. The hard result was that Zhao Yu was bullied by Guo Tailai in the morning, and then the small scars on his body disappeared completely. Want
It’s not that Zhao Wei feels that the exposed skin on her face and her skin at the time of her school will damage her image in the army. She said that Guo Tailai should also whiten all these skins of Zhao Wei. Isn't it just to make the melanin in the cell a little less? How big is it? but
Even so, Guo Tailai also strengthened the skin sputum of Zhao Yulu, letting the epidermal cells become hydrated, full of collagen, delicate and smooth, so that Guo Tailai almost couldn't help it. If Zhao Wei is desperate to resist, he must not be beaten once again. Zhao
He is also very annoyed. He is a national Sanda champion. The special soldiers of the Northwest Military Region have actually lost to Guo Tailai in this kind of melee, and they still belong to the defeat of the defeat, which makes her unable to lift her head.
Although the temperament is tempting, she can make her soft for a long time, she can't bear it. This is why Guo Tailai had already given her a stoppage of blood. Otherwise, she could not bear it for the second time. Two
People rested well, and after taking a shower, they went out to the doorway for a lunch and then went back to the room and got tired together.
But this time it was not intimate, but Guo Tailai felt that Zhao Wei was training hard in the army and decided to help her strengthen some body parts. It can only penetrate one centimeter of the skin, and it is impossible to strengthen all parts. Guo Tailai's choice of strengthening is the tendon of the ankle and ankle, the tendon of the knee, the tendons of the hands and wrists and the elbow. in
Guo Tailai did not rush to the sisters before he or she tried to strengthen the functions of himself and others. However, except for the tendons in these areas, they are all vulnerable parts of the exercise. Strengthening the tendon can reduce the probability of injury and enhance protection. There is no need to worry about imbalance. Guo
Tai Lai tried it on his own, and the tendon can almost strengthen the strength of 10%. Although not much, it is definitely stronger than no reinforcement. This
After some operations, I came back to the house from the afternoon and went to the evening. Tomorrow, Zhao’s holiday will end, and I will go to the final assembly early in the morning. Guo Tailai thought that Zhao Wei would stay in Beijing for a while, but he was told that Zhao Wei would go to several areas to investigate and master the first-hand information, and maybe he would leave the capital.
Tomorrow, we must distinguish, Guo Tailai and Zhao Yucai first taste the taste of love, of course, is reluctant to reluctantly, and at least not at night and honey.
"You have any good ideas and designs in the future, don't take them out easily." In the morning, Zhao Wei had already eaten the rebellion that Guo Tailai bought back in the morning. He was wearing a military uniform in the mirror and said, "It’s too easy to take it out." Others will not take it seriously, and will not cherish it."
it is good! Guo Tailai promised that Zhao Wei would not harm him anyway, and what she said was actually justified.
"The exam will be well tested. If you have a good mood, you will receive one or two orders." Zhao Wei continued to swear: "In short, I have to ask you to do things in the future. I can’t rush to give people good things. I have been with my father. Having said that, this is what he meant. He said that you performed well last time, and you must learn to ask for conditions, and the children who will cry will have milk."