Qin Lang's threat, like a substantive intention to kill, for a moment, it really made Fang Xiong feel a little chilly.

He didn't dare to look Qin Lang's eyes directly. However, he saw Fang Xiong's decline in momentum. Lin Shishi was a woman with a big chest and no brain.

But she made the most stupid behavior. She glared at Qin Lang and said seriously, word by word: "Qin Lang, how do you talk? Why don't you apologize to Mr. Fang? "

"You and I used to fall in love with each other. If you admit your mistake right away, I can ask Master Fang to spare your life!"


Qin Lang felt a little funny for a moment. It was clear that the other party took the initiative to pick things up, but he had to apologize himself.

What is Lin Shi Shi Shi she?

"Let me apologize to him? Is he worthy? " Shaking his head slightly, Qin Lang feels that if the original owner of his body knew that the woman he once loved most was now helping his enemy to speak, he would be angry when he died.

There are more and more students watching the drama around. I didn't expect that after Qin Lang was expelled from the house, his temper did not change at all. Should he still regard himself as the only master of the Qin family?

"Ha ha ha, I don't deserve it. Qin Lang, what kind of virtue do you take care of yourself without urinating?"

"After being driven out of the house, even the source of living expenses was cut off, and he shrank in the classroom all day, and he could not even afford to eat food. His clothes were just a few."

"If you want me to tell you, you'd better stop beating your face and be fat, and ask my brother for a favor. Maybe I can reward you with eight thousand yuan in the past."

Fang Xiong complacently said that what he said was not fiction. Because of his concentration on practice recently, Qin Lang seldom went to the canteen to eat, which was in the eyes of other people.

Isn't it that the frustrated Qin family abandoned the young and couldn't even afford to eat?

"There is another point. As a young master of the Qin family, you must be very unaccustomed to sleeping alone every night without the company of beauties?"

"Here I still have to thank you, thank you for giving me the poems. If it wasn't for you, Mr. Qin, who was driven out of the house, how could I have the chance to be with such a perfect goddess as poetry?"

The more Fang Xiong said, the more shameless he was. Finally, he brought the topic to the head of Lin Shi Shi Shi. His mouth was full of meaning, which was really disgusting.

Lin Shishi didn't expect that Fang Xiong would mention these things. A touch of red glow rose on his face, and a bashful fist beat him on his body. The provocative gesture made all the boys around him look straight.

Qin Lang didn't expect that Fang Xiong would mention this. He was a little confused.

He touched his head and said with some embarrassment, "did you misunderstand something?"

"Although Lin Shishi and I talked about friends for a year, I didn't even touch her in this year, so you should understand what I mean?"

"Either it's Lin Shishi, she's gifted and self-taught, or..."

Speaking of this, Qin Lang sold a little bit and told a joke: "when I passed a small river a few days ago, I found that the river water was actually green. Guess what?"

This joke instantly attracted the interest of the students around, all open their ears to wait for Qin Lang's next.

"I asked later. It turned out that young master Fang was washing his hair upstream!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"I'm so laughing. Qin Lang's mouth is really damaged!"

"I'm glad he can think of it!"

However, what Qin Lang said was not fiction. He found out at the moment that he took away the body that Qin Lang's lower body was sealed by some mysterious force, and he was born unable to do everything.

In other words, it is the legendary Tianwei!

In addition, Qin Lang's second uncle colludes with his brother Fang Xiong to set a trap for him, so that he can sell the glass lamp of Qin family at a low price and sign a contract.

The master of Qin's hometown was so angry that he directly swept Qin Lang out of the house. Since then, his status has been greatly reduced.

However, this is not a bad thing. It is because of this seal that Qin Lang, now 20, is still a boy, which is very helpful to his cultivation.

Moreover, Qin Lang can be sure that he is already the strength of the congenital environment. If he wants to break through this seal, it is nothing but a question of thought.

As for the wealth of the Qin family?

As a man, fist is the most important reason. Everything Qin family values is just like dirt in Qin Lang's eyes. Sooner or later, he will go back.

And it's a gesture that people look up to!


Fang Xiong was very angry. If Qin Lang and Lin Shi Shi Shi fell in love in such a pure way, would Lin's poems be too skillful in those aspects?

Isn't it true that Qin Lang is gifted?

I'm afraid only ghosts believe this!

Seeing that Fang Xiong's face was a little wrong, Lin Shishi rushed up and grabbed Fang Xiong's arm, hoping to squeeze himself into each other's body.

"Master Fang, don't listen to his nonsense. You are the only one in my heart..."

However, Qin Lang did not forget to mend the knife at this time, and he was lazy and talkative."By the way, young master Fang, you should know that when Lin Shishi and I were together, they would cost me at least 200000 yuan a month?"

"You may not know where the money has gone, so I'll just tell you."

"Lin Shishi is one of the major plastic surgery hospitals in Jianghai city. He is a member of vvvip level and has at least ten VIP cards in his bag."

As soon as this sentence was said, Fang Xiong's whole face changed, as if eating Xiang.

He didn't expect that under the seemingly pure appearance of Lin Shi Shi, this ugly side was hidden. Why did a good woman get so many membership cards from plastic surgery hospitals?

"Bitch, you're all over you. Is there anything true about you?"

A hard slap on the face of Lin Shishi, Fang Xiong is almost mad. He wanted to use Lin Shi Shi Shi to make Qin Lang eat shriveled, but finally he caused a Sao.

Unexpectedly, Fang Xiong was unprepared to do it himself. Lin Shishi's nose was crooked in front of the public.

This originally delicate face is more and more abnormal at the moment. Isn't it true that Qin Lang said that Lin's poems are all in good shape?

"Wait and see, I'm not finished with you!" After teaching Lin Shi Shi Shi, Fang Xiong has no face to continue to stay here. He puts down his cruel words to Qin Lang and leaves in a hurry.

But Lin Shi Shi Shi looked at Qin Lang and said coldly, "Qin Lang, I'm in such a situation now. Are you happy?"

"It's really my own bad life, and I can't see other people's good."

"You are no longer a superior young master of the Qin family. You are just a waste, even worse than a waste. No one will like you."

Almost gnashing his teeth, Lin Shishi left in confusion.

And the students around see the end of the good play, also continue to go back to their homes to find their mothers.

"You can't live if you do evil to yourself." With a sigh, Qin Lang murmured to himself.

He was originally a God. If it wasn't for the purpose of giving a bad breath to the former Qin Lang, why should he pay attention to this pair of dog men and women?


Not as good as trash?

No one will like you?

The last words of Lin's poems echoed in his mind, and Qin Lang's mouth slightly raised, showing a bright smile.

"So what?"