"Well, why didn't Cheng Shu come to class today?"

"Fang Xiong didn't come either."

"Hey, you don't know what's going on?"

"What's the matter?"

"It's said that last night, when Cheng Shu came home, he locked himself in his room. He didn't eat or drink, and didn't say a word. At 12 o'clock, he jumped down from the upstairs directly. Fortunately, he lived on the second floor, and now he is still lying in the hospital. I don't know whether he is dead or alive."

"What about Fang Xiong, he didn't come."

"Hey, Fang Xiong is even worse. I heard that he met a drunk driver on the way back to school and let the driver run into him. Now he is estimated to lie with Cheng Shu. He doesn't know whether he is dead or alive now."

When people speak, they all quietly take a look at Qin Lang, and they all feel that he has done all these things, even though it is only speculation and intuition.

"Calm down, quiet, quiet, a new student came to our class today." Su manling stood on the platform, beside her stood a beautiful woman with long hair, white T-shirt, denim skirt, long hair and shoulder, a pair of long white legs, and many male students' eyes were straight.

"Luo, let me introduce myself to you." Su manling said with a smile.

"Luo Xianjun." Little beauty mouth a Yang, not in the language.

Don't you have any hobbies


"Ah ha ha ha, Luo is really a character." Su manling laughed two times, "find a seat and sit down."

"Wow, beauty, come here and do it." I don't know who blew a whistle, which instantly drove the male hormones in the class.

"Beauty Luo, sit here with me. My place is reserved for you."

"Come to me and you can sit on my lap."

Luo Xian Jun heard these people's words, frowning, a disgusting expression on his face, went to the back of the classroom.

Luo Xian Jun said to the sleeping Qin Lang, "Hello, can you lean in?"

"Won't you go somewhere else to do it?"

"I want to be your place, can't I?"

Qin Lang thought of practicing martial arts. He didn't want to entangle with her any more. He leaned on the table and continued his meditation.

When Su manling saw Luo Xianjun sitting next to Qin Lang, she suddenly had an indescribable feeling in her heart. It seemed that her beloved things had been taken away by others. She felt very sad. She had to admit that Luo Xianjun was very beautiful. She even thought she was beautiful, let alone others.

"I said," Luo Xianjun just wanted to ask something, but when he saw Qin Lang lying on the table, he couldn't help laughing and angry.

Forced to push a few times, Qin Lang raised his head and looked at her with an impatient expression, "what are you doing?"

Luo Xianjun was frightened by the angry tone. From childhood to adulthood, no one has ever talked to her like this. Who can see her appearance without being fascinated by her looks? Even if he is not fascinated by his own appearance, he must be afraid of his family background, that is, the headmaster of the school. Talking to her is also polite. It is the first time for Qin Lang to talk to her 。

"What's your name?"

"None of your business?" Qin Lang rolled his eyes.

"You know my name, can't you tell me your name?"

"It's none of my business."

"Well, you wait. I can't clean you up." Luo Xian Jun looked at Qin Lang very familiar, but he could not remember where he had seen him, "Hello, classmate, where have we met?"

"Is that how you usually talk to men? I said you're OK. Can you leave me alone? I'm very busy. Do you mind if I kick you out? " Qin Lang was annoyed.

"You You... "

"What do you think I dare not?"

"Good, good, you wait." Luo Xian Jun patted the table and ran out regardless of the people's eyes.

"What's wrong with this new student? Why did you lose your temper all of a sudden

"It seems to be quarrelling with classmate Qin."

"Sin, sin, how can Qin not know Ling Xiang Xi Yu so much, but the new student's angry appearance is also pretty cute, hehe."

"What do you know? If Mr. Qin has Mr. Su, how can there be someone else in his eyes?"

Qin Lang heard people's comments, and his eyes swept. When they saw Qin Lang looking over, they held their breath and did not dare to say another word.

"Headmaster, a little girl is coming to see you." Assistant Secretary sun knocked on the door and whispered.

Chuang Tzu Tao was writing things. He hated to be disturbed by others. His expression annoyed him: "who is it? Say I'm not here."

"Well, you can't rush in." There was a lot of noise outside, and a beautiful woman in a denim skirt rushed in.

Chuang Tzu just wanted to get angry, but when he saw the man from Chu, he suddenly became smiling, "I said who has the courage to break into my office. It turned out to be Xiao Luo. How can you come here to play?"

"Grandfather Zhuang, you don't know. I'm transferred to your school." Luo Xian Jun's voice just dropped, just listen to a puff, Zhuangzi road just drink tea a mouthful vomit out, "what?""I transferred to your school." Luo Xianjun repeated again,

"Lao Zhang agrees with you to come here?"

"You say President Zhang, he doesn't know."

"Lao Zhang doesn't know, Xiao Jun, why do you want to come to Jianghai all of a sudden? Didn't you have a good time in Tianhai

"Grandfather Zhuang, you and I are still pretending to be confused here. Headmaster Zhang said that in the paper he produced, one of your schools got full marks, and I only got 99. I have to come to see what's sacred about the full marks in your school."

Chuang Tzu said with a smile, "why did you suddenly transfer to our school? I wanted to find him. When you said that, I suddenly remembered that you two might have known each other."

"Oh, who is he?" Luo Xian Jun asked curiously.

"Qin Lang."

"Qin Lang? Who is this? I haven't heard of such a person. "

"You haven't heard of it? It's impossible. " Zhuangzi said to himself.

"I just haven't heard of such a person. Why, is he famous?"

"More than ten years ago, there were two big families in Jianghai city. One was the Qin family and the other was the Luo family. Both of them were very powerful. I don't know who they were. They proposed that they want the two families to form a family of kinship. So the childe of the Qin family and the girl of the Luo family at that time were engaged in a baby marriage. The girl of the Luo family is you, Luo Xianjun."

"As for the childe of the Qin family, I just remember now that it is Qin Lang