Apart from some spiritual tools, magic weapons and so on, there are still some spirit grass and miraculous herbs, which let Qin Lang pay attention to.

But a closer look, Qin Lang can not help but be interested.

Those friars said that they were spiritual herbs, but they were just some common herbs. There was no aura in them.

However, these medicinal materials were also fried at a high price, and some so-called friars refining pills in public attracted a group of people to marvel.

Because of his previous memory, Qin Lang found that most of the people who came here were celebrities from Jianghai City, such as the heads of some small families, and they all flocked to the dark hall auction.

"Ladies and gentlemen, today's practitioners of minghuomen and mingfengmen come here to refine pills in public, and those with higher price will get it!"

When a voice came, Qin Lang turned his head and saw that he was a middle-aged man in the shape of a host. Behind him were two monks who were adding some medicinal materials to a large pot.

Then, the two friars used their weak spiritual power to make the liquid in the cauldron continuously rotate, and then rely on the flame below to evaporate the water in it. Finally, a bottle of more than a dozen black pills was formed, and the two monks stopped sweating.

"The two great powers have already refined two heats of Shendan for us, with the starting price of 500 million pieces!"

"Wow, this is really a magic pill. I'll give you ten million!"

"I'll give you eleven million!"

"Only 10 million want this magic pill, I give 20 million!"

You can't help but see that there are so many people who buy black pills. It's no wonder that there are so many people who buy black pills.

Qin Lang's divine consciousness has always been in a state of expansion, and at this time he noticed the talk of people nearby.

"I didn't expect that the disciples of these two sects actually came out to refine pills. I really made money this time!"

"That's not true. At ordinary times, ordinary people want to ask for a pill. They have to go to the gate of Ming Dynasty and step on the ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, and kowtow one step at a time."

"Yes, this time, the two major sects have lost their blood. It is said that the Luo family's Luoshu was also robbed by them. I don't know how high the price can be sold."

Qin Lang listened to this, can't help but cold hum a, said: "such a black ball can also call pills?"

Qin Lang did not shy away from others at all, so the host and the two monks heard this sentence.

"What are you talking about?"

That host then jumped out directly: "you this mountain village husband, how to understand this God Dan's wonderful place? These two magic pills can cure all kinds of diseases! "

The two disciples looked at Qin Lang with disdain, but they did not know that their attitude completely angered Qin Lang.

"Hehe, cure all kinds of diseases? I'm afraid I don't know how to die after taking this medicine. If you die, you will be treated as a disease! "

Others immediately widened their eyes. Some people recognized that Qin Lang was the head of the Qin family. They all watched how he angered the two great powers.

"It's fresh. You say they can't make medicine? Can't you? "

The host a burst of sarcasm, the other people on the scene also echoed.

Qin Lang gave a cold smile. Before that, he was regarded as a God. Let alone refining medicine, he was proficient in even refining weapons and making talismans. However, he was too lazy to argue with these ordinary people, so he was ready to leave.

But he made those people laugh at him: "see, he can make medicine? It's not like it's gone in the dust? "

Qin Lang heard this, his lips could not help but evoke a smile of evil spirit. He turned around and said, "the way of alchemy is to turn the spirit into fire, to remove its dross, to extract its essence, with medicinal herbs as the main factor, and aura as auxiliary."

"Ah, what you said is so wonderful. It's just some ancient records. It's also a spirit that turns into fire. Even our Lord can't do it. Why do you say that?"

After hearing Qin Lang's words, the disciple of mingfengmen directly made sarcasm. The disciple of minghuomen also laughed.

Qin Lang's pupils shrunk and said with a light smile: "why? That's it

After that, Qin Lang directly put out his hand and saw that some of the medicinal materials in front of the two people flew up directly, and Qin Lang grasped them in his hand.

"This Take things from space? "

The two disciples immediately widened their eyes. Although their realm was not reached the day after tomorrow, they also heard that the elders in the sect had the ability to control things with aura. However, it was the ability of the strong in the innate realm.

Is it hard to see that the man in front of me is also a monk, and the realm has reached the innate?

The disciple of mingfengmen turned his eyes and said to the host in a low voice: "go and ask the elder Qingfeng to come!"

Qin Lang had noticed his action for a long time, but he didn't say much. His purpose was to make things big. Otherwise, how could those people hand over Luo Shu obediently?

So Qin Lang smiles, and a purple flame bursts out between his fingers, and the herbs he grabs are held in the air by him with aura, allowing the flame to burn continuously.At this time, his state had reached the foundation stage, and the aura in his body could be released. It was because of this that he could refine pills with his hands as a cauldron.

After a while, the dried herbs were burned by him and turned into a white liquid. He added some other herbs, and finally compressed into a round white pill with aura.

Qin Lang smiles and removes the aura directly. He takes the pill in his hand and shines with light.

Besides, his pure white pill is much better than the black pill just now.

"I didn't expect that he really did it!"

"That is, is the head of the Qin family also a monk?"

The scene of those people immediately exclaimed, a pair of eyes constantly in Qin Lang and that Ming Fengmen disciple's pills to and fro.

The disciple of mingfengmen was a little embarrassed by the public, so he had to stick his neck and say, "what laoshizi pill, I'm afraid it's just a superficial one."

Qin Lang smiles and hands the pill forward: "would you like to taste it?"

"Yes, try it, elder martial brother. The pills made by this guy must be fake!"

The Ming Fengmen disciple's face was blue and white. He thought that Qin Lang's refining pills were tonics. There should be no problem, so he took the pills directly and swallowed them.

As soon as the pill was imported, it turned into a pure and pure spiritual power, and then it was filled with a strange fragrance. The mingfengmen disciple could not help but groan comfortably.

When he opened his eyes, he found that everyone was staring at himself. His face was red, and he said in a hurry: "what kind of broken pills, there is no feeling at all!"