"Well, at the beginning, the owner made a big scene at the auction of the dark hall of the manor in the north of the city. During this period, the people of the dark hall had sneaked into the manor of the Qin family more than once, hoping to revenge." Jiang Xiong said respectfully in one side.

"Hmm? The courage of the dark hall seems to be really not small. What's the loss of the family?" Qin Lang's eyes narrowed after hearing Jiang Xiong's words, and a cold chill came out of his body.

"Behind the dark hall, there have been several hidden clans operating secretly. Their strength can not be underestimated. The strength of the killers sent over these times is quite extraordinary. Fortunately, I found out that several brothers died after fighting." Jiang Xiong said again.

After hearing this, Qin Lang nodded, but there was no response. At first, he was angry in the manor in the north of the city. It was not right. This time Antang retaliated secretly, which once again made Qin Lang feel that the Qin family had not reached the level of being frightened.

"Well, I know. We should keep a close watch on the interior of the Qin family these days." Qin Lang asked.

"I understand, but there is one more thing..." Jiang Xiong pauses at this point.

"How? What's the matter?" Qin Lang heard Jiang Xiong's desire to speak, then asked.

"Well, a few days ago, a letter of invitation was sent from the Li family in the capital city for a wedding banquet. Three days later, Li Tianling is going to marry the Luo Xianjun of the Luo family." Jiang Xiong returns to the road.

After saying this, Jiang Xiong secretly aims his eyes at Qin Lang in front of him. When Qin Tianlong, the former leader of the Qin family, was still alive, he once had an engagement with the Luo family, and the two parties were Qin Lang and Luo Xianjun.

Now that the old family leader has passed away, the engagement proposed at the beginning is still in name, but now Qin Lang, as the only host of the Qin family, has a different status than before, and the party is still him. He still has to report to Qin Lang when the Li family sends an invitation.

As a big family in Kyoto, the Li family is powerful, and its details are much stronger than that of the Qin family. Even though Qin Lang is still interested in Luo Xianjun, it is difficult to confront the Li family with the strength of the Qin family. Therefore, Qin Lang should make his own decision on this matter.

There was always a lot of gossip in the aristocratic family, let alone rumors. On that day, Qin Lang made it clear to Luo Yuan, the client of the Luo family, at the Luo family that day, indicating that the original engagement with the death of the older generation of the Qin family had become invalid.

However, the Li family wanted to marry Luo Xianjun this time. Obviously, they got some news, and they also sent a wedding invitation letter to the Qin family on purpose. This is undoubtedly beating Qin Lang in the face.

"Well, the Li family is really impatient." After hearing Jiang Xiong's words, Qin Lang has a trace of killing in his eyes.

On that day, Qin Lang killed the Fengmen elder of Ming Dynasty in the North manor of the city and recaptured Luoshu. He intended to return Luoshu to the Luo family. However, he learned from Luo Xian Jun that everything was the plot of Luoyuan and the Li family.

Then he went to Antarctica. On his way back, he was under the surveillance and attack of the Li family. This made Qin Lang, who was already very dissatisfied with the Li family, wanted to kill him.

Qin Lang's idea was to make good friends with the big families. However, driven by interests, people are always puzzled. Now Qin Lang has realized that only the most secure guarantee is the strength that makes people awe.

Jiang Xiong stood aside and watched Qin Lang silently. The cold air from Qin Lang made him feel that the temperature around him seemed to be extremely unstable.

It's spring in March, but he feels the cold. Jiang Xiong also finds that his home owner's breath has changed a lot, making people more unpredictable.

"Well, I already know all this. You go down first." Qin Lang then waved his hand.

After Jiang Xiong left, on the lake in front of Qin Lang, a thin layer of fog and ice appeared unconsciously, sending out a faint chill.

"The Li family, the Luo family and the dark hall are very good, very good. Do they all think that Qin Lang is a lamb to be slaughtered? If you are like this, don't blame me for being cruel. " As he spoke, the cold air around Qin Lang roared and turned into a blade of ice, striking the pillars around the pavilion, leaving a series of shocking knife marks.

At this time, in a private courtyard in the east of Jianghai, everyone's face was wearing a smile, and everything in the villa was busy. In three days' time, the eldest lady of their family was going to marry the Li family in Beijing.

In the villa, several maids are holding a very gorgeous Chinese wedding dress around Luo Xian Jun, trying to persuade her to try it on.

"Miss, will you please try it on? Otherwise, the master will blame us again when he finds out One of the maids looked at the reluctant Luo Xian Jun and said.

"I said, I don't wear it, and I won't marry that bastard of the Li family. Get out of here, all of you." Luo Xian Jun angrily overturned the dressing table in front of him and roared loudly.

"Jun, don't make a fool of yourself." And in the chaos, the door of the room a face of serious Luo Yuan reprimand way.

"Why? Why should I marry that playboy, and he is so much older than me, am I just your victim? "Luo Xian Jun cried out more out of control after hearing his father's reprimand.Only now did she know that she loved her father so much that she was so selfish. In order to please the Li family and make friends with the Li family, she had to marry herself to a dandy. How arrogant was Luo Xianjun's disposition, how could she possibly agree with her? Moreover, her father never inquired about his own opinions from the beginning to the end.

After seeing his daughter like this, Luo Yuan's face was very ugly. Then he looked at several maids and waved to them to go down. After that, Luoyuan closed the door gently, and then walked quietly to Luo Xian Jun.

Looking at his daughter crying like a tearful person, Luo Yuan's heart is a burst of colic. Luo Xianjun is his only daughter, and he has loved him since childhood. But as the head of a family, how can he not think about his family?

At the beginning, the Luo family flattered Qin Tianlong and signed a marriage contract with the Qin family, which was nothing more than the Qin family's influence and profound details in Jianghai city.

At that time, Qin Lang was the son of Qin Tianlong. He was gifted since he was young. Qin Tianlong was very optimistic about him, and he had intended to hand over the position of master to Qin Lang.

However, after listening to his second uncle Qin Tianhu's greedy words, Qin Lang stole the Qin family's treasured glass lamp. Qin Tianlong was so angry that he almost expelled Qin Lang from the Qin family. At that time, Qin Lang's position fell sharply.