Qin Lang holds the sword in his right hand, and the palm of his left hand is opened. A huge shield formed by ice is formed on his left hand. The shield is protected on his left hand. In his right hand, the sword pulls out a perfect arc to block the daggers attacked by five black robed men from all directions.

"Dang! Bang The sound of metal cross attack is endless and continuous. Because the attack is too tight, the sound of metal cross attack is like the roar of motors, and never stops.

The attack lasted for about a minute. During this period, Qin Lang was in a defensive state. However, this does not mean that he is not capable of fighting back. He is only carefully observing the means of the five men and testing their strength.

With this short fight, Qin Lang can conclude that the strength of these five men is absolutely in the later stage of the martial arts, otherwise their speed would not have been so fast.

After this wave of attacks, the five black robed men knew that they could not break Qin Lang's defense for a time, so they decisively chose to open a distance and look for an opportunity to attack Qin Lang again.

This is the assassin's usual method. If he fails to make a strike, he will withdraw and look for another chance to give the enemy a fatal blow.

Five black robed men stand in a circle around Qin Lang and surround him. If it's a fight among ordinary people, this method is undoubtedly the most effective, but in the eyes of practitioners, it's useless.

"Are you so capable that you can't even break my defense, and you want to kill me, really..." At this point, Qin Lang held up the shield that his left hand held tightly.

On the ice and above the shield, there are traces of being attacked by the black robed man, but the depth of the trace is not even one tenth of the shield, let alone hurt Qin Lang.

As for the five black robed men, Qin Lang also felt that their breath had just changed a little. At this time, it was a little messy. It must have been caused by the intense attack and the excessive consumption of spiritual power in the body.

Li ba is still cold looking at the field of six people in the fight, and did not move.

"After your attack, it's my turn. Today I'll show you what strength is." Qin Lang said to the five men in black, and then glanced at li ba standing in the distance.

Then Qin Lang's figure shook a little, then disappeared in place.

"No, back!" One of the five men in black smelled a trace of danger and said in a cold voice to the four next to him that the man in black seemed to be the leader of the five.

As soon as the voice of the head of the black robed man fell, the ghost figure of Qin Lang appeared directly behind a black robed man!

At this time, the sword in Qin Lang's hand has become a sharp dagger, and his right hand stabbed at the heart of one of the black robed people.

"Poof!" The sound of a tough object cutting flesh and blood came from the man in the black robe.

Qin Lang's attack did not go as smoothly as he expected.

When the ice blade in Qin Lang's hand was about to pierce the heart of the black robed man, the black robed man instinctively turned over his body and picked it up with his left arm.

Qin Lang's attack was slightly deviated. The sharp ice blade crossed his chest and slid onto his arm. Qin Lang didn't kill him directly in this attack, but just cut off the black robed man's left arm.

The black robed man just snorted, and then did not make any sound. He did not see his left arm which was cut off and fell on the ground. His right hand instinctively raised his dark dagger in his hand. Instead of making a defensive gesture, he swept towards Qin Lang's throat.

He wants to fight back and kill Qin Lang here.

How can Qin Lang, as he wishes, lift his left hand and use aura to make the cold air on the surface of his fingers wrap around the upper edge to form a layer of frost, with two fingers pinched forward.

"Dong," a clear sound came from the joint of Qin Lang's finger and the black robed man's dagger.

Qin Lang's fingers, impartial, just caught the Black Dagger in the right hand of the black robed man.

The black robed man was a little flustered when Qin Lang held the dagger with his fingers. He tried to take the dagger back, but Qin Lang's fingers were like big pliers.

No matter how the black robed man moves, the dagger caught by Qin Lang shows no sign of being pulled out at all.

After this observation, li ba, who was standing in the distance, had made some judgments again. He was sure that Qin Lang must have broken through and become a strong one in building foundation. At this time, li ba could not stand here.

"Well, good boy, I didn't expect that I really got there. Since I have become my enemy, I can't let you leave here today." Liba secret road.

Li ba and the remaining four black robed men rushed to the fighting place at the same time. Qin Lang saw that so many people were around. After sweeping the ice blade in his right hand horizontally, he retreated again and again. This was only an instant.

After Qin Lang left, about four or five seconds later, the black robed man with his arm cut off fell directly to the ground and his body was cut in two. The wound was very neat, and there was not a trace of blood flowing out. There was a thin layer of frost on the neat wound.Li ba took a cold look at the dead man who had been cut in two. This neat wound was just a sword Qi thrown out when he stepped back.

The body structure of these five people has reached an incredible level. Some ordinary sharp weapons can't hurt them at all, but they have no resistance to Qin Lang's attack.

Li ba is sure that even he can't do this. Qin Lang has such strength that he decides to kill him personally.

As for the other four black robed men, they just took a cold look at the fallen black robed people on the ground, and did not continue to pay attention to Qin Lang, who was standing in the distance.

"I didn't expect that you had reached that level. You gave me a lot of accidents." At this time, li ba sighed and said that there was no contempt in his eyes at this time.

"Is it surprising? You should have been aware for a long time, because my strength will surprise you even more." At this time, Qin Lang said coldly to li ba.

Li ba knew that it was useless to say more. Now he has come to the present stage. The only way to solve this problem is to kill Qin Lang and get Luoshu.

"Kill!" Li ba simply said a word, his body then moved, four figures followed, toward Qin Lang in the past.

Qin Lang saw the attack and frowned a little, then scattered the ice blade in his hand.