In fact, it is the same. In Qin Lang's eyes, Luoshu is just a kind of auxiliary magic weapon with a little reference value.

And his own cultivation method can help him to improve his strength quickly. There is no need to rely on such a low-level auxiliary thing in Qin Lang's eyes.

"Thank you again. Our Luo family owes you a lot." Luo Xian Jun didn't know what to say. He could only thank you again.

"Well, go back quickly. There should be someone coming here soon." Qin Lang urged.

After nodding his head, Luo Xian Jun went out directly and found a sports car at the gate of Li's manor and drove to the river and sea.

When Qin Lang saw that Luo Xian Jun had left, he looked around for a week after the battle, and the Li family's courtyard had been completely changed and in a mess.

There are still many bodies lying on the ground, and the scene is somewhat bloody. Who could have thought that the Li family, the largest family in Kyoto, which once covered the sky with one hand, would be completely destroyed by a young man.

"It's time to talk to these big men in Kyoto." Qin Lang didn't stay any more. His body flashed and disappeared in place.

Shortly after Qin Lang left, many well armed police gathered outside the Li family manor, surrounded by inside and outside.

When the armed men entered the courtyard of the Li family, they didn't feel cold after seeing everything in front of them, because they saw many bodies in front of them.

And everyone's death looks extremely ugly, LI BA's body also lies in it, and Li Tianling's frozen body.

"What's going on here?" an armed man was stunned there after seeing all this.

The strength of the Li family is unmatched in Kyoto. It is the existence of covering the sky with one hand. No one has ever dared to fight against them. However, li ba and his only son have died miserably in their own manor. It makes people feel numb after hearing this. I don't know who has the courage.

In Kyoto's general police station, a man in police uniform walks anxiously back and forth in his office.

Just now, he got the news from the top that the Li family would kill a man who robbed his marriage today, and asked him to send some police forces there. He also ordered him to deal with them seriously as long as he grasped the evidence of the Li family's murder.

The person who gave him the order was one of the political leaders who came to attend the wedding ceremony of the Li family. At that time, Qin Lang heard what Qin Lang said in the Li family. He was an honest and upright person, and had long thought that he wanted to get rid of the cancer of the Li family.

However, the power of the Li family has been rooted in Kyoto for many years, and its strength is not trivial. It is impossible to uproot it. But even so, he has been excited by Qin Lang's words with a just heart.

He thought that even if he could not cure the Li family's crime, he wanted to rescue the young man, because Qin Lang's words made many people on the scene have a trace of resistance psychology.

The chief of police was the person under the political leader. Although he was hesitant when he received the order, he had to carry out his boss's order, and he heard the firmness from his boss's voice.

"What does my eldest brother think? The Li family is a tough bone to chew. If it is not done well, it will hurt my muscles and bones. The former police chief was in trouble with the Li family, and then he died miserably at home. My boss will really give me trouble." the police chief's restlessness is because he is very puzzled. Why is his immediate superior this time Suddenly came such an order, but no one dared to move the Li family before.

Just now Qin Lang left the Li family manor, and the armed men who surrounded him were sent out by the chief of the police department. Now the chief wants to know what is going on there.

All the people under the Li family are armed. If they fight at that time, they will inevitably show some troubles. This is enough to make him continue to be a police chief directly.

While he was restless waiting for the situation there, suddenly his door opened and a young man with a smile on his face came in.

The chief of the police bureau frowned when he saw the young man come in: "who are you? Why did you come in without knocking at the door

The chief of the police station was not happy because of the order of his boss just now. He suddenly burst in and his temper suddenly came up.

"Director Li, why are you so angry? I'm here to give you a big fortune. It depends on whether you can grasp it. If you succeed, promotion and salary increase are not a problem. Do you want to have this beautiful job?" Qin Lang did not care about the police chief's attitude towards him. Instead, he casually found a chair to sit on and looked at director Li with great interest.

When Qin Lang entered the room just now, he took a special look at the sign on the door of the room and knew that the director was surnamed Li."Well, what are you talking about? It's hateful. Are all the people outside dead? I don't know how to stop such a man coming in. I don't want to do it. " Director Li saw Qin Lang so and so, put him in the eye, and then roared to the outside.

But after he yelled a few words, there was still no police officer outside. Director Li didn't feel angry again and growled: "are these guys dead? "Director Li, you don't have to shout. Those brothers outside you are busy and have no time at all. So why don't we sit down and have a good talk." Qin Lang looked at some angry director Li and said with a smile.

When Qin Lang entered the police station just now, he sneaked in quietly. Moreover, for the sake of insurance, he took care of every policeman and gave them all to live.

At this time, in the corridor of the whole police station and the office area of rooms, every policeman stood there, or sat or stood, unable to speak or move, and had to look at each other, but so far, they did not know what had happened.

I just felt that a figure suddenly passed by them just now, and I became like this, without exception in such a large police station.

Director Li felt something, and suddenly looked at Qin Lang angrily.