Qin Lang came to the school and entered his class. He saw that Luo Xianjun and Tang Jingjing had been sitting in their seats for a long time, as if waiting for his arrival.

Qin Lang looked at his seat in the middle of the two girls, and felt that there was no way for him to go to his seat with a gloomy face.

"Good morning, Qin Lang." Luo Xian Jun said with a smile.

"Good morning." Qin Lang responded.

"Good morning, big brother." Tang Jingjing also said with a smile.


At this time, Su manling walked into the room with her textbook. Yu Guang took a look at the position of Qin Lang and others.

"Everyone is here."

"Yes The whole class said with one voice.

Among these voices, Qin Lang's voice is the largest, especially obvious, as if he wants to drown out the voice of others.

Su manling was satisfied with the response, and then secretly took a look at the naughty Qin Lang.

"Well, let's start the class."

At the same time, at the gate of the campus, several vans came, many people in black came down from the bus, each wearing sunglasses.

Then came a red Rolls Royce. A man in black came forward and opened the door. It was Li Zheng, the eldest son of the Li family, who had been beaten down by Qin Lang before.

At the moment, his left face and neck are still wrapped in bandages, full of ferocious look, to the campus shouting: "get out of here!"

The two security guards at the guard's office saw it and immediately went out to stop them, "what are you doing? This is a school. "

Li Zheng didn't seem to hear the words of the security guard, he hummed: "get the hell out of my life, and don't look into the mirror to see what I am. I dare to block Li Zheng's way."

After all, the two security guards are ordinary security personnel. They don't know what Li Zheng and Li's family are. However, they take the safety of the school as their own duty, and they can't let others make trouble here.

Qin Lang and other students had heard someone shouting at the school gate for a long time. Now they all looked out.

Luo Xianjun also saw the people outside. It was the man who had quarreled with Qin Lang yesterday, and then looked at Qin Lang who had been pondering before leaving. She didn't worry about Qin lang. how terrible Qin Lang's strength is. I'm afraid no one knows better than her.

"Well, it was the unfortunate man yesterday." Tang Jingjing saw that the man came with such a sentence.

"What are you looking at? We'll concentrate on our study." Su manling also took a look at the outside and found that it was the annoying man yesterday. She was a little flustered, but she didn't show it and stopped other students from looking outside.

"Well, I dare to come here to find fault. It seems that I have lived too long." Qin Lang looked out and laughed playfully. He got up and left his seat and went outside.

"Qin Lang, what are you doing? Sit down. " Su manling quickly stopped saying.

If Qin did not smile, he went straight to the outside.

The students watched Qin Lang go out and began to discuss. Su manling was worried, but she could not follow her. She had to maintain the discipline of the class.

At this time, two security guards at the gate are fighting Li Zheng and others.

"I'm going to go in and get somebody. Get out of here!" Li Zheng yelled to the two security guards.

The two security guards did not dare to act rashly when they saw that there were so many people on the other side. They just called out: "if you are not going, we will call the police!"

"What? Ha ha ha, joke Li Zheng only felt funny: "to face is shameless, it seems that you have no chance, give me all, give me a hard fight, give me a life in my pocket."

A group of men in black slowly approached the security guard after receiving the order.

"What do you want to do? It's illegal to intrude into the campus." Cried the security guard.

Two security guards took out their batons and protected them in front of themselves. However, two men in black did take out their guns and pointed them at them.

At this time, there are many people on the other side and there are pistols. Before the security guard can reflect, the man in black has approached, overwhelming them and forcing them to kneel on the ground.

"Aren't you two trying to get in my way? Come on Li Zheng looked at the other side has been suppressed by his own hands, then happy laugh.

"Call me! Fight to death

"Yes! Young master. " Several people in black should say, and want to make a move.

"Hold on!"

Just when these men in black were about to start, Qin Lang appeared beside Li Zheng, and he had a pistol in his hand, which was directly on Li Zheng's head.

Li Zheng was startled. He didn't know what happened. Qin Lang was already standing in front of him. He was completely frightened.

The other men in black reacted and drew their guns at Qin Lang one after another.

Qin Lang saw that these people drew their guns at him without fear. He just laughed and looked indifferent.

"You, are you a man or a ghost?" Li Zheng was afraid to ask such a sentence subconsciously, and his body shrank back."I'm a man or a ghost. You'll find out if you try. You'd better let your men put down their pistols."

"Put down your pistol!" A bodyguard nearest to Li Zheng yelled.

"Oh." Qin Lang didn't care what the bodyguard said. Instead, he asked, "what if I don't let it go?"

The bodyguard looked at Li Zheng around him. Li Zheng was very scared at the moment. He dared to joke about his own life.

"Don't move! My life is in his hands. " The bodyguard did not dare to move at the command of Li Zheng.

Li Zhengqiang tolerated the fear in his heart and said to Qin Lang, "boy, don't burn yourself with fire. It's useless for you to deal with me like this. Do you really think I was scared? You don't dare to shoot at all. As long as you put down the gun now and apologize to me, I will forgive you

"What? Forgive me, ha ha ha Qin Lang felt that the other side seemed to have told a big joke. How could there be so many idiots? He didn't know how dangerous his situation was. It seemed necessary to remind him.


"Oh! My ears, my ears, you How dare you shoot? "

Li Zheng didn't expect Qin Lang to shoot. He interrupted one of his ears. He quickly reached out to cover the bleeding ear and howled bitterly.

Seeing this, the other people in black raised their hearts to their throat. They were afraid that young master Li would be killed, so they would be buried with them.

"Really shoot?" Qin Lang sneered and said calmly: "I'm saying it again. Let your people put down their guns for me. My patience is limited!"

Hearing the bang, people in the classroom looked at the school gate one after another. Qin Lang was surrounded by a group of men in black with guns at the gate.