Because he knew that since Xiong brother broke away from the underworld, he joined the Qin family's big backers together with his subordinates, and became the head of the guard. Killing himself is a matter of words.

Hearing this, Xiao Mingru was struck by lightning and was completely shocked on the spot.

After a moment, he finally recovered and quickly knelt on the ground.

The people around him don't know, so he looks puzzled. He doesn't know what happened. He just knows that Jiang Xiong has called Mingge.

"It's my little brother who has blind eyes. Please forgive me!" Xiao Ming said with fear: "what are you doing! Don't get down on your knees

"Yes, yes, yes!" The gangsters heard the elder brother's order, looked at each other, and knelt down hesitantly.

Qin Lang looked at all satisfied with the hook.

"Qin..." Xiao Ming just wanted to call the Qin family leader, Qin Lang quickly made a shush action, not to let the other side go on.

Xiao Ming is very clever, understand that Qin Lang is not allowed to say his identity, then quickly changed his mouth: "please, please, please ignore the villains, let us go."

"Get up, everyone and Jiang Xiong are friends, so they are not outsiders." Qin Lang waved to everybody to get up.

"Thank you, my Lord." Xiao Ming, who was granted amnesty, stood up with his subordinates.

"Now that everyone has nothing to do, let's go. I still have something to deal with." Qin Lang said.

"My Lord, what can I do for you? I'm willing to go through fire and water, and I'm willing to do it." When Xiao Ming heard Qin Lang say that he had something to do, he asked. One reason was that he had offended Qin Lang and wanted to make up for his mistakes. On the other hand, if he was satisfied with the Qin family, he could gradually establish a relationship with the Qin family and become more stable in the underworld.

"You?" Qin Lang looked at Xiao Ming in front of him, and knew what he was thinking carefully. When he became a God, he saw many such people.

However, they are looking for hidden relics. If there is no divine sense, how can ordinary people help him find them.

"You'd better forget it." Qin Lang told the truth.

"Yes." Xiao Ming nodded knowingly, and his eyes showed a little disappointment. However, he immediately said with a smile: "if you don't leave here for a while, you can go to my brother's temporary residence to rest. There is a villa on the hill not far away. If you don't mind, you can go to have tea with you and accompany with the beauties."

Qin Lang thought for a moment whether there would be any map clues on the nearby hills, because it seems that houses have been built in other places, so there should be no clues.

"If you have something to do, you have to go there, but you have to go there." Qin Lang said.

Xiao Ming was overjoyed. He thought that Qin Lang was excited to hear that there was a beautiful woman to accompany him. He decided to sit down with him. He was young and energetic.

Qin Lang got on his Ferrari and followed Xiao Ming's car up the mountain. As he got closer to the hill, Qin Lang felt more and more Aura, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the moment.

Because there are mountains and forests, there are more auras than cities, but under normal circumstances, there is not much. After all, the aura of the earth is thin, and it is still a little thick here.

When they came to the villa, the car stopped outside. Xiao Ming asked Qin Lang to come in. However, Qin Lang didn't intend to go in. Instead, he released his powerful divine sense and sensed all around. When he arrived here, he felt the aura around him was more intense, which made him feel very unthinkable.

Finally, he found a strange place. There was a place on the top of the mountain where his divine consciousness could not be explored in any case. This made him interested and wanted to see it in person.

"I won't go in. The air here is very good. I'll just walk around and come back to you." Qin Lang said to Xiao Ming.

This made Xiao Ming confused. He didn't know what the Qin family leader was thinking. However, he didn't dare to ask more questions. He just said with a smile: "yes, my Lord! Shall I send someone to protect you, my lord? "

"No, I like to walk alone. Besides, isn't this your territory? What can happen?" Qin Lang said.

"That's that. Yes, my Lord. Don't worry." Xiao Ming promised.

"Well." With that, Qin Lang walked out of the villa and went to the top of the mountain.

Looking at Qin Lang's disappearing figure, Xiao Ming immediately ordered his subordinates to say: "order to go down and arrange more hands for me to guard each way up the mountain. Without my command, no one is allowed to go up the mountain to disturb the adult."

"Yes His subordinates were ordered to leave.

At the moment, the seven people who were suspected of being killed by the killers in the suburb of Kyoto were sitting in the suburb of Kyoto last time.

Each of them was an old man, but there was a fine light in their eyes, which did not show the weakness that old people should show in their old age.This is a parliament hall. The big screen in the hall is showing where it is at the moment. However, because the picture is too dark and dark, it is impossible to see what is inside. Every old man just listens quietly without looking at the screen or talking.

"Everything is normal." All of a sudden, the old man sitting on the front desk picked up the remote control, calmly turned off the screen, and then said to the six old people sitting below.

"Elder brother song, the man I sent to follow Qin Lang was found by him and shot our people." A fat old man sitting in the second seat respectfully reported to the old people's meeting sitting on the front seat.

"Oh, Li Er younger brother, it seems that Qin Lang has some skills. He can actually find the people we sent." The old man on the seat was very powerful and did not speak politely.

"Yes, I'm also surprised that the people we sent are proficient in secret means, which is hard for ordinary people to find out." The fat old man, known as his second brother, responded.

"Have all the people on earth been so strong? Why didn't we find them before?" Elder brother song, who is known as the boss, inquired.

"It's not clear that our secret guard has not heard anything about this before. It seems that this person appears out of thin air, or suddenly rises in a short time, and has escaped the regular inspection." The second brother left.

"Hum! A bunch of rubbish The boss was angry.

Li Er Di and others are silent.

"How is our plan adjusted?" As the elder brother of song, the old man looked at the six people in front of him and asked.