Qin Lang is not interested in some ordinary residential areas. There must be no good things there. The good things are basically in the tight looking treasure houses. However, there was a big war here. I'm afraid that the things in the treasure houses have been taken away. If there is still a place where good things can be found, it is the study or residence of the owner, or there may be organs or secret doors In.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang decided to go to the most likely compound in his heart, and scanned several places with his divine sense, but there was no gain.

While searching for the eighth courtyard, Shenzhi suddenly felt something, which surprised Qin Lang.

Qin Lang ran to the corner where the divine consciousness was found.

Looking at a wooden foot line under the corner of the wall, Qin Lang knew that it was the only one that was relatively active in the wooden house. He squatted down and looked at it carefully, and moved it manually. However, the wooden foot line did not move. Qin Lang had to use the spirit power to try it, but still could not.

"What's the matter? My divine sense clearly told me that this thing should be able to move Qin Lang wondered that there could be no mistake in his divine sense. There was absolutely nothing that he did not know about the mechanism or restrict it.

"Is it that I don't use enough spiritual power?" Qin Lang thought of this possibility. When he was practicing in the realms, he encountered many such restrictions. Those who did not have enough spiritual cultivation could not crack the corresponding array and mechanism.

"Well, I'll try my best this time." This time, Qin Lang used his spiritual power to see if he could move.


It seems that a hidden mechanism rings.

A picture suddenly appeared on the wall. The image became more and more clear, forming a set of five elements and eight trigrams. After that, a door loomed in front of Qin Lang.

"It's wonderful to have such a secret door." Qin Lang was very happy to see this situation.

Qin Lang came to the hidden door and opened it carefully with his own spiritual power. He was afraid that there was any mechanism in the door.

After fully opening the door, I found that my worries were unnecessary and not as dangerous as I imagined.

There seems to be something connected to the back of the door. Qin Lang goes in and uses his divine sense. He can be sure that he is no longer there, but has gone to another place, because the fluctuation of aura in the two places has obviously changed.

It's dark here. You can't see your fingers. It's like eternal darkness. You can't see anything.

But for Qin Lang's use of divinity to explore, I'm afraid it would be difficult to do anything here.

"It should be this way." Qin Lang said to himself.

After walking for a few minutes in this dark place, Qin Lang finally came across a wall in front of him. He was happy with a smile and pushed his hands in front of him. The wall in front of him turned over and took him in.

At the moment, Qin Lang saw a huge altar, which was 30 meters high, and there was a step in front of it.

Qin Lang went up. He looked around. There were also luminous stones on the walls. But there were very few luminous stones here. It seems that the owners didn't want to see too bright here before, so they didn't copy so many luminous stones.

When he came to the top of the altar, he saw a huge tripod in the middle of the altar. The tripod looked a bit old. It should be a magic weapon. However, it had lost the magic power for a long time. It was useless. Qin Lang shook his head unfortunately. If there was any spiritual power, he could take it away and use it for his alchemy in the future.

"It's like the back steps. Go and have a look." Qin Lang took a look at the tripod, but he was not interested in it. Looking around, he found that there were several steps behind the tripod, and there seemed to be something on it.

Qin Lang walked over and came to this place. At the first sight, he saw a corpse sitting on the putuan in the middle. Looking at his clothes and clothes, his status was absolutely not low. I think it's not the master here, but the elder level existence.

Qin Lang was overjoyed with a sword in the hand of the corpse. He could feel that it was a good magic weapon. I'm afraid it was at least two levels higher than the defensive aura magic weapon worn by the leader of the Li family.

"Great, this is a good thing. Although I can't look up to this magic weapon in the Xiuzhen world, it is very advanced among the magic weapons seen by the earth. With it, it can not only enhance the strength, but also can be used to fly the sword. It has an extra walking tool." When Qin Lang reached the foundation period before, he could fly with his sword, but he couldn't find any magic weapon at that time, so he could not think about it. But today, it would be better if he met him today.

Qin Lang takes things from the empty space, and the sword in the corpse's hand instantly moves towards his palm.

After he got the sword, he quickly pulled out his saber and waved it left and right. The sound of fire came out from the blade and said with a smile: "good! On earth, it should be a good sword. "

Holding the body of the sword and looking at the blade, the words "XuanHuo sword" are engraved on the blade.

He can feel that the sword has a strong fire attribute power. Maybe he can quickly understand the attribute of fire with the help of this sword.Qin Lang turned the sword over again and looked at the two characters "Duanmu" carved on the other side of the sword.

When he saw the two words Duanmu, the first thing in his mind was the Duanmu family of Tianyin gate, which was mentioned by a slim woman at that time. Was this person a member of Duanmu family?

He looked at the corpse again and found that there was a jade token with full color on it. Qin Lang took it from the empty space again and grasped the token in his hand. The two words Duanmu were also written on it.

Qin Lang frowned and thought for a moment, then put the jade token in his arms. After dealing with these things, he looked back and saw that there were ten wooden boxes on the tables beside the body.

He walked over and opened the first wooden box. Suddenly, a strong aura burst out. Qin Lang was surprised. He fixed his eyes and found out what was inside.

"This is it! This is a pill At the same time, Qin Lang looked at a pill in the wooden box with a smile and said: "great! If I am not wrong, this should be the ordinary Dan, and the level is not low

Qin Lang is no stranger to Pu grade Dan, because although its name is not so domineering, in the eyes of the lower and middle-class practitioners in the cultivation world, this pill is a good thing with price and no market. Many people can't buy it after they have broken their heads. As long as they take one, they will surely break through their existing accomplishments and rise to a higher level. Of course, they will go through all stages This effect can not be achieved in the realm.