The ground where this big black snake glides has been eroded. Luo Xianjun and Lin Ying are also breathing cold when they see this situation. This guy is also scared.

When Tang Jingjing summoned the snake, she looked pale. The aura in her body had been hollowed out. No matter who controls the attribute power condensate, it consumes spiritual power. However, the attack power of this huge spirit power is also extremely frightening. This is her biggest killer mace, and she must be quick.

Qin Lang can't help but be surprised to see here. He didn't expect to be more powerful than the Li family owner and other coagulants. Unfortunately, Tang Jingjing is still in the foundation period after all, and the burden on his body is very huge.

Even if it is his reason attribute power coagulant, it will cost 56% spiritual power. That is because he is much higher than other people in the same realm.

"Go, corrupt him!" Tang Jingjing points to Qin Lang and drinks softly. She sees a big black snake scurrying out.

"Good coming!" Qin Lang stood there watching the black snake come straight, without any fear.

But Luo Xianjun and Lin Ying can feel how strong this terrible smell is. If they were in front of the snake, they would have been scared to death.

"Qin Lang, get out of there Luo Xian Jun lay in Lin Ying's arms, pale, but he cried out with all his strength.

"Don't fight with him Lin Ying see here is not anxious, if her master is here at the moment, then everything is easy to do.

Luo Xian Jun weak stand up, want to walk past, but did not take two steps to fall down, originally holding her Lin Ying also scared, rushed to help.


The serpent bumps into Qin Lang's protective cover and covers him up in an instant. He wants the corrosive force to attack from all angles.

Tang Jingjing is very confident about her move. She thinks that even if the high-level defense rune is powerful, there will be weak and gloomy times. As long as the poisonous penetration touches Qin Lang a little bit, Qin Lang will be instantly corroded to death, and there will be no bones left.

At a time when people thought that Qin Lang was more or less sinister, a sword with a height of several meters and full of this flaming flame stretched out from the inside of the snake and cut off the snake's waist. The corrosive smell of the place where he passed directly and instantly evaporated, which was totally unable to resist the attack of the sword.

At the moment, Tang Jingjing's face became more pale and spat out a mouthful of blood: "what's the matter with this flame sword?"

"I didn't expect it." After Qin Lang cuts the giant snake, the snake directly breaks up, turns into countless spiritual powers and disappears in the air.

"You, you have the power of fire Tang Jingjing never thought that Qin Lang was still a Perceptor of two attributes. It was just terrible. She had never seen such a person before, but now she has seen it with her own eyes.

"Annihilate it!" Qin Lang walked past, every step, Tang Jingjing will be difficult to step back.

"You, you don't come here." Tang Jingjing is really scared. After all, she is still a woman.

Tang Sheng was originally shocked. When he saw Tang Jingjing and Qin Lang fight each other, he tried his best. Because he felt that there was still drama, he did not want to see the development afterwards.

However, when Tang Sheng saw that Qin Lang destroyed the corroding snake so easily, he stood up in great pain to stop Qin Lang from killing Tang Jingjing.

"Ah, ah!" Tang Sheng shouts, rushes to the past, runs the aura crazily and adds momentum and strength to himself.

When Tang Sheng was about to get close to Qin Lang, the fire field of Qin Lang started. The high temperature of thousands of degrees swept away. Tang Sheng's whole body melted and dissipated in the air, leaving only the magic hammer and the heaven and earth bag. He didn't want to destroy these two things.

"No!" Tang Jingjing saw Tang Sheng's death so miserable that even the body had disappeared into nothingness. At the moment, her face was full of fear.

Just when she was panicked, she remembered that she still had the array flag in her hand. As long as she launched the array summoning attack, it would stop Qin Lang's step, so she quickly cast the magic.

Although Qin Lang is not afraid of this array, he feels troublesome to deal with it, so how can he give her a chance to use the array flag.

One sword, one flash!

Tang Jingjing was cut off by the big flame sword, and then all her body was burned to ashes by the flame. However, the array flag and the heaven and earth bag were also left. Of course, there was a pearl pendant among them. He knew how strong his flame power was. However, there was such a thing that he survived. This made him wonder. It should not be an ordinary thing The magic weapon is.

Qin Lang dissipated the flaming sword in his hand, picked up all the things on the ground and put them in a bag of heaven and earth. He held a pearl pendant in his left hand. After looking at it, he knew that it was this thing that covered the divine consciousness. He was very happy. He knew that Tang Jingjing could not feel the fluctuation of spiritual power because of this thing. He must study it carefully when he goes back 。

Then Qin Lang uses the flag in his other hand to open the cover of the large array and go out from here, because he is also worried about Su manling who is outside the array at the moment.When Qin Lang was trapped in the big battle line to fight with the enemy, more than 100 secret guards raided the campus again and left for Su manling.

Other teams of Tianqiu League also joined in. The leader was another fat man whom Qin Lang had seen in the ruins before. At that time, he and Lin Ying were talking to the black robed man. His name was cao meng.

Cao meng now blocked part of the secret guards, but there are still more secret guards can not stop, at the moment, the campus has been completely chaotic, everywhere are people who fight.

When the secret guard found Su manling, Su manling had been forced to a corner. Originally, the secret guard wanted to catch her, but she was shocked by an invisible light. Because of the strong power of the light, all the people close to her were seriously injured. They vomited blood three liters one by one, and they were in pain.

Su manling felt that this invisible power came from the little wooden man. She was also very surprised. She did not expect Qin Lang to set such a strong magic in it.

"This woman is too evil The secret guard and his companion said.

"Yes! You can't get close to her. " Another said secretly.

"Just now I saw the light from the wooden man on her mobile phone!"

They are afraid to get close to Su manling now, because everyone is afraid of being hurt by the wooden man, so they can only think of other solutions.

But at this time, Li Feifei ran over and said, "where are you, Miss Su! Miss Su

As soon as Su manling saw that it was Li Feifei, she knew that the event was not good. She quickly responded, "Li Feifei express, there are bad people here! Don't come here