"Well, there should be no one coming here. It should be safer. At this time, they are all fighting outside." Qin Lang heard that Fu Yun intended to stay here to meditate and recuperate, so he didn't say much. After all, Qin Lang didn't know how he was,.

"It's a mess out there, people are fighting everywhere, you two follow me, I will protect your personal safety." Qin Lang held Fu Yun in a coma and said to Su manling and Li Feifei.

"Well, we all listen to you." Su manling and Li Feifei answer in unison. Qin Lang is their backbone at this time. They are completely assured of his ability.

When they left the teaching building, they went to Luo Xianjun in the direction of the playground. They met with Lin Ying and others. In the middle, several secret guards came out to block their way, but they were all killed by Qin Lang.

When Qin Lang and they just entered the playground, they saw Lin Ying and others were fighting with the secret guard.

"Qin Lang, they are back!" Seeing the figure of Qin Lang and others, Luo Xian Jun was immediately happy, and his pale face also seemed to recover vitality.

"Great!" Lin Ying just beat back a secret guard then said.

Qiu Tianlang is very happy when he hears the other side's secret.

Qin Lang seems to know that Lin Ying and other people's pressure is not retained. His body flickers a few times. The secret guards who originally fought with Lin Ying and others were all killed.

Just before everyone came and were happy, two breath was locked by Qin Lang, and the other party also locked him.

If you think about the power of the elder, you will know whether he is the master of the Qin family.

"Be careful, everyone. Two good people are coming." Qin Lang reminds people around him.

As soon as we heard Qin Lang say that the other side actually had two powerful people to come, they immediately got up with the spirit of twelve points.

"Ha ha ha, I didn't expect you to be a good little guy." Two old people fall to the ground, six men take the lead to say.

"It's so easy to kill the people of Yu family and Tang family. Even the secret guard of Tianyin gate has been cut down and wounded by you. You are really a monster." Seven men also said.

"Look at this posture, you must be seven men of Tianyin gate. Why don't you want to come here to chat with Ben Shao?" Qin Lang smiles.

"What do you say?" Six guys know that this situation is certainly not want to chat, Qin Lang is just joking.

"I think you two don't want to fight with me, so come on!" Qin Lang summoned the ice crystal sword and the flame sword without hesitation.

"Good, good! You are very courageous. So far, there are few people here who can fight with us. Today is your honor Seven old finish saying then take slightly angry of rushed out, go straight to Qin Lang and go.

Boom! A strong momentum of building foundation suddenly broke out. At this time, people of more than ten miles around could feel this inexplicable fear. The seven men did not despise Qin Lang, and the strong foundation builders all cherish their lives, and they are the same. It is not easy to practice this step, and we can't play with life.

Besides, he had already seen Qin Lang's means in the distance, which was really very unusual. I'm afraid that he would only die in the middle of foundation construction, even if he had to deal with it carefully.

Two people fight several together, seven men did not expect Qin Lang's speed to be so fast, every time think can hit him, but he easily hide in the past.

"Hum! You are such a bad old man in the later period of foundation construction. " Qin Lang said.

"Arrogant, when I tear your mouth, you will know that I am powerful." But seven guys know that they can't suppress each other at the moment, so they yell: "six elder brother, you quickly catch the person that big brother needs."

"Good!" Seeing that Qin Lang had been suppressed by his seventh brother, liulao didn't pay attention to the battlefield. Because there would be no big changes, liulao turned into a virtual shadow towards Luo Xianjun and others. A pair of dry hands directly grasped the arms of Luo Xianjun and Su manling.

Lin Ying and others just reacted to it at the moment, and they wanted to stop it immediately. But they didn't expect that the old man in front of him was so powerful that a spiritual power fluctuation shook everyone out.

Li Feifei, Lin Ying and others hit the ground fiercely and vomited a mouthful of blood one after another. Because Su manling was protected by Qin Lang's advanced defense rune, although she also took a step, there was no injury and vomiting of blood.

And Luo Xian Jun was dizzy and confused.

"Old man, let go of your pig's hand

Brush! A piece of ice blade appears cold. With Qin Lang's voice falling, he immediately shoots at the six men of Tianyin gate who are grabbing Luoxian Jun's arm.

"Well?" The six guys are very different. I didn't expect that Qin Lang could be distracted to stop himself at this time. It seems that the boy really underestimated them.

Six guys did not look back, just feel the attack from Qin Lang, then subconsciously use the right hand to stop the things behind.But what he didn't think of was that the cold light behind him was so good that the cold light directly penetrated into the palm and ear of six guys and shot at the heart and mouth.

"Ah! What? " A splash of blood light finally attracted his attention, but it was too late. The ice force of the ice blade at the mouth of his heart was wantonly destroying his heart and his channels.

He also very regretted that he should not have been so big at that time. Now he has suffered a fatal injury. If he doesn't get treatment quickly, he will lose half of his life even if he doesn't die.

Six guys mobilize the energy of Dantian, ready to resist the invasion of cold, but how can Qin Lang give him this opportunity.

Taking advantage of his illness, no one does not know the truth of his life, Qin Lang repels seven men and runs to six men.

"Six brothers, be careful!" How to stop the boy from flying.

Six men are suppressing the cold in the body, hear the seven younger brother's reminder is also quickly back to God, but now Qin Lang has come to him.


A blast, Su manling and Luo Xianjun and others have not seen clearly what happened in front of them, the six men have been a punch by Qin Lang fly out, will be in front of the playground on the stage hit a big hole.

The six men were just in the middle of the hole. Looking at the ferocious look of the six men's two eyes, they danced to get out of the hole, but they just couldn't do it. Obviously, she suffered a lot from the attack just now, otherwise it would not have been so hard.