At last, the explosion stopped suddenly. At this time, no matter the stone, grass, or big tree on the whole Zhoushan mountain, there was a thin layer of blood mist on it, just like a blood rain.

At this time, Qin Lang finally got the chance and rushed to the place where the five elders were sitting. He wanted to kill the monks before they came.

However, before he had time to do it, he felt that there was an invisible force that restricted his movement at a distance of more than 20 meters from the five elders, making his body seem to be trapped in a quagmire. The more he struggled, the heavier he became.

Qin Lang's mind is not good. He knows that this is one of the signs of the coming of the friars of the upper world, in order to prevent someone from killing the people who call them, so that his spirits and spirits are destroyed and he is lost in the turbulent flow of time and space.

"Ha ha ha ha, Qin Lang, you're not very proud. Five of us summoned four monks of jiedan state, and even one monk in the later period of jiedan realm, which is just around the corner from Jindan Avenue! How do you escape this time

At this time, only the skinny elder squirmed his lips and made a hoarse voice from his throat. He said to Qin Lang, he didn't believe it. He couldn't kill a Qin Lang in such a situation.

However, his idea was good, but what happened next made him heartbroken, because he clearly felt that his divine sense and spiritual power were in a state of rapid dissipation at the moment, which scared him to shout.

"God! God! What's going on? Why should you devour my divinity? I have sacrificed enough flesh and blood. Why do you do this to me? "

The elder's face then changed for a while, and a strange smile of Jie Jie came out from his throat. "There is no nourishment of your Divine sense in terms of the shrimps and crabs you sacrificed."

"No! No, you can't! I... " The elder's words have not finished, suddenly, like a bird that has been strangled by the throat, there is no sound.

Qin Lang listened clearly and knew that it should be the friars of the cultivation world who coveted her body at this moment, so he devoured it without mercy.

This kind of thing often happens in the practice world, but most of it happens to the demon monk. The righteous monk would never do such a thing as devouring the flesh and blood of other monks.

The rest of the Tianyin sect elders also screamed, which Qin Lang could hear. In these screams, he was filled with despair about his own God.

At this time, Qin Lang didn't dare to be careless. According to the elder, he called in jiedan Kingdom and a monk in the later period of jiedan state. If he acted rashly, he didn't know what would happen.

Feeling the chaos of the heaven and earth around him, Qin Lang stepped back cautiously. Before he knew the details of his enemy, he said that nothing could be done first.

After about five or six minutes, suddenly, the blood and flesh scattered on the whole Zhoushan mountain suddenly seemed to have been called, and flew directly to the five elders.

All the five bodies were surrounded by them, and in a moment they were condensed into five huge blood cells. Except for the first one, which looked a little bit larger than the other four, the remaining blood cells were almost the same size.

After a while, the five blood cells were shrinking rapidly, and they were transformed into five human forms. However, their appearance was quite different from that of the five elders just now.

Each of the five had a long mark on their faces, which looked as if they had been caught by a cat.

"Ha ha ha, boss, we are finally called out. We have been in the dark blood world for such a long time. We can be regarded as a pioneer." One of the monks, tall and ferocious, said to the leader.

"The second elder brother is right. Five of our brothers have been trapped in the place where there is no shit for so many years. Now it can be regarded as coming out. However, what is this place now? How can the aura be so thin." Said a young man who looked a little gentle.

"The second brother and the fourth brother are very right. This place should be a very remote planet from our practice world. It seems that it is called the earth. This place was famous in ancient times, but it declined because of unknown reasons." The chief monk thought about it and said to them.

"The monks who have been devoured by us always have deep resentment against the boy named Qin Lang in front of us. Since we have occupied other people's bodies and have to move our muscles and bones, how about helping them fulfill this last wish?"

The first big man moved his new body and said to his brothers.

Qin Lang, who was not far away, listened to the words of several of them clearly? What is that place? I've been floating for such a long time, but I don't know what great changes have taken place in the cultivation world.

Qin Lang thought about it, and then he was relieved. He became a remnant soul for so many years. He didn't know that it was normal for him to change the world of practice."Hello, that boy! Are you Qin Lang? Come here and die. Let's save some time for our brothers. In this way, you can die more happily. " Hearing his elder brother say that, the bald man who looks very ferocious roars at Qin Lang.

Qin Lang didn't say anything. He just grasped the two swords in his hand. The meaning of the expression was self-evident.

"Yo Ho, big brother, do you think this boy still wants to compete with us?" It seems that he saw something funny, the young man who looked very gentle said to the eldest brother.

"In that case, second, you'd better go up and play with him. Remember not to shoot him to death. We need to get information from him." The first friar disdainfully waved his hand and said to his brothers.

"Yes, since big brother has spoken, I will go up and have a good time with him." The second ranking friar grinned grimly, then took out a long knife from the big elder's storage bag, and rushed to Qin Lang.

Qin Lang didn't dare to be careless, because he could clearly feel the blood evil spirit coming from their bodies. He knew that this could only be formed by killing many monks of the same rank.

No matter when, he knows. It is the biggest taboo to underestimate the enemy. Holding the XuanHuo sword in his hand, Qin Lang secretly used his whole body's true yuan force to meet him directly.

Since this is the case now, let's talk with strength.