However, he was not surprised by what happened next, because Qin Lang shrouded all three of them in his own icy field by surprise. He had no time to make them react, so he detonated his last field in an instant, causing heavy damage to them.

Qin Lang knows that with his own strength and his body, which can only be regarded as general strength, if one by one follow them in the wheel battle, there is no chance of winning at all.

Therefore, between the electric light and the flint, Qin Lang has considered what he will do next, and immediately detonates his last field.

The power of the field explosion can be large or small, especially under the control of Qin Lang, the energy released by the explosion of the field did not spread far at all, and directly affected the three of them.

The three men spat out a mouthful of blood, especially those who robbed the yuan God from Qin Lang before. Because most of their attention was focused on the yuan God in their hands, they had no time to defend themselves, so they were injured by the area detonated by Qin Lang, and immediately fell to the ground, and they were about to die.

"Three! You have three fields The strong man in the later period of jiedan state could not believe his eyes. It was clearly such a barren planet that a genius with three major fields would appear. This is simply impossible.

It's not a simple thing to have a field. What's more, one person who owns these three fields at the same time is absolutely a genius even in the cultivation world.

"Have three areas surprised you? If Laozi told you that I had nine fields before, would you even drop your eyes? " Qin Lang naturally heard what he said, but these words can only be thought about in his heart, and did not say it to him.

Looking at the sworn brothers who fell to the ground and could not afford to be seriously injured, it was obvious that some of the strong men in the later period of jiedan state had some bad feelings. After spending so long in the nether world of blood, their five brothers thought that they would never come out of the world again. Unexpectedly, they would be called to this secular world by chance.

Dan Lang's self-cultivation is the highest level of self-cultivation in his eyes. As long as you take him and his brothers and five people on this planet, they are not the existence of dominating the world. You can go back when your cultivation is advanced.

Although the aura is indeed a little thin, but there are many good things that can't hold the whole planet. Just by a rough sweep, I have found many good things that are of great use to the five brothers.

However, this idea is obviously impossible to achieve, this just came to this planet, not long ago, he has lost one of his brothers, or the soul, there is no way to reincarnate.

On the other hand, the brother who was injured by the explosion of the field also had more gas out and less gas in. What he saw was going to die.

"Damn it! I must kill you and take revenge for my brothers. Don't worry, I will burn your soul and yuan God well with the nether fire, so that you will be punished day and night, and finally bury my brother with me! " The monk in the later period of jiedan state said to Qin Lang with his teeth.

"Boy, remember my name is xuedanzi. Don't wait for you to go to the underworld and ask who killed you. You don't know!" Xuedanzi frowned tightly, then grabbed two swords from the air. With only a few auras of heaven and earth, he condensed two long swords.

Seeing xuedanzi rushing two long swords from the air, Qin Lang obviously didn't expect that the monks in the later period of jiedan realm had already reached the realm of transforming emptiness into reality, which was a little troublesome.

In the later period of jiedan realm, the biggest difference between the two was the use of Zhenyuan power and whether there was a gold elixir in the field of elixir. Therefore, the golden elixir was used to control the space and transform the virtual into the real, which is a higher level of the field.

This is why just now Qin Lang was pregnant with three fields, but he was still controlled by xuedanzi for a moment. If he had not this golden elixir, he could not control his surrounding space in any case.

"Boy, you'd better die! In this way, you'll die a little better. " After finishing this sentence, xuedanzi waved his double handled sword and flew up.

Qin Lang didn't dare to be careless. After all, this blood pill can be said to have met a most powerful opponent since his reincarnation. If he was still as careless as before, he would not have to think that it would be himself who fell in the end.

"Swordsmanship!" Xuedanzi pointed his hands forward, and the two swords flew straight out. Under his constant control, he launched an attack on Qin Lang, who naturally refused to be outdone. He also used the imperial sword technique to throw out the only long sword he had left in his hand.

Then xuedanzi pointed his hands and pinched out a magic formula. Under the guidance of his Dharma formula, the little spiritual power of heaven and earth in the void turned into a mark like white lightning, and flew straight to Qin Lang."Bang bang bang" like running thunder, like lightning! With the sound of breaking air.

Qin Lang instantly realized the sense of crisis brought about by the White Lightning mark. He immediately put his toes on the ground, with a wisp of green smoke, and went straight back. Then he picked up the magic formula in his hand and threw out some inferior Lingbao that he had obtained before, and ran straight to the mark with a piercing scream.

At the same time, the field of ice was directly released. With the cold air, he turned the real yuan force in his hands into a dragon and roared at xuedanzi. His voice directly spread over the area of more than ten miles around Zhoushan.

This is also in the inaccessible mountain side, otherwise, countless people will surely wake up from their sleep.

"Go!" Dan ran away with a powerful roar.

Xuedanzi's face was gloomy and did not feel flustered. He lowered his right foot a little bit, and then he turned his left hand. In the void, he immediately added a puppet like object. The puppet looked about seven or eight minutes like him, and even the scar on his face was the same as the scar on his face.

As soon as the puppet came out, he closed his eyes tightly, but brought great pressure to Qin Lang.

Just as the Dragon tried to swallow the puppet, the puppet, which had been tightly closed, suddenly opened its eyes and emitted two blood red rays. With the dragon.