This sword is the most powerful sword since Qin Lang broke through the later period of foundation construction. With indomitable momentum, he carries countless dead souls behind him. His momentum is like a rainbow, like an avalanche, sweeping away at xuedanzi.

"No return!" Xuedanzi was surprised. He didn't expect that a monk at the later stage of building the foundation environment could burst out such a powerful and terrifying force, which was a breakthrough in his common sense.

This sword has the momentum of becoming benevolent if it fails. It can't retreat at all. As long as it retreats, he will fall into a passive position! As long as a retreat, Qin Lang's momentum will rise again! As long as you retreat, you will be seriously injured even if you are a monk in a simple situation even if you are not dead! So we must not retreat, we can only carry him down.

"Damn it! blamed! Damn it Xuedanzi scolded three times, damned. Where did the monster come out of his heart? At this time, he hated several elders of Tianyin gate who summoned his five brothers. Then he secretly swore in his heart: if he can go back completely this time, he must uproot the Tianyin gate and leave no one alive in this world to vent his heart Anger!

I just think that although I think so, the top priority is still to consider how to give this earth shaking sword to the next step. Since there is no way to retreat, then I will make the next step, even if I am hard hit!

Looking at Qin Lang getting closer and closer to himself, xuedanzi was ruthless. He directly bit the tip of his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood essence. Since the beginning of the fight, he has not revealed his own field. Now it seems that if the means are not used again, I am afraid he will never have a chance to make it out.

Thinking of this, xuedanzi expanded his field momentum, which was a rare metal field. That is to say, as long as he wanted, he could use endless weapons anytime and anywhere. Of course, the quality of this weapon is only the same as that of iron, which can not be compared with the spirit weapon forged by heart, but even in this way, it is extremely powerful.

At this time, xuedanzi contained the blood essence that he had bitten the tip of his tongue in his mouth. He condensed countless flying swords by using his own metal field, and sprayed them directly on them. In an instant, countless flying swords with a slight red light combined into a magnificent long gun in a very short time.

This long gun is about nine feet and nine inches long. There are countless auspicious clouds and auspicious animals carved on the body of the gun. It seems that there are two blood tanks on the top of the gun. However, these two blood tanks are not used for bloodletting. As long as the cultivator is punctured, the real power in the body will continue to drain, and there is no way to repair it.

With this spear, which can almost be said to be the magic of all the energy in the field of gold, xuedanzi went straight up without thinking about it.

With the sound of "Ding", the tip of the gun and the tip of the sword collided together, making a crisp sound. Centering on the place where the two weapons were in contact, a powerful momentum broke out. The shock wave visible to the naked eye scattered to the surrounding four.

Feeling the strong pressure from the other side, Qin Lang seems to be reluctant to accept it. Unfortunately, he has too little time for himself. Even if he gives himself another two or three months, he is sure to enter the jiedan realm directly. It will not be difficult to kill this person at that time. Where can he do his best like now, but he still can't get the result he wants

"boom ”Although Qin Lang's accomplishments and vision are much better than xuedanzi, his body is still only the later stage of building the foundation state. Zhenyuanli is far from being able to compare with that in the later period of jiedan realm. At this time, the monks in jiedan realm were inferior after all, and were picked out by xuedanzi with a spear flower.

"Boy, you still have some real talent. You'd better surrender so that you won't suffer too, OK? You can die a little more cleanly in this way Seeing Qin Lang's downfall, xuedanzi said sarcastically.

"Surrender? I'm so old that I don't know how to write the word "surrender". You're good. You have the face to tell me that a monk in the later period of jiedan state and I, a little monk who built the foundation state, got into such a situation. Where is the face? No more? "

In the face of xuedanzi's sarcasm, Qin Lang doesn't care. During this time on earth, he has learned how to fight back. After all, language attack is also a good way to attack, and even can directly break the opponent's heart.

Qin Lang already had a feeling. He was different from the first emperor. Before that, he would never try his best. But now? Hehe, looking at xuedanzi's face, he was as comfortable as eating ice cream in dog days.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth! I will kill you now Looking at the brother who was injured by Qin Lang's last field, xuedanzi had no mind to talk to him again. He directly attacked him with a long gun.

Looking at the long gun from xuedanzi, Qin Lang is not in the least flustered. He has already planned to explode the remaining two fields. He is not afraid that he can not be seriously injured.

If you don't want to give up, you'll lose your life. It's really a sesame seed and a watermelon."Boy, die!" Just when xuedanzi was not far away from himself, Qin Lang suddenly detonated his last two fields, and the powerful force of space ran wild. Even the long gun transformed from the metal domain in xuedanzi's hands had the meaning of collapse.

"What? He has the courage to blow up both fields. Is this boy crazy? Didn't he know it would cause a space storm? "

Feeling the power of space, tearing his body, xuedanzi was scared, and stopped his body to continue to rush forward, carrying up the whole body's real yuan force to resist.

However, Qin Lang obviously doesn't care about this. The two fields detonate by themselves, and the space turbulence is also caused by the explosion of the field. Although it can't be completely resisted, there are traces to follow. As long as you are careful, you won't be hurt by the force of chaotic space.

Qin Lang smiles. He knows that xuedanzi, who is now fighting against the power of space, is absolutely afraid to attack himself at this moment. Otherwise, he will be engulfed by the force of space without doing it by himself, and he will enter the endless turbulent flow of space and find no way back.

Looking at the blood Dan son who has no strength to fight back in front of him, Qin Lang's heart moves. He thought of a mark given to him by his subordinates when he was still a God.