At this time, the real master behind Tianqiu alliance was practicing in the secret room, but suddenly he received an urgent message from his subordinates: leader, something is wrong. Come out and have a look!

"What's the matter? Don't you know that our leader is at the critical moment of cultivation?" Although he said this, the leader of Tianqiu alliance still took up the running skills and walked out of the secret room, because he knew that if there was nothing urgent, his subordinates would never disturb him when he was practicing.

"What's the matter?" The leader of Tianqiu alliance, who walked out of the secret room, looked at the fat man who gave him a message of Yufu and asked, "if there is nothing important, the next month's salary will be gone."

"Alliance leader, don't, I must have something important to tell you. You must not deduct my next month's salary!" The fat man repeatedly waved his hands, "this is the message jade slips that just came from outside. Look at the breath above, it should be Qin Lang's

"Qin Lang? Send us the transmission jade slips? Here's the thing. Show it to me. " When the leader of Tianqiu League heard the fat man say this, he quickly opened his mouth and said that Qin Lang would deliver jade slips to himself. Something must have happened.

"Yes, alliance leader, this is the jade slips from the outside." The fat man respectfully handed the jade slips to the alliance leader. The latter broke through the prohibition of Qin Lang with his divine sense. After reading the contents carefully, his face became extremely dignified.

"The leader I don't know what Qin Lang said in it... " Looking at the alliance leader's face changed instantly, the fat man asked carefully. It seems that something really happened.

"Outside friars came to our planet in an attempt to kill our friars and eliminate our civilization. Qin Lang was alone and led them to kill them with the power of self explosion. Let me gather some people who have been there to kill the fish who have missed the net." Holding Qin Lang's jade pendant tightly in his hand, the leader of Tianqiu League said this.

"What? Outside friars? " Hearing what the leader said, the fat man was obviously shocked. He immediately wanted to fight and wanted to live in Qin Lang.

"You want to help him?" It seems that he heard something funny. The leader of Tianqiu alliance laughed, "a group of 13 people, except for the leader who was the cultivation in the later period of the robbery period, the other 12 people were all the accomplishments of jiedan realm. Do you want to help him? If you don't like yourself for too long, just go

The man who was still eager to try heard the leader say that, and instantly he was like an eggplant beaten by frost. He was joking. Now he is only building the foundation. How can he help Qin Lang.

"Alliance leader, what should we do? Let Qin Lang destroy them by himself?" The big man was worried.

"Let me think, let me think." When the leader of Tianqiu alliance heard this, he waved his hand to show him to be quiet. He asked himself to think about a way. Seeing the leader's action, he shut his mouth wisely.

After about five or six minutes, the leader suddenly opened his eyes, "Zhang Meng, mobilize all your contacts in the army, and let them immediately pull out an army, equipped with the most sophisticated weapons, and rush to the place mentioned in Qin Lang Yu's bamboo slips, and release the news that there will be a major military exercise. What should we do next? I don't need to teach you?"

"You mean..." When Zhang Meng heard his leader say this, he immediately understood what he meant. In today's era, although it can be said that a true practitioner can be said to be an invincible single soldier, it is absolutely fatal to be hit by the current thermal weapons in a state of surprise!

"I see. I'll do it right away!" Zhang Meng nods to his leader, then turns around and disappears into the night. Looking at Zhang Meng's disappearing figure, the leader of Tianqiu alliance thinks about it. He takes a phone from a safe that has not been used for a long time and dials the only one on it.

"Hello, old man, it's me. Something's wrong. I need your help, otherwise..."

Just as the Tianqiu alliance's people are struggling with how to support Qin Lang, Qin Lang is slowly taking them around in circles. Anyway, they don't know where the specific location is. They don't even take them to where they go.

After wandering for about an hour or so, looking at Zheng Zixiao's impatient face, Qin Lang knew that if he didn't bring some real things with him, I'm afraid they would have no patience to follow him.

"Well, I don't know how the Tianqiu alliance's people are preparing. What's the matter?" Qin Lang sighed and immediately said to Zheng Zixiao, "elder, I'm going to take what you see in front of me. I hope you can be ready."

"This seat has been ready more than an hour ago, boy. If you can't bring out anything good, you'll wait and see." Zheng Zixiao said impatiently to Qin Lang.

"Please rest assured that you will not be disappointed." Qin Lang arched his hand and said to him, "the front is there. The breath there is too strong for me to enter. You can go and have a look."Pointing to an abandoned factory not far away, Qin Lang said that it was the first place he had landed on the earth. Almost every object in it was contaminated with the breath of Qin Lang, who was still the spirit of heaven!

"The aboriginal friars on the aboriginal planet can't even get in. What a waste!" It seems that Qin Lang can be placed directly under Zheng Zixiao's door. Lenghai sneers at Qin Lang before, and then hugs Zheng Zixiao with a fist. "Elder, I'd like to be the first one to check. I hope the elder can accomplish it."

"It's rare that you have such a heart. Go ahead and be careful." Zheng Zixiao nodded slightly.

"Yes." Lenghai answered, then spread his divine consciousness and went up. He believed that nothing could hurt him on this kind of Aboriginal planet. He did not use Zhenyuan force to protect his body, so he went straight into the abandoned warehouse.

"Fool!" Qin Lang murmured in his heart. How strong was Tianzun? What's more, he was definitely one of the most powerful tianzuns at that time. Even if there was only breath left, it would not be possible for a monk in Dan state to protect his body without Zhenyuan power.

Therefore, the first thing he did after he had the strength to build the foundation environment was to surround it with prohibitions to prevent ordinary people from coming here and harming innocent people.