You know, being shut in the eyes of the spirit beast here, either helpless and begging, or despair and fear, where will be like this one, the eyes even spread a trace of disdain, which made Qin Lang interested in it, and immediately went back to it.

"Dare to ask this Taoist friend, how much is the price of this spirit beast?" He didn't see the price on the cage. Qin Lang was a little curious. Then he turned around and asked the monk the day after tomorrow who was always following him.

"This one?" The people who followed Qin Lang were obviously very surprised, "if you like this elder, you can take it away by paying a yellow crystal." He said respectfully to Qin Lang.

"A topaz? Why is this spirit beast so cheap? " Thinking of the hundreds of yellow crystal and even green crystal that he saw just now, Qin Lang was obviously surprised to hear the price.

"Master, you don't know. The reason why it's so cheap is because this guy is so disgusting."

The friar explained to Qin Lang, "this guy once sent out the most experienced appraisal master of the Royal beast clan to evaluate it. He didn't know what it was. He just felt like a horse. It should be used for walking, so he collected it."

Under this man's explanation, Qin Lang knew that the spirit beast, which looked like a horse, was good at the beginning. It was always in the cage, waiting for someone to choose and buy it. But recently, I don't know what happened. I didn't know what to eat. This guy started farting, and it was still very smelly. So, he stopped It's hard for those who want to buy it back and use it as a mount.

You know, riding this kind of thing, of course, the more windy the better. If you buy a guy who keeps farting, it's not like you laugh off your teeth when you go back? So the price of this guy is falling again and again. By this time, it has reached the point of giving away for nothing.

Hearing this man's explanation to himself, it seems that to verify what he said, the spirit beast in front of Qin Lang started to fart directly, and it was really extremely smelly and disgusting.

"Ha ha ha, this guy is a bit interesting. OK, I'll buy it!" Qin Lang obviously doesn't care about this guy's ability to fart. Anyway, what he needs is just a walking tool. Who can buy it? Doesn't he just fart? Can't you shield your sense of smell?

What's more, what he values is the extremely human side of this guy.

"What? Do you really want to buy it? " Hearing Qin Lang say so, the friar of the day after tomorrow is obviously a little surprised. He doesn't think it is cheap. In his opinion, Qin Lang can buy a better mount.

"Yes, that's it. Let it go. I want to ride it now."

Qin Lang smiles, and then throws him a yellow crystal. In his opinion, no matter what kind of spirit animal it is, it is only a walking tool. What's more, it is not necessary to ride on it himself. What should we do with such a high price?

"OK, just a moment. I'll release it for you right away."

My dearest heavenly way, since I bought this guy back, my boss has broken his heart for him. Even if it is given away for nothing, no one is willing to take it. Now someone has bought it. It is estimated that the boss will reward himself after he knows it.

The friar the day after tomorrow thought in his heart.

"Master, wait a moment. I'll clean it for you immediately, so as not to stain your Taoist robe for a while." The cultivator of the day after tomorrow said to Qin Lang, "I don't know if you still need saddles. We also sell them here."

"You have sold all the things of the Royal beast clan. Take me to have a look." With a big wave of his hand, Qin Lang led him down to the place where the saddles were sold. He picked one that looked very comfortable. Then he settled the account and led the washed spirit beast out of the gate of yuuzong.

"Elder martial brother, the boy came out and actually bought a mount. It seems that we really met fat sheep this time." One of the disciples behind the big man with beard said to him.

"Do you need to tell me? I've got eyes on myself Looking at the spirit beast that looks like a horse and a horse following Qin Lang, the big man with beard said to his younger martial brother in a bad mood.

"Come on, follow him and see what else he wants to buy." After thinking about it, the four followed Qin Lang and wanted to see what the rich boy wanted to buy. Anyway, what he bought now was his own sooner or later.

However, the next Qin Lang did not seem to have the desire to continue shopping. Instead, he led the spirit beast he had just bought into the forest of monsters. It seemed that he wanted to catch some spirit animals.

"Oh? No more shopping? " It's not easy to buy things by yourself, but it's not easy to buy things by yourself.

At this time, Qin Lang didn't realize the danger. Instead, he led the spirit beast he had just bought and said something in his mouth."I said old horse..." Qin Lang originally wanted to give it a better name, but looking at its cheeky appearance, he lost his interest. He just looked at the two strands of white hair on his ears, and he looked like a horse, and then he gave it such a casual name.

"I said, old horse, I know that you are certainly not an ordinary spirit beast. I can see it from your eyes. Don't try to hide it from me. I can feel it." Qin Lang stroked the body of the washed old horse, and said to it, "you don't have to hide. When do you want to say it later?"

However, the spirit beast, which looks like a horse, doesn't seem to understand what Qin Lang is talking about. He just shakes his head, makes a random snort, and gets a lump of sticky green things out of his nose. By the way, he puts a stinky fart, wags its tail, and runs straight ahead.

Looking at the spirit beast so like this, Qin Lang didn't care to smile, and stepped up his pace. "Hey, I said I bought you, but I didn't want me to run after you. You stopped to let me ride on it."

Seeing Qin Lang want to go to the direction of the monster forest, his beard behind him made a gesture to his brothers. Several people showed a trend of encirclement and followed. It seems that the time is getting closer and closer.