"I don't believe it. Are you so hard for me to catch you?" Seeing that he had been pounding in the water for a long time without catching a fish, Qin Lang felt a little anxious in his heart. In addition, seeing the old horse beside him, he seemed to emit a humanized laughter, and some of his face could not hang.

But face can not be used as a meal to eat, his stomach is really hungry, helpless, Qin Lang can only use the real Yuan Li from the stream inside to catch a few fish out.

Seeing this, the old horse disdained to snort twice from his nostrils. It seemed that he did not agree with Qin Lang's practice. However, the latter did not say anything. Anyway, he could catch fish. If he wanted face again, he would suffer. After using Zhenyuan force, Qin Lang caught four or five fish in a few minutes 。

Looking at the fish that had been thrown on the bank, Qin Lang also gave up the idea of catching it, and came up from the water. Anyway, there were many dead trees and branches in the forest. After finding some, he set up a fire and began to roast the fish.

After a short time, when the smell of the roasted fish was slowly released, the old horse who had been chasing butterflies beside him suddenly came to the spirit. He even went to the fire directly and looked at the seven or eight mature fish that had been roasted. He did not move. It seems that he has great interest in the roast fish.

"Look at your greedy appearance. It's not cooked yet. I'll give it to you when it's done." Seeing the old horse's eyes fixed, Qin Lang laughed and said to it, "I'm anxious, but I can't eat hot tofu."

However, when Qin Lang was rolling the roast fish, his divine sense detected that there were traces of others nearby.

Before seeing each other clearly, a man in a cloak and a black robe suddenly appeared in front of Qin Lang, "this fish is well roasted. Do you mind if I sit down?"

Because of his hoarse voice, Qin Lang didn't know whether he was a man or a woman. He not only wore a cloak, but also wore loose clothes, which wrapped the whole body in it.

But the only thing that can be confirmed is that this man's realm is not very high. Only his accomplishments in the middle period of building the foundation state. Based on the principle that more is better than less, Qin Lang nodded to him, "since you are destined to meet here, just sit down."

Hearing Qin Lang say so, the man in the black robe gave him a slightly unexpected look, "Oh, aren't you afraid that I'm plotting against you? Let me sit next to you without fear of my killing you? "

"You are very interesting. If you want to sit down and sit down, you can't get so much nonsense. You can eat it or not. After a while, the fish will be cooked. If you talk so much, you will not have any part."

Hear the man in black say so! Qin Lang couldn't help but curl his lips. A monk in the middle of the construction of the foundation state was still dreaming of killing himself. Isn't this a Arabian Night Dream?

"First, you don't have a reason for me to make a move. Second, your realm is a little lower than that of me. I have the ability to understand and tie you before you make a move, and third..."

Qin Lang looked at the black robed man sitting beside him and said to him, "your stomach is growling now. If you still have the heart to fight me, then I have nothing to say."

It seems that in order to verify what Qin Lang said, the stomach of the black robed man made two "gurgling" sounds, which made the face of the person hiding in the black robe red instantly. Fortunately, there was a cloak to cover up, but he was not afraid to be seen by Qin Lang.

"Eat it..." While speaking, Qin Lang handed a roasted fish to the black robed man. Although he said that he had just analyzed three reasons why he would not do it by himself, he was still ready to attack in the dark.

"Wow, it's delicious." The black robed man took the roast fish from Qin Langdi, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it. Then he said in surprise, "I didn't expect that a monk would have such a good skill. Where did you learn this technique of roasting fish?"

Hearing this question from the black robed man, Qin Lang's smiling face collapsed in a short period of time. This technique of grilling fish was his favorite on earth, but now I don't know how many light years have passed since he left the earth. If he wants to go back, he has to practice until after the cultivation of Tianzun.

Thinking of Luo Xianjun and Su manling on the earth, Qin Lang's heart throbbed. Since he returned to the cultivation world, he has not thought of two people. Either they are pursuing monks or they are addicted to the understanding of the picture. This is their first time to get up.

Thinking of the jade slips that he left for them when he was leaving, Qin Lang felt a little comforted. As long as they practiced according to their own guidance, they would be able to achieve the cultivation of jiedan and jiedan one day.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang's eyes revealed a trace of nostalgic eyes, which let the black robed man sitting next to him look straight, "are you thinking of your Taoist partner? That's what my dad looks like when he thinks about my mother

Hearing this from the man in black robe, Qin Lang laughed and said, "you can't stop your mouth from eating. After you finish eating, you can go back and forth from where. This is not the place you can stay!" Then he handed him another grilled fish in his hand.However, the man in black obviously didn't hear Qin Lang's explanation. Hearing Qin Lang's words, he obviously touched a nerve in his heart, and immediately bit the fish heavily, as if to vent his dissatisfaction.

When the black robed man was eating the roast fish, he looked at the corner of his face occasionally exposed when eating the grilled fish through his thin veil. Qin Lang guessed in his heart, is this guy a woman?

Since he was born again, he has no habit of exploring others with his divine sense at any time. On the one hand, he does not respect others, but his current cultivation is too low. What would happen if someone with a strange temper noticed it.

It seems to feel Qin Lang's gaze on his face. After biting the fish heavily, the man in Black said to him fiercely, "what are you looking at? Haven't you seen me eat? Many things

Hearing this, Qin Lang understood that the other party obviously didn't want to reveal his real identity, and then pointed to him, "you're right. I've never seen you eat fish."

It was the first time they met. They didn't even know what he looked like, let alone have seen him eat fish. Therefore, Qin Lang's answer was not abrupt.