"I said you were in a hurry. Now it's done? Here you are After hearing Qin Lang's urging, Heisha directly handed him the fish he had made, and said to him, "if it wasn't for the fact that your roast fish is really delicious, I would not serve you? You know Ben I've never done anything like this in our family

"All right, all right, you don't want to put gold on your face any more." After Qin Lang took the fish from Heisha's hand, he chose a few tender ones to roast, and all the others were thrown into the pot made of iron essence to cook soup.

When he threw all the more than ten fish into the pot, Qin Lang did not forget to throw some red mushrooms he had found by the stream. It was a good thing to use for fresh food. It was delicious.

After a while, the iron pot had already sent out bursts of strong fragrance, and the fish on the fire was crispy and tender inside by Qin Lang, giving off a burst of delicious smell that made people's stomach purr.

"OK, OK. Look at your unpromising appearance. Here you are. After eating, leave quickly. I still have business to do." Listening to the gurgling voice from the black robed man's stomach, Qin Lang laughed and then handed him a fish that had been roasted in his hand.

"What do you mean I'm hopeless? Hello, you see your saliva is about to flow out!" The black robed man took the roasted fish from Qin Lang's hand, and then said to him, "I've told you my name. Should you tell me your name?"

"Is Heisha a name?" Hearing this, Qin Lang shook his head helplessly, "my name is Qin Lang, you can call my name directly later."

"Qin Lang is a very good name to remember. According to your appearance, you are also a member of tiandaozong? Why, do you know a guy named Qin Shou Hearing his name, the man in black asked Qin Lang curiously.

"Qin Shou? what's wrong? Do you have any enmity with him Hearing what the man in Black said, a string suddenly broke up in Qin Lang's heart. Then he searched all the memory of Qin Shou, but he didn't find any information about the black robed man.

"Ah? There's no hatred, it's just... " The black robed man just wanted to say something, but saw Qin Lang cast a curious look at himself, and then he snorted coldly, "whatever you do, eat your fish quickly."

"Yes Hearing this, Qin Lang curled his lips. He didn't mean to inquire about it. He seemed to know Qin Shou?

This is not right. If he really knew Qin Shou, how could he not recognize himself when he stood in front of him now? After all, although I say it's rebirth now, my appearance has not changed.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang shakes his head and shakes his thoughts out of his head. What he wants to do now is of no use. The most urgent thing is to fill his stomach first, and then quickly return to the cave to understand the scroll.

After having a big fish feast with Heisha, Qin Lang takes his old horse to the depths of the monster forest. He finds several wild animals similar to Zhangzi on the earth. After draining the blood, he puts them into his storage bag for the next time to eat. Otherwise, it will not last long in the cave alone.

"Come on, boy, we've had enough to eat. Otherwise, we'll leave and see you in the future?" Qin Lang said to the black devil lying beside him.

"The lake? Where is the lake? Where is this place? Is it fun? " Hearing Qin Lang say goodbye to himself, the man in black beside him couldn't help but be curious and said to him.

I have been through countless classics in Zhongmen for so many years, but I have never heard of any place called the river and lake.

Hearing this, Qin Lang patted his head and almost forgot that it was not on earth. "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes." After saying a word to him, which can be called the most classic words on earth, Qin Lang arched his hand at him, "this is the word, little brother, take care of yourself! This monster forest is not an ordinary place. If there is any crisis, you'd better go back as soon as possible. Don't let your elders worry about it. "

"Well, you don't really think that I, a monk in the early stage of foundation construction, dare to be so arrogant that I can go into the monster forest alone?" Hearing Qin Lang say so, Heisha directly from his black robe issued a cold hum, it seems that Qin Lang said this low IQ words are very surprised.

"Come on, no matter who you come with, just pay attention. I'm going back." Qin Lang didn't know that this boy must have come here with his family elders. He subconsciously swept him with his divine sense, but he didn't find them around. There was only one reasonable explanation, that is, the realm of people hiding in the dark is much higher than himself.

Thinking of this, Qin Lang carefully arched his hand at him, "then I'll go back first. Take care of yourself and leave.""Well, wait a minute. I have something for you." Seeing that Qin Lang was about to leave, Heisha waved to him and stopped him. "You see, you cook very delicious. I'll give you this big pot. It's also a memorial for our two acquaintances.

"You want to give me this big pot? I'm so good at cooking? " After hearing Qin's job, it's hard for him to cook?

Looking at this time, there are still some unfinished fish soup in the cauldron. Qin Lang waved to the old horse, "old horse, hurry up. After drinking these things, we two will go back. But I still have business to do."

At this time, the old horse eating the roast fish heard Qin Lang say so, so he ran over and smelled the fish smell in the fish pot, and drank the fish soup in the pot without any taboo.

"Do I really have a gift for cooking?" Seeing this, Qin Lang asked himself a question in his heart. Then he said thanks to Heisha, put the cauldron into his storage bag, and took the old horse away from here.

"And an interesting fellow." Seeing Qin Lang pulling an old horse into the depths of the monster forest, the black evil spirit said to the nothingness beside him, "elder nine, what do you think of this man? If I take him back..."