"Boss, did you just speak to me?" Under Qin Lang's divinity exploration, he was surprised to find that he was the only one in the blacksmith's shop. However, for the sake of safety, he asked.

"You are very interesting, can't you see me alone in the blacksmith's shop? You also asked so much nonsense. Is it true that there is a boundary fruit in your hand? Take it out and let me have a look. If it doesn't, don't blame me for directly hitting you with this big hammer. "

Hearing Qin Lang say so, people whose figure is not in line with his face grinned at him, revealed his big yellow teeth, and said to Qin Lang, "I see that you little doll is now the cultivation of the later period of building the foundation. You can still get the boundary result. In any case, I don't believe it. If you really have it, let me show it to you."

"I don't know what you call it yet?" Hearing the blacksmith say so, Qin Lang smiles. Instead of struggling with him, he asks for his name.

"Just call me the bell hammer, and don't try to change the subject. I said if you have bounded fruit, show it to me now." Hearing Qin Lang's question, Zhong hammer put his hammer beside him and walked in front of him.

Until he came to his eyes, Qin Lang found that the pressure from a man two meters tall was so great that he had to look up at the clock hammer.

"I'll leave the things outside now. If you want to see them, just go out with me." Because he was too close to himself, Qin Lang had to step back two steps, raised his head and said to him.

"Oh? Listen to what you mean. It seems that you can really have a boundary After hearing Qin Lang say this to himself, Zhong hammer also has a trace of hesitation on his face. He takes a look at his own stove and strides out. He wants to see whether the Jieguo which has not appeared for many years will appear in his blacksmith's shop.

"Well? Is it true? " At a glance, he saw the Jieguo which Qin Lang had put on the table and some Lingjing beside him. His eyes brightened immediately. He immediately grasped the green and black fruit in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"It's really Jieguo. You really didn't talk big to me." Bell hammer put the fruit in his hand and looked at it carefully. Unexpectedly, after a while, his face suddenly changed.

"Damn it, this thing is not Jieguo at all. Where did you find such a thing to cheat me? It's really hateful. "

Originally, Qin Lang was so happy to see Zhong hammer, but he was still surprised. Unexpectedly, what happened next was that he said it was a fake. However, this incident directly changed his face.

"Oh? You say it's fake? What evidence do you have for it, don't you? "

"Evidence?" The color of the bell hammer changed a little. Then he put the fruit on the table and snorted to Qin Lang, "what I said is evidence. The common boundary fruit is usually green and black. Every 50 years, there will be a pattern similar to the tree ring on its outer skin. It seems that there are nine rings on your Jieguo. It should have been 450 years It's history. "

Qin Lang looked at the fruit he had thrown on the table. As he said, there were nine clear patterns on it. He was puzzled. In this case, why should we say that the fruit is fake?

It seems that Qin Lang was puzzled. The big man named zhonghammer opened his mouth and explained to him, "the mature fruits of ordinary Jieguo usually have a pure true yuan force, which is why we monks can use it. However, some fruits with a longer age have a little space force in their bodies, which is why in legend 9 More than 100000 years later, the boundary will become a world of its own. "

Qin Lang nodded. He knew what Zhong hammer said. But how could he conclude that the fruit he took out was fake?

"This fruit has almost all these characteristics of Jieguo, but only one thing is that there is not only the true element force in this fruit, but also a slight Demon power, which is obviously formed after tomorrow. If I infer correctly, it should be infused by big demons to ripen it. Although it is also the boundary fruit, it is Is it a fake that we can't use it? "

At this time, he looked at Qin Lang with a blank face. He seemed to have an answer in his heart. It seems that he didn't know that this thing was fake, so he used it to make a magic weapon for him.

After hearing this explanation from the person opposite him, Qin Lang understood that it was no wonder that the boundary fruit he had obtained in the forest of monsters contained a trace of Demon power. It turned out that there was a big demon blood infused into it, so that he could get rid of himself in vain.

"So it is. I said that how can a boundary fruit appear in the monster forest? It was ripened with demon blood." Qin Lang said to himself, saying that he would take the fruit out of the table. Since it is no longer useful, let's see if there is a slightly larger storage magic weapon that you can use yourself. Just buy one again.

"Wait, what did you just say? You said that you found this fruit in the monster forest? " It seems to have heard something incredible. Zhong hammer quickly grabbed Qin Lang's arm and looked at him closely. It looked as if there was something very important."Yes, I found it in the monster forest. What's the matter? Don't you say that because he was irrigated and ripened by demon blood, there will be Demon power in it? Can't a monk use it? " Seeing that the clock hammer suddenly became like this, Qin Lang had some doubts in his heart, but he still vaguely felt that things seemed to have changed.

"Is that true? Is this really what you found in the forest of monsters As if he was afraid of hearing something wrong, the bell hammer asked Qin Lang again and again whether the boundary fruit was found in the monster forest. After getting Qin Lang's repeated affirmative answers, he was suddenly excited.

"It's true! It's true! The master said it was true! I didn't expect that my clock hammer could see the boundary fruit cultivated with Demon power in my lifetime. It's really heaven has eyes

Qin Lang watched the two meter tall man in front of him with tears and tears, which scared him to step back directly. Anyone who saw a man as strong as iron fell in front of you, I'm afraid he would be very surprised.

"Well, that Would you like to explain to me the difference between the boundary fruit containing Demon power and ordinary Jieguo Seeing that the big man was so excited that he held the fruit tightly in his hand, Qin Lang carefully put his hand on his arm, took the fruit out of his hand, and asked.