"Ha ha ha, of course it will be very handsome. Otherwise, why should I ask you to buy those decorations? Do I think I have too much money? " Qin Lang, who had thought that old Ma would not buy decorations, could not help laughing at his last words, and said to him, "but before this, we two still sell some things from the monster forest. Otherwise, we will not have enough money."

You know, no matter what it is, as long as it is near the monster forest, the price will surely go up, and the money in your hand will not be enough.

"It's easy to do. In the last ten days, we two hunted and killed the fur of the spirit animals and the miraculous elixir. We can definitely sell them at a good price. But are you sure you want to set up a stall here?" It seems to have seen Qin Lang's intention. The old horse snorted and asked Qin Lang.

Although it is said that the products sold at the stall are relatively fast, the corresponding price will certainly be very low. If you could have sold more than a dozen green crystals on the stall, you might not even be able to sell ten.

"There's no way. We're going to leave early tomorrow morning. If we put it in the auction house, we'll have to go through identification first and then a series of procedures. Then we'll be late." Of course, Qin Lang knew that the price of his stall would be much lower, but the time was still too little for him.

"That's right. Let's set up a stall now." I don't know if he was bewitched by Qin lang. now Lao Ma wants to make more money and then buy his own decorations. Looking at Qin Lang who constantly takes things out of his storage bag, he also asks, "I say boy, what decorations should I get on my body to show that I am tall and extraordinary?"

"Believe me, you are actually very tall and extraordinary now, but you need something more finishing to decorate you." At this time, Qin Lang held back his smile and said to the old horse,

"Oh? Is it? Are you sure? " It seems that he doubted what Qin Lang said. The old horse was not sure, but when he saw a stream beside him, he couldn't help walking over and looking at his reflection in the stream. The old horse said with narcissism: "it's really a noble, elegant and handsome spirit animal indeed!"

"Ha ha! What do I hear? How could such an ugly beast call itself noble, elegant and handsome? There's no reason for that, OK? I'll laugh to death! "

Just when the old horse fell into narcissism, a voice came from the side, but it directly let it rush to bite people's mind. Along the direction of the sound, it saw a figure in black robe.

"Oh? Is it you, Heisha? Have you come out of the forest of monsters Qin Lang had noticed this before the man made a mockery of Ma. However, there were so many people dressed up that Qin Lang didn't dare to recognize him for a while. After hearing his voice, Qin Lang asked him tentatively.

"Yes, it's me. I'm coming out. Qin Lang, I'm not talking about you. You're such a funny beast. You're so handsome. Don't you know how to write these four words without face and skin?"

Qin Lang did not guess wrong. This guy was the black devil who had a fish dinner with him. However, he was obviously amused by the old horse's words. He even squatted on the ground, pointed to the old horse and laughed.

"I said boy, you don't want to look like this, you make me very embarrassed." I can see that the old horse's mood at this time is definitely not so happy, Qin Lang said to the black evil.

"Hahaha, can you blame me? Your spirit beast says that he is handsome and extraordinary. If you want to be so handsome, it's OK. But But... " He stopped laughing and then stood up.

"Qin Lang, did I hear you correctly? This is your spirit beast. It can speak? It's amazing. What kind of animal is this? I'm going to buy one to play with. "

After Qin Lang heard this, it was already a black line. You just said that it had no face or skin. This moment, you have to buy one by yourself, and now you know that it can speak. Is this reaction arc too long.

"Well To tell you the truth, I don't know what kind of spirit beast it is, but now I have a piece of advice for you. Do you want to listen to it? " Looking at this time has already wanted to rush up the old horse, Qin Lang said to the black evil spirit.

"Advice? What advice? Tell me. " Heisha was obviously interested in what Qin Lang said and turned to him.

"The advice is that you'd better apologize to it now, or I won't be responsible for what it does!"

Qin Lang said solemnly to the black evil spirit. He knows the temperament of old horse. If you say a few words that you don't like to hear, you may not know how to kick your feet with you, especially when you meet such a person who is not familiar with him. I'm afraid he won't give him any face.

"Oh, really? You are also very interesting. Do you need my apology? " Hearing Qin Lang say so, Heisha was obviously surprised, but looking at the angry old horse, he still chose to come to it."Pony, pony, I just said something wrong. Can you forgive me? But you are really thick skinned. You can't say you are good-looking. You have to let others praise you to be really good-looking. "

Originally heard the Heisha's apology, Ma's anger had been largely eliminated, but when he heard what he said later, the anger flared up again, but then another word from Heisha directly let it eliminate his anger.

"Look carefully, you are ugly and handsome, but it seems that you still need to have a hairdressing or something. I'll take you to a special place to dress up for spirit animals. How about cleaning up for you?"

Hearing this, the old horse had already forgotten all the unhappiness he had just had. Then he opened his mouth to the black evil spirit and said, "Oh, there is a special place for animals. Where is it? I don't know. "

When Qin Lang heard the black evil saying this, he came directly to the two of them and said to him, "let's talk about it later. I need to sell some things now. If you don't mind, stay here with me for a while."

The black evil spirit looked at the small stall that he had set up, and showed an interested look. "Although things are common, they can still be regarded as high-quality goods. Why don't you take them to the auction house and have to set up a stall here?"